In the afternoon, Gao Lingfeng came to the crew.

The former Jinhua Paradise, now Lingfeng Paradise, has become a steampunk-style park under the transformation of Ma Guang.

The Ferris wheel was changed to a furnace core tower, and a circle of buildings was built around it, all of which were in "Ice Age".

The buildings seem to have stepped out of the renderings.

Gao Lingfeng couldn't help but sigh with emotion, the SSR-level skills are amazing.

These are all designed and built by Ma Guang day and night.

But Ma Guang is also full of gratitude to Gao Lingfeng.

Unlimited financial support, a party A who never dictates, this is the party A that all design dogs dream of.

Gao Lingfeng gave Ma Guang full creative freedom, and did not withhold project funding.

This is also the reason why Ice Age Paradise can maintain such a fast construction progress.

Come to the crew.

Gao Lingfeng said directly to Hu Xiaoqin: "How about letting me play the villain?"

"Boss, you?"

Gao Lingfeng said: "Yeah, one person plays two roles, it's like this in many movies."

Hu Xiaoqin said: "It's not a problem technically, just work hard on the makeup teacher, and just change it to the fact that the hero and the villain are related."

Hu Xiaoqin mustered up her courage and said, "But boss, your acting skills..."

"I recently studied the script carefully and gained a deeper understanding of the characters."

"Boss, didn't you write the script..."

Gao Lingfeng asked: "Then do you want to try acting?"

"A test play?"

"That's right, if I'm qualified for the role of Professor Kang, we'll start filming as soon as possible, if I can't, then we'll find someone else."

Hu Xiaoqin thought for a while, but there seemed to be no other way, so she could only say, "Let's try."

After the scene was set up, half of the crew came to watch.

The actor Lin Sen who originally played Professor Kang also sat beside Hu Xiaoqin.

Following Hu Xiaoqin's order, the filming began.

Professor Kang can be regarded as an important villain, second only to the male protagonist in importance in the play.

Ice Age is a sci-fi disaster movie.

In the first half, the earth suddenly became cold, the cold hit the earth, and civilization was destroyed.

In the first half, Professor Kang was not a villain, and he also provided a lot of help to the hero and heroine.

But in the second half of the plot, after the male protagonist used the research results to build the core tower of the furnace, he temporarily saved everyone.

At this time, Professor Kang started acting as a demon. He hoarded food first, trying to control everyone with food.

Then it began to incite emotions and encourage everyone to overthrow the order established by the hero and heroine.

Professor Kang shouted the slogan of freedom with a double standard. On the one hand, he exploited others by various dirty means, and on the other hand, he shouted the slogan of freedom and fought for power and profit with the male protagonist and the female protagonist.

In the end, Professor Kang frantically wanted to detonate the core tower of the furnace, dragging everyone to die with him.

The ending is that the male lead desperately killed Professor Kang, and finally died in the arms of the female lead.

This Professor Kang is also a charismatic villain.

He is personable, sophistry, ruthless and ambitious.

This is such an important role, that's why Hu Xiaoqin attaches so much importance to it.

This is a scene where the heroine confronts Professor Kang.

Su Nuan put on her costume and stood in front of Gao Lingfeng.

As expected of Su Nuan who has SSR acting skills, her emotions came out all at once. Su Nuan began to accuse Professor Kang, and her emotions came out all at once.

"Boss Su's acting skills are really amazing!" Lin Sen, who had filmed several scenes with Su Nuan, said with emotion.

Next is Gao Lingfeng's lines.

I only heard Gao Lingfeng read a line: "Is it all worth it?"

Everyone in the audience had goosebumps.

Professor Kang's villainous temperament was full all of a sudden, and Su Nuan even took half a step back in shock.

Gao Lingfeng is full of aura, completely brought into the role of Professor Kang.

He began to question the heroine, the meaning of building the core tower of the furnace, and used his sophistry to justify his evil deeds.

Professor Kang blames everything on his own freedom, and believes that in such an apocalypse, the laws of nature should govern the new society.

Survival of the fittest, Professor Kang regards himself as the strong, and enslaves the weak as a matter of course.

His extremely provocative lines were full of oppression, and everyone present felt the pressure.

Gao Lingfeng's performance portrays Professor Kang thoroughly!

And Gao Lingfeng's powerful acting skills also inspired Su Nuan's acting skills.

She quickly immersed herself in the role of the heroine.

The heroine is a strong and upright character who grows from being a fool at the beginning of the disaster to the leader of the end-time city and the guardian of human civilization.

The heroine is also a person with extremely righteous views. She began to refute Professor Kang's remarks, showing the brilliance of human reason hidden in her.

This rivalry scene was quite enjoyable, and when the performance was over, Hu Xiaoqin forgot to turn off the camera.

"Great!" Lin Sen was the first to stand up and applaud.

Everyone in the crew stood up, and Hu Xiaoqin even ran onto the stage excitedly. She said excitedly:

"Boss! Nuan Nuan! You guys are really amazing!"

"This performance deserves an Oscar!"

Su Nuan never expected that the play with Gao Lingfeng would be so smooth.

The previous scenes with Gao Lingfeng were obviously embarrassing.

Is there really a genius who suddenly enlightened in this world?

Hu Xiaoqin immediately said: "Mr. Gao, Mr. Su, we must hurry up. At this speed, we will be able to finish the project soon!"

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