Zhang Hai didn't expect his products to be so popular.

Surgical robots have always been a high-end thing.

This is a small market.

Gao Lingfeng chose to enter the medical industry from this entry point because he saw the high-end nature of this product.

If you can enter the high-end market at once, then the brand effect will sit up.

Things that happen to be signed can be used to make surgical robots.

In fact, trained intermediate artificial intelligence can already perform surgery on its own.

But Gao Lingfeng didn't want to be so radical all of a sudden, so this generation of surgical robots can only provide some auxiliary functions.

It's the doctors who do the surgery.

Originally, Gao Lingfeng also thought that this was a small market, and there would not be too many orders.

But Gao Lingfeng underestimated the medical industry - the requirement for surgical precision.

In the past, people tried not to use da Vinci robots because the surgical consumables were too expensive.

Surgical robots are also expensive, and consumables are also expensive. The product is a good thing, but it is too difficult to promote.

Because the medical industry also pays attention to a price-performance ratio.

In particular, when there are still many people who only have basic medical insurance, not many people can afford the 200,000 consumables for one operation with the Da Vinci surgical robot.

But Lingfeng Medical's surgical robots are different!

This robot really works!

There is no additional cost of consumables, and a machine is only 200,000 yuan.

Two hundred thousand yuan!

One must know that a CT machine costs several million, two hundred thousand surgical robots, that is really the price of cabbage!

In surgery, precision is always the right thing to do.

The less tissue removed, the less damage to the body.

And many small tumors are difficult to remove, but also because the surgical precision is not up to the mark.

And some small organs are not as good as the surgery of the eyes and the like, which has extremely high requirements for precision.

But this is a matter of talent.

However, the Da Vinci surgical robot can allow ordinary surgeons to zoom in and perform difficult surgery!

This is a transcendent invention!

And the magic mirror can also standardize important blood vessels, reducing the incidence of medical accidents!

so perfect!

All the doctors who observed the operation asked the hospital's procurement department to purchase Lingfeng Medical's surgical robots as soon as possible.

...asking for flowers...

The live video of this operation was also widely circulated in the medical community.

Lingfeng Medical's surgical robot! It's hot!

Received an order for 500 surgical robots at once!

Zhang Hai and Hu Lili were also fooled!

So what are you waiting for, hurry up and organize production!

The factory started to operate rapidly, producing robots day and night.

As for Xiaoxia who had just undergone surgery, the effect of the anesthetic had already passed.


The girl's previous tumor was so large that it had already compressed the optic nerve

So Xiaoxia has been blind for several months.

But after the operation today, Xiaoxia felt that her brain was very relaxed.

More importantly, Xiaoxia saw things clearly!

She quickly said to her mother: "Mom, I saw it!"

Xiaoxia's mother was always by her daughter's side, seeing her daughter wake up, she was very excited!

The strong mother shed tears of gratitude when she heard her daughter say she could see.

Zhang Hai's wife, Huang Lin, rushed over and gave the girl some checks. She said to Xiaoxia's mother, "He's recovering very well. If everything goes well, he will be discharged from the hospital next month!"

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