In the study agreed to the consultant contract and confidentiality agreement.

Gao Lingfeng and Su Hongbo signed the agreement on the spot.

Lingfeng Group hired Su Hongbo as the company's consultant.

Su Hongbo needs to keep the technology secret.

"Uncle, do you have a magic mirror?"

"Oh oh, Nuan Nuan bought one for me, I don't know how to use it.

"Let me debug it for you."

Gao Lingfeng upgraded the magic mirror and handed it to Su Hongbo: "Uncle, wear this."

Su Hongbo put on the magic mirror.

And Gao Lingfeng is using the employee card to check Su Hongbo's attributes.

Su Hongbo: 57 years old

Loyalty: 60

Education: Tsinghua University, Physics, Ph.D.

Specialties: Applied Physics SSR.

Hobbies: scientific research.

It turned out to be an SSR again?

Su Nuan's family is too strong!

There are actually two SSRs!

Does my future mother-in-law also have SSR skills?

Loyalty is 60 points, which is not bad.

It seemed that Su Hongbo recognized himself.

Gao Lingfeng sent the dummy information to Su Hongbo.

"Uncle, these are the materials of antimony batteries."

When Su Hongbo saw these materials, his body trembled with excitement. 867

I thought that Gao Lingfeng just had a little idea of ​​new technology.

But it turned out to be a complete set of information!

There's even information on product testing!

In other words, Lingfeng Group has really developed a new generation of batteries!

Su Hongbo turned to the part about battery performance.

Unit storage power! Ten times that of ordinary lithium batteries!

Charging speed! Twenty times that of ordinary lithium batteries!

Safety! One hundred times that of lithium batteries!

How can it be!

Su Hongbo flipped through the information quickly, it's really possible!

This is a new battery structure that can maximize the effect of antimony batteries!

The formulas, derivation process, and experimental data in the paper are very accurate.

This is definitely a standard paper!

This is a paper that can be selected for the Nobel Prize!

Su Hongbo roughly read the core part.

Then he said: "What about the finished product? You know the finished product, right?"

"Uncle, the magic mirror you wear uses the latest batteries.

Su Hongbo took off his glasses and was about to take them off.

Gao Lingfeng stopped him dumbfounded, and took out a spare battery from his pocket.

Su Hongbo immediately began to analyze.

Unit storage power! Ten times that of ordinary lithium batteries!

Charging speed! Twenty times that of ordinary lithium batteries!

Sure enough, it is the same as the data in the paper!

Su Hongbo said excitedly: "This is the future of new energy!"

He asked again: "What about mass production? Can it be mass produced?"

For a technology to move from the laboratory to the factory, there are more problems to be solved.

The data of many products in the laboratory are very good.

But in the factory production, the high cost will not work.

There is no way for this product to win the market.

Because the market is the most cost-effective place.

In the backward technology, as long as the cost performance is high, consumers will still choose it.

Although the current new energy vehicles need to be charged for long-distance travel, their safety is not very good.

But if the new technology batteries are ten times more expensive, no one will buy them.

Gao Lingfeng said: "Technically, there are no obstacles, but there are still some details."

Gao Lingfeng waved his hand, and the workshop diagram of the new battery factory appeared in front of him.

The holographic workshop projection restores the appearance of the new workshop in proportion.

Su Hongbo was stunned for a moment, he leaned over and zoomed in on the model with his hands, he could really see the assembly line clearly.

This magic mirror is really useful.

Su Hongbo looked at the design of the workshop and couldn't help admiring: "Wonderful! It's really good!"

He quickly said: "However, there are still two problems in the workshop. One is that waste products are toxic and must be converted into non-toxic substances before they can be discharged."

"The second is that the reaction speed of this step is too slow, which drags down the production speed."

Gao Lingfeng burst into ecstasy, Su Hongbo is an expert!

Those are the two problems with the new battery factory.

Although Gao Lingfeng took smart drugs, he was not a student of physics.

He has no accumulation of knowledge on many problems, and he can't solve them all at once.

Su Hongbo said: "The first problem is simple, just use these toxic wastes to produce a by-product.

"The second needs to be tested, increasing the pressure or using a catalyst to increase the efficiency of the reaction. 17

Gao Lingfeng asked seriously: "Uncle, can you do these?"

"Of course we can, but it will cost money."

"No problem! Is 100 million enough?"


Su Hongbo heard from his daughter that Gao Lingfeng was rich, but he never thought that this kid was so rich.

Their School of Physics only has a yearly research funding of over 100 million yuan!

That would require more than a dozen professors and twenty associate professors.

Gao Lingfeng opened his mouth and said 100 million yuan.

Su Hongbo said: "Not so many, a few million is enough."

"Uncle, if you can solve this problem, the battery factory will share 10% of the shares!"

"Send the battery to my laboratory as soon as possible, and I will help you solve it quickly.


The interview between the two became more speculative.

Su Hongbo's main research direction is battery and nuclear energy.

The Stark clean energy technology obtained by Gao Lingfeng is also a fusion nuclear energy technology.

The two chatted from battery technology to energy technology, and Gao Lingfeng discovered that Su Nuan's father was indeed an SSR.

Although he is already in his fifties, Su Hongbo's thinking is very clear.

He can see the way ahead.

And Su Hongbo also spoke highly of Gao Lingfeng!

What a shame this guy is in business!

With this ability, Gao Lingfeng will definitely win the Nobel Prize for his research!

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Old Su, Xiao Gao, it's time to eat!"

Hearing Madam's call, Su Hongbo immediately stopped talking.

Pulling Gao Lingfeng down to eat.

There were quite a few guests in the Su family today, and there were a lot of dishes on the table.

Soon Gao Lingfeng knew what the SSR skills of his future mother-in-law would be.

Definitely cooking!

The dishes made by Su Nuan's mother are really delicious!

Su Nuan's mother kept adding food to Gao Lingfeng.

Gao Lingfeng seems very satisfied.

During the meal, Su Nuan leaned into Gao Lingfeng's ear and said:

"You bad guy, it's not enough to trick me into working for you alone, and you're even dragging my dad to work for you!"

"Boss Su! You are wronged, I gave your father shares!"

"You bastard, are you going to abduct my mother to the company?"

"Well, President Su, if our mother is willing to take charge of the company's logistics, everyone will be very happy.

Su Nuan quickly understood what Gao Lingfeng meant!

"You bastard, you want my mother to be in charge of the cafeteria!"

"I didn't say that!"

The heater in Su Nuan's house was turned on very high, and she was busy in the kitchen for a long time.

Her hair was a little wet and her cheeks were slightly red.

Suddenly put on a coquettish look, which made Gao Lingfeng feel overwhelmed.

He stuck to Su Nuan's ear and said, "Boss Su, let me make it up to you tonight!"

Su Nuan's face became even redder, she picked up a piece of grilled oyster for Gao Lingfeng, and turned her head to ignore this unscrupulous guy. .

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