Gao Lingfeng stands on the viewing platform on the Mars Tower, which is a landmark building on Mars. All the materials are taken from the local area of ​​Mars, and the whole body is red. You can see everything in the Mars base here.

Gao Lingfeng watched the people coming and going on the ground, the houses lined up in rows, and the endless traffic, and he felt a sense of satisfaction that he had never experienced before.

I still remember the early days, when the company was busy invading and squeezing ordinary people.

Many people have forgotten their original intentions in material life, and instead immerse themselves in vanity fairs, becoming slaves to money.

At the beginning, he just wanted to realize his game dream and be able to make a game that everyone praised. Let Huaguo Games get rid of the label of plagiarism and acquisition.

but now

Gao Lingfeng looks at the self-driving cars on the ground and the children playing happily in Central Park.

And all this happened on a red planet, Earth's brother, Mars.

Everyone can choose their own career based on their own interests and hobbies, and all people can pursue their ideals and turn the impossible into reality.

21 "Mr. Gao, the meeting is about to be held," the robot on the side reminded me warmly.

Gao Lingfeng recovered from his reverie, and was guided by the robot to the conference hall.

The venue was bustling with people, and countless people were listening to the summit online.

Gao Lingfeng walked slowly towards the center of the venue.

The people in the audience applauded warmly,

Gao Lingfeng looked at the people in the audience, some were familiar and some were not.

He tapped the microphone and said, "Everyone can stop the applause, because you deserve the applause more than me."

There was a burst of friendly laughter from the audience.

Gao Lingfeng couldn't help but feel happy too.

"Dear colleagues, a hundred years ago, some novelists with fantastic ideas had already begun to let human beings go out of the earth, even out of the solar system, and spread all over the universe. 17

"But at the time, people would unify this kind of idea into one name --- science fiction. It just exists in people's imagination, and the realization is even more out of reach."

"And now, if people at that time can see the place where I am speaking now, and see the red planet under my feet. I think they can only say: old iron

"One hundred years ago, foreign countries imposed a technical blockade on our country, and our country was struggling at that time. For example, where I started-the game industry. At that time, our game industry was only synonymous with acquisitions and copycats. As for the high-tech industry, we were firmly choked by others."

"Since then, I have had a dream to run a national enterprise. Let everyone in the world realize the greatness of the Chinese nation."

"Every Chinese will be proud of his yellow skin and black hair. As it used to be said, we are the children of the dragon, and one day, we will soar above the nine heavens

"And now, the products of Lingfeng Group, or more precisely, the products of Huaxia enterprises have entered thousands of households. Now people are shocked by Huaxia, this ancient country, not just for the brilliant culture of the past five thousand years, but for the brilliant achievements that our modern hundreds of millions of Chinese people have shown to the world."

"Similarly, a hundred years ago, people were still running around for their livelihood. Hurried and in a hurry, sometimes it was the epitome of people in that era."

"Many people's dreams stop at reality, and many people's pursuits give way to life. But when they are old and look up at the starry sky, remember their lost youth."

"And the so-called dream has also become a secondary speech that I don't want to mention in my heart."

"After investigation, 'involvement' was the most frequently mentioned word in various social media at that time, and criticism of the company was also rising in various forums."

"Successful dreamers like me are as rare as pearls in the gravel. Most people are in the torrent of involution, dreaming of greatness, and end up living ordinary and confused

"And I have a dream, which is to create a conscientious enterprise that can make people feel the indelible dream of human nature again. Everyone has the right and courage to pursue their own dreams."

"Now, I am also very happy to see that many people with ideals and aspirations have gathered in Lingfeng Group. They are going further on the road of chasing their dreams."

"They have fantastic ideas, they are happy and happy. People who chase their dreams, everyone is their own hero."

"Now I really want to say to myself at the time, man, man. You did it."

"Humans can't be trapped by money, because they are defeated by themselves, not like a soldier on the battlefield, fighting the enemy heartily on the battlefield."

"Everyone, colleagues, live together. The ideal is now within reach."

"I hope that when you are old, you will not tell your children the truth of life, be proficient in the world, and be good at planning."

"But I can proudly say to my children: Once, I had a dream."

There was prolonged applause from the audience.

Next came the question-and-answer session.

Gao Lingfeng patiently answered everyone's questions about the future direction of their company and 300 questions about his vision for some technology industries.

Until, it was the turn of an elementary school student from Earth School.

He was a little nervous, looked to the side, and hesitated a little.

Gao Lingfeng smiled and said: "Little brother, don't be so nervous, just treat me as your big brother.

"I don't want to ask the question I prepared, can I ask something else?" He lowered his head, fiddling with his fingers.

"Of course, Jane can do anything." Gao Lingfeng said with a smile.

He puffed up his cheeks, as if he mustered up a lot of courage.

"One day, can we go beyond the speed of light? I want to go to the boundary of the universe to see."

There was a friendly laugh from the audience.

Gao Lingfeng was also taken aback when he heard this question. He looked at the child's wide eyes. A little nervous, but full of anticipation.

He thought about when he was young, when he was innocent and innocent, everyone wanted to become a superhero, to travel through time, to go back to the past [to travel freely in the universe.

Now human beings are like a child, full of curiosity, extending their hands to this vast starry sky.

"Of course, why not?"

After finishing speaking, Gao Lingfeng looked towards the sky.

What catches the eye is the bright galaxy and the endless journey. .

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