Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 981: Enlightenment from the leader (26)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

Into the night.

The lights outside the Confederate Palace were brightly lit, and everyone was busy preparing to attack the Confederate Palace. The people around were afraid to be affected and ran away.

In the palace of the Confederate Master, there was peace, and even a scent came out of the palace, which caught everyone greedy.

They are busy outside, and she is happy inside.

Lift the table!

The Confederate House despised them so much!

At this time, everyone was more determined to get rid of Mingshu.

Now that everyone is clear, no one outside is hiding, and when ready, launch an attack immediately.


At the order, countless rockets rose into the sky.

But they found that the rockets were not going to the main palace, but to them.


"what happened!"

"There is an ambush! There is an ambush!"

The rocket fell into the crowd, the smoke filled, followed by the popping sound of everyone falling down.

"Poisonous... Smoke is poisonous!!"

Someone reminded loudly.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

Almost everyone inhaled the smoke, lying on the ground too much and couldn't move the bomb. At the time of inhalation, there was no energy at all, and the swaying barely supported the body.

Neat footsteps and armor friction sounds came from several streets.

Soldiers in uniform will appear, quickly surrounding them.

Everyone was beating heartily, how could the people of the court appear here? !

"Ha ha ha ha, today everyone can get together and save a lot of trouble." A hearty laugh came from behind the team, the team separated, and one person was riding on the horse.

"Sword!" Jianghu hero saw at a glance, riding the sword in the hands of men.

How could the sword be in the hands of the court? Wasn’t it taken away by the demon? !

Among the electric light and flint, someone figured out the key and looked at the man in disbelief.

The man laughed: "It seems that some people have understood, that's right, all this is the bureau we set up."

"From the Excalibur, to the fact that you are not at odds with the Demon Sect, those factions are also made by us. Are you a group of people who claim to be smart? Gee..."

Men's words make those who haven't figured it out, also understand it.

They are in the middle.

Everything was planned by the court.

Seeing that they had both defeated and defeated the demon cult, they were good to take advantage of the fisherman.

"you guys……"

They were turned around by the court people.


The man stopped laughing and waved his face in a low face: "Have you all entertained, and search around, don't have a fish that missed the net."


Everyone was tied up, and some people looked at the still unmoved Confederate House: "Qing Luo is also with you?"

If it wasn't for Qinglu to come forward and admit, how could they get together today?

Is Qingluo not colluding with the Demon Religion...but the government?

No no no... Maybe the demon religion is colluding with the government.

Thinking of this, everyone looked even more ugly.

The top power of the whole rivers and lakes are gathered here. They were all arrested today. What will happen next? How would the court take them?

"Qing Luo?" The man narrowed his eyes: "Your ally? You're not afraid to tell you that your ally has nothing to do with us... However, she also helped a lot."

Hearing these three words does not matter, everyone dare not to breathe a sigh of relief.

Not colluding with the imperial court, that is colluding with the demon.

"You group of court running dogs, how do you want to take us!"

"Small miscellaneous things, have the ability to let go of your grandpa..."

"Wang Ba Lazi, the man behind her..."

There are also powerful Jianghu heroes who have slammed and shouted.

"You still need to save some energy." The man sneered. He waved his hand and someone immediately approached them to stop them.

The man turned and looked at the man standing in the shadow: "Ning Shen doctor, the main palace..."

"Go knock on the door." Ning Shen said.

The man thought that the news had been passed in. His Royal Highness should have done it and let people knock on the door.

The main door of the main palace opened in response, and the people came out with lanterns, as if they were preparing for a long time, just wait for them to knock on the door.

The girl appeared slowly with people, and the light and shadow swayed.

The man looked at the Rongli around Mingshu in amazement: "Your Highness, what's going on?"

Why are the people in the main palace all right?

The people of the League of Lords looked at Rongli in a puzzling way. What is Your Highness?

Rong Li leaned against Mingshu and rolled his eyes in his heart. How could Lao Tzu start his daughter-in-law for the sake of you ordinary people.

Seeing Rongli's actions, the man was very angry: "His Royal Highness, you will not be fooled by her, forget your task?"

Rong Li kept silent, just hiding behind Ming Shu.

the man:"……"

Mingshu stretched out his hand to hold Rongli's hand, fingers crossed through the cracks of his fingers, interlocking fingers.

Rong Li's eyebrows showed a smile, shrinking himself behind Mingshu.

"Go in."

Rong Li smiled stiffly.


Rong centrifuge reluctantly entered the main palace.

Mingshu's eyes swept at random, and he smiled with a smile: "When fighting in the main palace of our ally, we have to pay the venue fee. Who will pay for the fee?"

"It seems that your Highness has not completed the task." Ning Shen doctor walked out of the dark place, looking at the light.

With a smile on the face of the snake's disease, you don't have to guess who it is.

"You dare to come."

"Why don't you dare." Luo Yan continued to move forward, completely exposed to the light: "I look forward to seeing you."

"How are you expecting to die this time?"

Luo Yan raised her index finger and put it on her lips: "It's not cute anymore, how can you say such a **** thing when you meet?"

"I am cute, I am afraid of myself." Mingshu boasted without changing his face.

Luo Yan seemed to be choked.

After a moment, a surprise appeared: "I have a question to ask you, how do you know?"

The topic shifted very naturally without any sense of contradiction... a fart.

Mingshu smiled first: "Don't you know everything? Guess what."

Luo Yan: "..."

If he could guess, how could he ask her.

Luo Yan did not bother how Ming Shu discovered that he had done so.

He said: "Be a little bit better and give me the things, I won't trouble you for the time being, how?"

Ming Shu asked: "What is it?"

Luo Yan chong Mingshu blinked: "We don't need to be so polite, what do you don't know?"

The ambiguous tone seemed as if there was a leg between them.

Mingshu flipped his wrist and threw it towards Luo Yan: "Well."

The golden light flashed through and Luo Yan caught it subconsciously.


In the thick smoke, Luo Yan was still tall and tall. At this time, it was dark, the ragged clothes, the roots of the hair stood upright, and a black smoke was emitted from the open mouth.

"Do you like it? I still have it." Mingshu's light and fluttering voice squeezed in from Luo Yan's buzzing tinnitus.

Luo Yan pinched his hands tightly.

Luo Yan pulled out a white veil from somewhere and wiped her black face, but there was a nervous smile in the corner of her mouth: "You are not pleasing like this."

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