Coming To Ninja World: Quan Xiao Give Me A Part-Time Job!

Chapter 82 Wuhen: Don't Come Here!

Before Uchiha Wuhen finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that the strength in Yahiko's body was gradually expanding,

And this kind of expansion is unprecedented, so unprecedented that it seems that it should not appear in this world's power!

Unique existence!

Sensing Uchiha Wuhen, he frowned, Yahiko, what's going on?

How could such a powerful force emerge from the body?

Suddenly Uchiha Wuhen seemed to realize something.


"Is he ready to open the Eight Inner Gates Eight Gate?!"

It's like a question, but it's a positive confirmation.

Hurry up, Uchiha Wuhen hastily said:

"Hey! Hey! No way, king!"

"Don't! I'm Uchiha Wuhen!"

But now Yahiko's consciousness is blurred, and Uchiha Wuhen's words are not heard.

The power in the body is further emerging, and it is about to erupt like a volcanic eruption!

And once this power erupts, it will destroy the world.


Uchiha Wuhen's face turned black,

I lost it!

Now it's really a big game!

Uchiha Wuhen didn't have time to think about it, and immediately stepped forward to stop it.

Seeing that the time is running out, Uchiha Wuhen said in a low voice:

"Shemen, Jingmen, Jingmen!"


Uchiha Wuhen instantly opened the Seventh Gate, and his combat power broke through 10,000 in an instant!

Appeared next to Yahiko in an instant, with an elbow, he hit Yahiko hard on the back of the neck!

Yahiko, who had no time to dodge, withstood this heavy blow, completely unresponsive.


He rolled his eyes and was directly stunned to the ground.


Yahiko fell to the ground, and the sound of hitting the ground made a loud noise, like the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

This is to open the Eight Inner Gates to the Seventh Gate or even to open the Eighth Gate, the quality of the body will naturally increase.

And at this moment,

"Ha! Hu~hu!"

Uchiha Wuhen panted heavily, greedily breathing in the outside air.


For the first time, Uchiha Wuhen felt that breathing the outside air would be such a wonderful thing!

It's finally over!

Yahiko and Desperate Saburo yes...


I almost lost my game, if it weren't for Yahiko, I would have just opened the Seventh Gate of Eight Inner Gates.

In addition, the eighth gate of Yahiko Eight Inner Gates is not yet open, and the speed of opening is a bit slow, so Uchiha Wuhen blocked it.

If it was changed to Might Guy Uchiha Wuhen from the Fourth World War, it might not be able to stop it!

after all

Not even Six Paths Madara could stop it back then!

If Yahiko was really allowed to open the Eighth Gate, Uchiha Wuhen would be able to resist opening the Seventh Gate, but Yahiko would be dead!

At this time, Uchiha Wuhen is not at the Six Paths level, and he doesn't know the power of Six Paths, so Uchiha Wuhen really can't save him at that time.

Seeing the end of the battle, Konan and Nagato hurried over.

Rinnegan of Nagato looked at Uchiha Wuhen and asked with vigilance:

"Are you really Wuhen?""?"

Although Konan told Nagato,

But Nagato still has some doubts,

As his Rinnegan stares carefully at Uchiha Wuhen, trying to see through his disguise,

However it failed!

No matter how much pupil power Nagato mobilizes on Rinnegan, it cannot be seen,

As if this is his body!

How could it be hidden to such an extent?!

Nagato was secretly startled, no way, Sage of Six Paths, is my Rinnegan really a fake?

Nagato said that he was tired, and it was really stressful to be with Uchiha Wuhen, a monster!

Although the middle-aged man rescued Yahiko in the end, Nagato already believed that he was Yahiko, but it is better to be vigilant.

Uchiha Wuhen nodded after hearing Nagato's question. Immediately, his body returned to its original state, and a handsome young man came into view.

At the same time, Wuhen opened the Mangekyō Sharingan, and the Sharingan slowly turned in the eyes,

The cold and piercing eyes are exactly the characteristics of Sharingan.

This further confirms the identity of Uchiha Wuhen,

After all, looks can be deceiving, but Uchiha Wuhen's unique Sharingan cannot.

Seeing that Uchiha Wuhen changed back to his original form, Konan threw himself directly into Uchiha Wuhen's arms.

after a while,

Xiao Nan poked her head out of Uchiha Wuhen's arms, and then looked at Yahiko who was lying on the ground.

"Wuhen, is he okay?"

Uchiha Wuhen looked at Yahiko on the ground, then nodded and said:

"Don't worry, it's all right, I have a sense of proportion!

It's just that I almost played off just now, but Uchiha Wuhen didn't say the second half of the sentence.

After all, he still wants face!

Suddenly, Uchiha Wuhen shuddered!

eh? what's going on?

Suddenly, Uchiha Wuhen noticed that Nagato was staring at him with resentful eyes, like a pissed off daughter-in-law!


what the hell

Uchiha Wuhen was in a cold sweat...

Before Uchiha Wuhen could think, he was interrupted by Konan.

"That's good!"

Konan also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that.

The fighting power just now really scared them.

Nagato and Konan did not expect that Yahiko would have such a strong strength in that terrifying collision.

Back then, when Uchiha Wuhen taught the three of them, he found that Yahiko's ninjutsu talent was not as good as Nagato's,

Not even Konan.

In addition, there were relatively few points at that time.


Uchiha Wuhen asked Yahiko to practice Taishu and learn Eight Inner Gates.

Although Yahiko and Konan admit that Yahiko's physical skills are indeed much better than the two.

But this is an era of ninjas after all, and ninjutsu is the mainstream of the era.

But now it seems that Uchiha Wuhen made the right choice for Yahiko to major in Taishu and practice Eight Inner Gates.

Uchiha Wuhen coughed lightly to relieve Nagato's resentful eyes, and felt his scalp tingling for a while,

I don't know if it's because of Rinnegan or some other weird reason,

Uchiha Wuhen was stared creepy by Nagato...

"..."Okay, hurry up and take Yahiko back for treatment!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Nagato's eyes turned away from Uchiha Wuhen,

Just when Uchiha Wuhen breathed a sigh of relief,

who knows,

Uchiha Wuhen's body shook all of a sudden!


How is this going?

The instinctive reaction of Uchiha Wuhen's body felt a little uncomfortable.


Uchiha Wuhen looked around and noticed that Nagato was staring at him again...


Is there something seriously wrong in your head?

The corner of Uchiha Wuhen's mouth twitched,

"What's wrong? (Nooh) Nagato?"

Nagato glanced at Yahiko who was lying on the ground, then looked at Uchiha Wuhen, opened his mouth and said flatly:

"Wuhen, Yahiko is seriously injured!"

Uchiha Wuhen was speechless for a while,

Yahiko suffered such serious injuries, didn't he ask for it?

It's obviously not possible, but I have to forcibly open the Seventh Gate of the Eight Inner Gates, or even the Eighth Gate!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Wuhen pouted inwardly,

some dissatisfaction...



No. Eight Gate?

Uchiha Wuhen suddenly realized that Yahiko opened the Eight Gate when he opened the Eight Gate must die.

that... that's not his bravado,

But to protect Konan and Nagato!

in an instant,

Uchiha Wuhen felt a little guilty in his heart,

Although there is a reason for Yahiko's impulsiveness,

But in the final analysis, it is to protect Konan!


Uchiha Wuhen sighed inwardly,

"All right!".

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