Coming of the Villain Boss!

Chapter 988: Part-time God (4)

Biquge, the fastest update fast wear system: villains BOSS strike! latest chapter!

There is no doubt that Mingshu won, the time is not long, and the other party has not been able to reach the map before, so he is besieged by the collective.

There are two ways to win.

The first is to destroy the opposing players.

Second, grab the small red flag on the opposite map.

The location of the small red flag is not fixed. A map can have 3-6 places to insert the small red flag. This takes into account the player's understanding of the map, as well as calculation and observation capabilities.

Withdrawing from the arena, Mingshu looked at Wang Heyang: "How is it?"

"This little brother..." Wang Heyang looked at the river.

Jiang Liu immediately said: "The first time you play it is a bit raw, just practice more."

Wang Heyang was hit by the first play.

I only made a few mistakes for the first time...

Wang Heyang thought that even if the team was formed, it would not be possible to play immediately.

"Is he an adult?"

"I just became an adult last month." Qing Qiuzuka answered for Jiang Liu.

Jiang Liu glanced at him, moved his mouth, and finally said nothing.

"Your occupation?"

Qingqiuzuka patted his chest to ensure: "Relax, our profession is the best team combination after careful consultation."

Everyone who had finalized their profession in one minute in the group decided not to refute Qing Qiuzuka.

Wang Heyang is full of question marks, all he knows are false question spirits? You call this the best combination, what do others call it?

Mingshu began to flicker: "What profession does not matter, what matters is whether the teammates are strong enough..."

Wang Heyang was dizzy for a while, and his mind was full of violent aesthetics.

"Then... OK, if you are convenient, come to NS to sign a contract. I can prepare the practice room and team for you here."

Anyway, the club should also form a team, try the water first, and then look for it when the big deal comes.

Huang He returned home: "I am abroad, but I can't do it recently. Can I fax it?"

Tonight Moon: "I'm going to move the bricks, can I fax it?"

Sun Moonlight: "I may not have enough time..."

Qing Qiuzuka: "I'm going on a business trip, I don't have time. Where is the West Gui? Maybe we can face a base."

Huang He returns to the west: "The country of rice."

Qing Qiuzuka: "What a coincidence, my plane tonight will find you to drink."

Huang He returned to the west: "Well."

Qing Qiuzuka: "I remember Jiangliu and Fengshen are a city?"

Jiang Liu: "Uh huh."

Qing Qiuzuka: "The Fengshen and Jiangliu are responsible for signing the contract on our behalf. That's it. It's a task. Withdraw first and see you later."

Wang Heyang: "??????" No, this is a group of people!

Several people went offline quickly.

According to the original owner's understanding, both Huang He Xi Gui and Qing Qiu Zun belong to the local tyrant class.

Jiang Liu is a student.

The sun and moon light and the mystery of the moon **** tonight do not know what to do, but there is absolutely no shortage of money.

So this group of people, the first is to face the original owner, the second is the nature of playing tickets.

Only Mingshu and Jiangliu were left at the scene.

Mingshu turned his head and smiled softly at Wang Heyang.

Wang Heyang: "..." We recruited professional players!

After playing the game, Wang Heyang said he needed time to draw up an ingenious contract.

Ming Shu left his contact information and left the NS club.

The group of protesters in the building next door was still there, but there was no noise at this time, and the police car stopped in a circle.

"Keep off, let go!"

The doctor pushed the stretcher and rushed past Mingshu like a gust of wind, squeezing into the crowd, and the protesters stepped back a few steps.

Mingshu saw the blood on the ground from the gap.

The doctor and nurse quickly carried a person on the stretcher, and after a simple hemostasis, quickly returned.

When passing by Mingshu, he ran too fast. Mingshu only saw the person on the stretcher with his hands hanging out and a red rope tied around his wrist.

The ambulance Ula Ula's was gone.

When Mingshu waited for the bus, I heard someone discuss it.

"That was the president of Huanyao Group just now?"

"It seems to be... I stabbed the president of Huan Yao, and my courage is heaven."

"These people are really abominable. It's convenient for everyone to develop science and technology. They argue against it. Without their own skills, they don't work hard to learn to adapt. Instead, they blame society for progressing too fast.

"That's... Ah! Someone even live streamed to Hefengshen PK."

"Really? Show me."

The people next to them gathered together to watch the live playback, and the genuine Fengshen got into the car slowly.


Mingshu didn't go to Jintian, and Jintian didn't call, it was estimated to be cold.

It was only the third day that Wang Heyang sent the contract over. Mingshu first looked at it to make sure there were no loopholes, and then transferred it to the rest.

The contract returned by Huang Hexi crossed out the rule of training on time and staying in the training room.

Two more vaguely defined ones are also crossed out, and a few are added.

Mingshu didn't pay much attention to these details, so he didn't care about it. Since Huang He's Xigui was changed, Mingshu passed it on to Wang Heyang.

The two sides were in a hurry again and finally settled the contract.

On the day of signing the contract, Jiang Liu also came.

Jiang Liu is still a high school student.

I was a little ignorant when I saw Mingshu.

It took a long while to cry: "Fengshen..."

Why is it a sister?

They always thought Fengshen was a man...


"Ah..." Jiang Liu followed the Mingshu upstairs in a daze.

The NS Club has a lot of people today. Mingshu went in, and many people looked up.


"The new team asks the spirit..."

"Ask the Ling team?"

"This value, is the club planning to make them debut?"

"Hey, today's team is not all handsome men and women? Now who doesn't look at his face..."

Playing games is also a meal of youth. The age of Jiangliu is a good time, so no one is surprised.

However, NS has a rule not to sign minors, so Wang Heyang would ask that sentence before.

Wang Heyang and Ming Shu signed the contract and took them to the newly prepared practice room.

The equipment in the practice room is one that is being advertised recently, and Jiang Liu couldn't put it down at first sight: "Isn't this one not yet on the market? I heard that it can restore 100% realism."

"Well, yeah." Wang Heyang was slightly proud.

"Can I... can I try?"

Wang Heyang nodded.

Jiang Liu immediately took the helmet and logged into the game.

The practice room is sunny, in addition to playing games, there is a leisure area for fitness and reading, the venue is very large.

"Miss Ji, this practice room, I will give you the right to use it in the future. The next season's competition is one month after the registration, you...practice."

Two people came in one team...

This is the weirdest team he met.

Why did he agree?

Are you stunned?

All blame Miss Jihe's smile is so beautiful...

The team next door waited for Wang Heyang to leave, and immediately ran over to see the two of them, thinking they were the only two, and the club didn't recruit enough people.

After the chat, I realized that the team had already recruited people, but the rest did not come.

Everyone was a little scared.

It should be known that when they formed the team, the longest was more than two months before they were formed.

Asked Ling how to form a team in such a short time?

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