Company Development: I Build A Conscience National Enterprise

Chapter 204 Drone Power Generation Network

"What? Merius Motors wants to pay for power coins?"

Gao Lingfeng was in the mushroom thing and received an emergency call from Li Tao.

Li Tao also said anxiously: "Mr. Gao! Malpus sent a message in the Science and Technology Valley, demanding to cash in the electricity coins on hand."

Gao Lingfeng said: "Then give it to him!"

Li Tao said, "Malpus asked us to supply electricity to all his factories in Nanzhou!"

Now Gao Lingfeng understands the troubles encountered by the American branch.

Nanzhou is very large, and the factories of Meruisi Automobile are located in many parts of Nanzhou.

Solar power communities, on the other hand, are scattered.

Moreover, the electricity demand of the Merius car must be very large.

The current power grid does not necessarily have the ability to pay.

This is a run on!

What is a run?

A bank has a lot of assets, but most of the time, the bank does not turn the assets into cash and deposit them.

Banks use cash to invest.

The depositor's money is just a number lying on the account.

But if there is a problem with the operation of the bank.

The public has concerns about the credibility of the banks.

Then the depositor will take the passbook and go to the bank to withdraw the money.

If all depositors do this, then the bank simply cannot come up with so much cash.

The result is that the bank's reputation is bankrupt.

And what Malpus is playing is the same as a financial run.

He took out a large amount of electricity demand and asked Lingfeng Group to pay for the electricity.

This is a run on electricity!

If Lingfeng Group can't supply power to Merius cars!

Then the result is that Lingfeng Group's credit goes bankrupt.

The power currency system completely collapsed.

This is why Li Tao reported to Gao Lingfeng overnight.

This is not something he can solve.

Gao Lingfeng pondered and said: "How big is our current power gap?"

Li Tao took the data and said: "It's very big. Several factories in Meris are robot factories with high energy consumption, which require a lot of electricity!"

Gao Lingfeng thought for a while and said, "Then connect them!"

"But we don't have so much electricity!"

Gao Lingfeng smiled and said, "No, we have."

At this time, the large cargo-carrying drone of the Lingfeng Group, which was staying at sea, flew towards the United States at high speed.

These were all produced by the Lingfeng Group, and Gao Lingfeng planned to keep them as cards.

This large drone can fly faster than twice the speed of sound.

In addition, the drone's wings are equipped with solar panels, which can be charged while flying.

The load capacity of the aircraft is also very large, and the cargo that an aircraft can transport is almost the same as that of a truck.

This is the latest super drone developed by Lingfeng Group!

These drones took off in groups and flew towards Nanzhou.

Although the Shanghai Stock Exchange is separated from Nanzhou by an ocean.

But no one picked up at twice the speed of sound, and it only took three hours to reach Nanzhou.

Next, the cargo bay under the drone opens.

The solar panels of a stage were disassembled, and several medium-sized drones dragged the solar panels, forming a huge matrix in the sky!

A solar power station suspended in the sky appeared!

A large power generation matrix appeared on the sea one by one!

Engineering robots then connect the panels.

The UAV is parked stably on the sea, and the small UAV drags the power transmission line and transmits the power to the ground!

The power generation matrix composed of these drones is larger than the area of ​​Paradise Island!

The sun slowly rises and shines on these solar panels.

Like the scales of a giant dragon gleaming in the sun.

Anyone who sees such a magnificent sight cannot help but be amazed.

And almost everyone on the beach of Technology Valley saw such a spectacular sight!

...asking for flowers...

A drone suspended in the air, holding solar panels.

A huge floating offshore power station, a steady stream of electricity!

The staff of Lingfeng Energy on the ground immediately connected the electric energy to the grid!

The factories that Malpus demanded to pay for electricity were supplied with electricity almost at the same time.

Malpus was sleeping.

He dreamed about the news that Lingfeng Group was unable to pay for electricity, and the credit of the power coin went bankrupt.

He dreamed that Lingfeng Automobile was acquired by Meruisi Automobile, and Meruisi Automobile had mastered many high-tech dreams of Lingfeng Group.


Unfortunately, Malpus' dream was awakened by a phone call.

He looked at the name on the phone, ready to find an opportunity to fire this guy.

But when the phone was connected, Malpus heard a bad news!

"Mr. Malpus! Lingfeng Group has supplied power to our factory!"

Sleepless, Malpus growled, "How do they power so many factories!"

The factories of Merius Automobile are all robot factories that consume a lot of power.

This is almost the sum of the electricity generated by Lingfeng Energy at present.

This is why Malpus believes that Lingfeng Group cannot produce so much electricity.

The assistant stammered: "It's a drone! President, put on the magic mirror and I'll send it to you!"

Malpus put on the magic mirror, and the assistant sent a video.

This was shot on the beach in South State.

Lingfeng Group's drone power supply matrix covered the distant ocean in a mighty way.

Sunlight is absorbed by the solar panels and converted into powerful electricity.

Watch out for drones dragging wires to deliver power to the drone.

This magical scene completely stunned Malpus.

And the news that Lingfeng Group supplies power to the factory of Meruisi Automobile immediately became popular on the Internet 3!.

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