When Gao Lingfeng finished chopping all the firewood, the excess energy in his body was finally exhausted.

He felt indescribably comfortable.

At this time, Su Nuan had already cleaned the room with Su Xin and the other two female artists.

I have to say that Su Xin is a nice employee.

She is skilled and meticulous in her work.

Compared to the other two canaries, Su Nuan and Su Xin are much more agile.

Lay down the sheets and ventilate the house.

Soon the house had a breath of life.

Su Nuan's hands are also skillful. She cut out curtains out of fabric, and Suxin installed them in each room to block the cold outside.

Next, Su Nuan began to arrange the garden.

I have to say that Yin Nuan is really tasteful.

She simply picked some wild flowers outside the mushroom house and made a small flower garden.

Su Nuan looked at a few discarded ceramic jars outside the house, and said to the male artist: "This broken water jar can be used as a flower bed, can you move it into the yard with me?"

The male artist tried hard, but found that he couldn't move it no matter what.

The water tank was already half a person tall, and a lot of soil fell into it, making it quite heavy.

Just when Su Nuan was about to enter the house to ask Gao Lingfeng for help, Su Xin happened to pass by.

She lifted the water tank easily, and then, while the two were dumbfounded, she walked into the yard with the water tank on her shoulders.

"Put it here?"

Su Xin asked.

Su Nuan nodded numbly.

Su Xin put the water tank in the yard, and then went to do other things.

Su Nuan pushed the water tank hard, but found that she couldn't push it at all. This woman's strength is too strong, right?

And Gao Lingfeng turned around the whole mushroom.

The house is on a small hill surrounded by ancient tea trees.

This kind of tea tree tea leaves are a bit bitter, but there will be a special sweet aftertaste after drinking.

Gao Lingfeng really likes the tea leaves from this ancient tea tree.

The environment here is quite good.

Su Xin also came out of the house, and when she saw Gao Lingfeng, she immediately walked over.

Su Xin also said directly: "Fellow Daoist, are you a disciple of martial arts?"

"Martial arts disciple?"

Su Xin frowned and said, "Didn't your master tell you?"

Gao Lingfeng said: "I don't have a master."

"Then the anger on your body?"

"That's what I practiced according to a book."

Su Xin was taken aback.

There are two major schools in the world, warriors and ascetics.

The former attaches great importance to tricks, but martial arts also have high requirements for the cultivation of internal energy.

If you are not careful, you will go crazy.

And ascetics pay more attention to spiritual cultivation, and do not have high requirements for breath.

But the requirements for understanding are extremely high.

Ascetics can live without a master.

In the era when the aura is not cut off, there are often scholars who suddenly comprehend the Dao of the world, and then have a cultivation level all of a sudden.

But martial arts pay attention to the gradual and orderly progress, and attach importance to the inheritance of master and apprentice.

Gao Lingfeng didn't have a master, so he was self-taught?

Is he a martial arts genius?

Su Xin said: "No wonder you don't know anything about the other world, so you don't have a master."

Gao Lingfeng just asked: "Can you talk to me?"

The two sat down under a tea tree.

Su Xin said: "Nowadays, spiritual energy has been cut off for hundreds of years, and practitioners are very rare.

Gao Lingfeng frowned, no wonder he didn't meet other people in the other world.

It turns out that this world is no longer suitable for cultivation.

Then this reward for signing in is very tasteless.

But Su Xin's next sentence, Gao Lingfeng became interested again.

"But my master used life divination before he died, and the recovery of spiritual energy is at the moment."

"Spirit recovery?"

Su Xin nodded and said: "The aura of heaven and earth will return to the earth, and that time will be the golden age for practitioners.

Gao Lingfeng's heart shook wildly.


Doesn't that mean the world is about to change dramatically!

Gao Lingfeng quickly asked: "What will happen when the spiritual energy is revived?"

Su Xin said: "Then it will take the scale of spiritual recovery."


"If it is a small-scale fluctuation, it will have no effect on ordinary people."

. But for the practice world, the recovery of spiritual energy means that they can practice again, and the impact will be relatively large. "

"We practitioners can cultivate to a level that the predecessors could not reach. Just thinking about it makes people feel excited."

But Gao Lingfeng didn't see any excitement from Su Xin's calm face.

Gao Lingfeng asked again: "What if it is a large-scale spiritual recovery?"

Now Su Xin said: "That's different."

It is rare to see the expression on the face of this iceberg-like beauty.

Su Xin frowned and said: "The revival of spiritual energy on a large scale has never been experienced by Shimen. But it has been recorded in the ancient classics.

"If it is a large-scale spiritual recovery, then the earth will re-enter the age of mythology!"

Age of Mythology!

Su Xin said: "Then the whole world will change. Although human technology is much more powerful than ancient times (Nuo Wang's), but after the recovery of spiritual energy, many powerful creatures will be born in the world."

"At that time, the power of the practice world will be stronger than the power of weapons, and the structure of the entire society will undergo tremendous changes.

"So this time is it a large-scale spiritual energy recovery, or a small-scale spiritual energy recovery?"

Gao Lingfeng asked anxiously.

Su Xin shook her head and said: "I don't know, the aura of heaven and earth is the most difficult thing to measure.

"Master has exhausted all his efforts, but he can only speculate that the spiritual recovery will start. I don't know divination, so how can I know?"

"Then you went down the mountain to find spiritual energy?" Gao Lingfeng asked.

Su Xin nodded and said: "Before the master died, he calculated that a wisp of aura had revived, and I was the one who searched for that aura most."

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