Surgical robot?

Surgical robot of Lingfeng Group?

Xiao Qun knew that Lingfeng Group, the magic mirror is a useful product.

When Xiao Qun was free, he would also play Ling Feng games.

But this company actually entered the medical industry?

Also suddenly made the most cutting-edge surgical robot?

Just kidding! Are surgical robots so easy to do?

Xiao Qun was a little disapproving.

He saw Huang Lin preparing for the operation. This female doctor was a bit unfamiliar. twenty one

Xiao Qun knew almost everyone who was able to use Da Vinci robots in China.

Because the cost of Da Vinci surgical robot is extremely high, only the most elite doctors in Keda Hospital can practice it.

I haven't seen this doctor before, so he probably doesn't know how to use a Da Vinci surgical robot.

Is the surgical robot of Lingfeng Group different from the Da Vinci surgical robot?

Xiao Qun still didn't think so.

How could such a young child become a victim of a pharmaceutical company?

At this moment, Meiqun turned Maifeng Medical into a black-hearted medical company.

"Preparation for surgery!"

All the nurses began to check the surgical instruments.

This time all the equipment is prepared in two copies.

All I saw was a dexterous surgical robot, grabbing a scalpel.

Then, in front of Huang Lin's eyes, a holographic phantom of Xiaolu's brain appeared.

Picking up the scalpel, Huang Lin put the brain.

Twice the size of the brain, already the size of an adult head.

Huang Lin cut open the virtual head with a scalpel.

Only the mechanical arm of the surgical robot was seen, and Xiaoxia's head was precisely cut open.

The cutting position is exactly the same as Huang Lin's operation!

Many doctors stood up in surprise.

This robot is awesome!

Then, Huang Lin started the craniotomy.

She needs to cut Xiaoxia's skull open, and then follow the lines of the brain to find the closest path to the tumor.

The brain is a very dense tissue.

Brain tumors are also the most difficult to remove.

Because if one step is careful, if the important brain tissue is damaged, the patient will be permanently disabled even if he survives.

Therefore, brain surgery is recognized by doctors as the most difficult operation.

The process of cutting the skull was very smooth, and the surgical robot was very powerful, and Xiaoxia's skull was successfully removed.

Then, Huang Lin saw a colored brain.

The red ones are important parts, which cannot be damaged anyway.

The yellow ones are more important parts. If the tumor must be removed through these areas, it can also be considered for resection.

The green ones are the parts that can be safely removed.

However, green does not mean that it can be removed at will, because the structure of the brain is very complicated, and many functions have not been clarified until now, which part of the brain is controlled.

Therefore, Huang Lin must remove as little brain tissue as possible.

At this time, the magic mirror combined with the results of the MRI and gave three candidate surgical paths.

These are the options closest to the tumor and the least resected option.

So smart!

Several of those who observed the operation were top experts in brain surgery.

In their opinion, these three resection plans are the most perfect ones!

And the first plan can be regarded as a wonderful workmanship!

This plan is to drill holes from two brain sulci, and then push them forward at the same time, using a minimally invasive method to cut off the tumor!

But this plan is too delicate! It is almost impossible to realize, right?

Just look at which option this female doctor chooses!.

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