February nineteenth.

【Panda】Wake up from the comfortable big bed.

"Open the curtains."

With a command, the curtains were slowly opened, and the warm sunlight shone in.

The light in the bathroom also came on.

[Panda] Started to brush his teeth sleepily, and the recommendation for today's morning appeared on the magic mirror in front of him.

Forget it, let's go to the restaurant for breakfast today.

The tournament started at ten o'clock at noon, and there are still two hours left.

"Let's go, little iron."

Xiaotie is the name of [Panda] Iron Eater.

With a bamboo shoot in his hand, Xiao Tie followed [Panda.

Under the guidance of the magic mirror, [Panda] quickly found the restaurant.

"Aren't you the young lady who dueled last time?"

[Panda] raised his head, and a boy with a [[Megatron]] id on his head came over.

The boy looked very clean, [Panda] then remembered "160", he was the boy who used a ghost car to duel with himself in the duel arena.

Two people are friends in the game, and they can see each other's game nickname.

[Panda] is also very happy to meet fellow villagers and acquaintances.

"It's [Megatron]?"

"Yeah, yeah, I didn't expect you to make it to the final!"

The boy was very excited, he pulled the [panda] and said: "I heard that the breakfast here is delicious, so I rushed down when I came together."

[Megatron Bafang] said: "I heard that the red bean porridge here is delicious, and the shrimp dumplings for breakfast are also good.

【Panda】Seeing that his plate is empty, but he is very familiar with the appearance here, he asked:

"Do you have any other acquaintances here?"

【Megatronic】touched his head and said, "Don't you know that the magic mirror recently has a [Nearby People] function?"

"【People nearby】?"

[Megatron] said: "The magic mirror has recently launched a new app, which allows you to chat with nearby people in a group."

【Panda】Downloaded this app soon.

It turned out that this is a chat application.

However, this app only provides group chats in nearby areas.

For example, [Panda] can only join this group chat called "Lingfeng Paradise Hotel" now.

Choose to join.

Still need a custom avatar?

[Panda] Simply pinched a girl and joined the group chat.

Once inside, [Panda] found that it was very lively inside.

This is what a large chat room looks like.

[Megatronic] said: "Add a friend."

An application was sent to 【Panda】.

[Panda] clicked to agree, and [Megatron] was added to her friend list.

[Megatron] took the popular red bean porridge very thoughtfully, and also grabbed a plate of shrimp dumplings for [Panda].

Looking at the steaming shrimp dumplings, [Panda] couldn't help but turn on the recording function of the magic mirror again.

"It's really good!" After taking a sip of red beans, [Panda] exclaimed.

As with dinner, breakfast was excellent.

The catering at this hotel is really good.

[Megatron] said: "I heard that today is not only the opening of the championship, but also the trial operation of the park."

"If you are eliminated, you can go to the amusement park, which seems to be a good thing."

[Panda] did not expect [Megatron] to expect to be eliminated.

But it's nice to be able to travel for free.

These players who have completed ten challenges are like a cloud of masters, and it is not easy to get a good ranking.

The two had breakfast, and in the group chat they were already preparing to form a group to go to the paradise.

Anyway, I had nothing to do, [Panda] also followed [Megatron], and embarked on the road to the paradise.

Because they are all in the scenic area, the navigation function of the magic mirror can also be used.

Under the command of the magic mirror, a group of people came to the entrance of the park.

The magnificent gate of the paradise, everyone just went through a simple security check before entering the paradise.

Once inside, [Panda] was shocked by the landscape of this paradise.

The first thing you see is the core tower of the furnace in the Ice Age.

[Panda] is a fan of the Ice Age movie "She immediately ran to the Ice Age area.

[Megatronic] shouted: "Don't you have another electronic navigation map!?"

Electronic navigation map?

[Panda] I saw a virtual shelf with an electronic navigation map written on it.

After clicking to collect, an electronic map appeared in front of 【Panda】.

This is an introduction map of the four areas of the park.

Click the place you want to go, and the magic mirror will automatically navigate to it.

Click on these locations, you can also see the introduction and play video of the game settings.

Very convenient function.

At the same time each has the facilities overhead, along with time stamps for queuing.

Ice Age roller coaster, queuing time 10 minutes.

This function is really smart, so that players can play some less busy projects first according to the queue time.

So smart!

In addition, there are food recommendations, and the locations of vending machines and toilets are also clearly marked...

"Let's go, let's go to the Ice Age area first." [Megatronic] said to [Panda].

The two were the first to rush to the Ice Age roller coaster.

There are not many people in line, but 【Panda】checked the time.

The tournament starts at ten o'clock in the mysterious area of ​​the park. The team looks very long, and [Panda] is a little anxious.

"You can get a fast pass for free over there." [Megatron Bafang] seems to have prepared a strategy, he pointed to a virtual machine in the distance and said.

Sure enough, every tourist can receive two fast pass cards for free, and this card can skip the queue.

This guarantees that each player will be able to play at least two items.

The two received the fast pass card, and soon got on the Ice Age roller coaster.

The roller coaster started at a very fast speed. After the staff of the park read out the safety instructions, they fastened their seat belts.

Through the huge phantom, [Panda] saw a large snowflake.

She held out her hand, and the front seat spewed icy air.

[Panda] trembled. Although she knew that the ice and snow were not real, she still had the feeling of being among the natural enemies of ice and snow.

The core tower of the melting furnace in the snowstorm makes everyone who rides the roller coaster seem to have entered a movie.

The sense of immersion is too strong!

The roller coaster is not particularly exciting, but the experience on the roller coaster is very good.

People who are familiar with Ice Age movies can see many classic pictures.

People who are not familiar with 0.5 movies can also experience the feeling of riding a roller coaster in a snowstorm, which is a very unforgettable experience.

After the two of them took the roller coaster, they both felt unfinished.

So the two ran to another amusement setting.

In the fourth area of ​​the park, it was originally just a desolate open-air stadium.

As long as you wear sunglasses, it will become a gorgeous open-air Colosseum.

The golden mythical beasts of the mountain and sea spirits are flying in the sky, and various mythical buildings are looming in the Colosseum.

If you look at it with a magic mirror, the Colosseum is floating above the clouds! Looking down from the edge of the clouds, you can even see the shrunken Shanghai Stock Exchange.

The virtual picture generated by the magic mirror, combined with the real stadium, forms a magnificent cloud colosseum!

Ma Yuan, who was wearing a magic mirror, was so shocked by this scene that he was speechless!

Racing here is so cool!.

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