Company Development: I Build A Conscience National Enterprise

Chapter 173 The Power Coin Sweeping Nanzhou!

Emily suddenly discovered that the magic mirror's system had been upgraded.

She found that she had an extra thing called [Power Coin Wallet].

Power coin, what is this?

Emily looked at the description of the power coin, and she can get a power coin by generating a kilowatt-hour of electricity with a solar panel.

This power coin can be used to buy one kilowatt-hour of electricity at the same price, or if you have saved enough power coins, you can order a set of standard solar power generation equipment from Lingfeng Energy.

What novelty is this?

Although Emily doesn't understand virtual currency, she is concerned about the last one.

As long as enough power coins are accumulated, can't they be exchanged for a set of solar power generation equipment?

My parents are also in Nanzhou, can I exchange them for a set if I have saved enough money?

But looking at the exchange price, it takes three months of continuous power generation to save enough power coins to exchange for power generation equipment.

It seems that this speed is a bit slow.

Emily began to settle accounts frantically.

As a housewife, Emily is also very good at calculating.

A set of solar power generation equipment requires a year's electricity bill.

Power coins can be obtained by generating power for three months, and these power coins can also be exchanged for a set of power generation equipment.

Emily took out her private money and suddenly had an idea.

The next day, Emily visited her neighbors with the prepared snacks.

Her neighbors are an elderly couple who have a large pension and live in this mid-range community.

Old couples are not particularly kind neighbors, but they don't bother others either.

Emily and the old couple don't have much in common, and they don't take part in the environmental protection activities led by Emily, so they don't have much friendship.

When Emily came to visit, the old couple was a little surprised, but they let her in.

Emily sat down and said, "You two, I have a suggestion for cooperation?"

Suggestions for cooperation?

The old couple was also very surprised.

Emily also sold a solar system to an old couple when the solar energy trend was hanging in the community.

But both of them refused. Naturally, when they are older, they don't want to make a fuss, and they don't want to accept new things.

Emily didn't insist, but today she came to the door and said:

"I want to rent your roof, I'll pay you to replace your roof with solar.


Emily said, "Yes, but the rent is $500 a year and I paid for the remodel myself.

The two couples thought about it and found it acceptable.

There's no other use for the roof anyway. (cbdf) Emily went on to say: "I can sell you the electricity from your roof.

"Sell electricity?"

Emily said, "Yeah, what about the idea that you can give me free electricity for $100 a month?"

The old couple was a little moved now.

I was unwilling to transform solar energy before, mainly because I was afraid of tossing.

They also don't have much trust in solar power generation, and they always think it's a scam.

And the cost of installation also makes them distressed.

But Emily's suggestion, they don't need to pay for the installation, they just need to pay Emily for the electricity bill every month.

One hundred dollars a month, this price is much cheaper than the price of the grid!

That's twelve hundred dollars a year, and Emily has to pay them five hundred dollars in rent.

That's only seven hundred dollars, and you can use electricity for free.

This is a great thing!

The old couple agreed immediately.

Emily followed the same pattern and negotiated cooperation at the homes of two elderly people in the community.

This time she ran out and continued, cashing out all credit card limits.

People who have the same idea as Emily have already acted.

There are people like Emily in many communities.

They invest in solar equipment in the community and promote solar panels like crazy.

At the same time, they also use the electricity coins earned from power generation to buy new equipment.

One electricity coin can be exchanged for one kilowatt-hour of electricity.

Lingfeng Energy has launched another power distribution device.

This kind of equipment can transmit the excess electricity from one's own home to other people's homes through wires.

Some people who generate more electricity at home will sell their excess electricity to neighbors with disadvantages.

The power currency has become the most natural settlement currency.

Gradually, power coins began to circulate.

Soon, smart housewives like Emily discovered that solar power is actually enough for home use.

Every day excess electricity is wasted.

There is always an upper limit for household electricity consumption, and ordinary household electricity consumption simply cannot consume that much.

Since you can't use so much, it's a waste.

At this time, Emily and the housewives quickly contacted a factory on the edge of the community.

The boss of the factory received the group of housewives.

When he heard that the excess electricity generated by the community can be purchased at a price much lower than the grid price.

The factory owner immediately signed a cooperation agreement with the community.

However, these housewives proposed that the boss should pay directly with power coins.

Power coin?

What is this?

The boss also downloaded the app, and he discovered something called the power coin market.

Those who do not have solar power generation equipment can only buy it in the power coin market.

However, the price of power coins is not high at present.

The boss naturally accepted this condition frankly.

Now a power coin is only a few cents, which is worthless at all.

Emily quickly exchanged power coins for a transmission station, collected the excess electricity in the community, and sent it to the factory.

The transmission station can automatically calculate the amount of electricity to be delivered.

The power coins paid by the boss can also be automatically sent to the power coin wallets of each resident.

Such businesses are happening in many communities in Nanzhou.

Emily has also promoted her method in several environmental protection organizations.

For a time, Emily became serious about environmentalism, and her reputation soared!

This play is great!

Some smart residents have also started to buy power coins from the market, and then use the power coins to exchange for solar panels.

Power coins quickly became popular in the Nanzhou area.

You can use electricity for free, and you can also get power coins.

The price of power coins has been rising, and there are even people who speculate on power coins.

Lingfeng Energy's business started to grow wildly!

Those medium-sized communities that have the conditions to lay solar panels have begun to install solar panels.

Owners of dilapidated apartment buildings have also begun to renovate the roofs of their apartment buildings.

Residents, factories, and even shops, all began to accept power coins.

A wave of power coins began to sweep across the entire Nanzhou.

And it is Lingfeng Group's Nanzhou Sea Island Paradise that brings power coins to everyone, and it is finally about to open!

In addition to accepting US dollars to buy tickets, the park can also use power coins to buy tickets, book hotels, and even shop in the park, all of which can be settled with the power city!

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