Company Development: I Build A Conscience National Enterprise

Chapter 032: Cyber ​​Journey To The West

Gao Lingfeng had known for a long time that his company had an undercover agent.

Through the employee card, he quickly discovered that an employee's loyalty is (-100).

The employee's name is Zhang Donghai, and he came from another big game company.

Moreover, Zhang Donghai's employee card reads:

Zhang Donghai: 28 years old

Loyalty: -100 (Good Game Company undercover)

Education: College of Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, undergraduate.

Job Specialties: Office Fighting S, Computer Development D

Hobbies: beautiful women.

Good guy, it is indeed a product of a big company, and the office is full of struggle points.

After this Zhang Donghai came, he kept making troubles.

But Gao Lingfeng did not fire him.

An undercover undercover agent is best controlled.

Gao Lingfeng quickly marginalized Zhang Donghai.

If you keep him, maybe it will work in reverse.

Today, Gao Lingfeng summoned the head of the company's gaming department.

The general planner of the game is naturally Gao Lingfeng.

He also doubles down on all programming for the game.

With the help of the perfect game engine, the development task Gao Lingfeng can complete alone.

The person in charge of the art department is Fang Sijin.

This former real estate salesman really has an amazing talent in painting.

Several new costumes she designed for Black Martial Arts received unanimous praise from players.

Especially in order to repay the players of the national server, the Chinese dragon-style clothing is specially launched.

The suits of each profession have their own characteristics!

The saint of Jianzhai is a veil embroidered with golden dragons, plus a long white skirt that hides nine dragons.

Full of fairy spirit, extravagance is pressing!

The demon girl is a long crimson cheongsam dress, with a black dragon crawling from the corner of the cheongsam to the neckline.

Overwhelm the country and the city, the charm is born!

Several other occupations also have their own advantages and disadvantages in gifting dragon-style clothing.

Players blow up one after another.

This can make foreign players sour!

Especially in the national server, there are still many players who go to the foreign server and wear the exclusive clothes of the national server to abuse food.

For a while, there were posts on how to register for Steam in China on the Internet.

Many foreign players come to the country to buy games for exclusive clothing.

This also allowed the sales of "Black Martial Arts" to increase again.

The person in charge of the game marketing department is named Pan Ming.

He was squeezed out by his superiors in a big factory and jumped over here.

Pan Ming: 29 years old

Loyalty: 80

Education: College of Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, undergraduate.

Specialties: Marketing A

Hobbies: Anime.

He is the employee with the highest marketing level among Gao Lingfeng's staff.

In addition to the two departments of art and marketing, Huang Ji of the planning department is an old gamer who was laid off by a large factory.

Huang Ji: 38 years old

Loyalty: 90

Education: College of Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, undergraduate.

Job specialty: game planning S

Hobbies: family

Huang Ji is getting old, and he can't work overtime. There are many family matters.

The original big factory began to dislike this kind of old man, and quickly found several reasons to kick Huang Ji out.

There are seniors and subordinates, Huang Ji has driven a taxi and also delivered food.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, I submitted my resume to Lingfeng Games, but I didn't expect to be hired.

In addition, Li Tao, who invested in the branch, was also called to attend the meeting.

"Everyone has seen the planning book, this is the script of the game."

This is an idea of ​​Gao Lingfeng who used the [Perfect Script Generator] to complete it.

"Cyber ​​Westward Journey", this is the name of the game.

The background of the game is in the future world.

A company invents technology that uploads human consciousness to the web.

A company invented biological genetic modification technology.

Both companies have achieved immortality through technology.

The company that invented the consciousness uploading technology claims to be Xitian Buddhism, and has built a huge space station on the orbit of the planet.

The name of the space station is "Xitian", which stores a large amount of computer equipment.

The company's top executives uploaded their consciousness into the machine and turned it into a giant machine Buddha.

The robot Buddha enjoys offerings from all living beings.

"Buddha Gate" has also mastered high-tech electronic weapons.

And another company, using genetic modification technology, also makes the human body immortal.

This company calls itself Heavenly Court, and also built a "Heavenly Court" in planetary orbit.

"Heavenly Court" has mastered biological weapons.

The war between "Buddhist Gate" and "Heavenly Court" destroyed the civilization on the planet.

The remaining human beings have forgotten history and returned to an era similar to that of ancient dynasties.

In the wilderness, there are killing robots made by "Buddhism" and biochemical monsters made by "Heavenly Court".

The remaining humans had to build cities and use their walls to resist the monsters in the wilderness.

After the truce between "Buddhist Gate" and "Tianting", they began to use the remaining compatriots to carry out cruel experiments.

But the people on the ground think that being taken away by the two major forces means ascending to immortality and cultivating a righteous fruit.

So the religion of worshiping "Buddhism" and "Heavenly Court" was born.

The two forces simply used religion and began to rule the human beings on the ground.

And the story is the story of a reformed man named Wukong who went to the "Western Paradise" to learn scriptures.

Huang Ji, who was the first to read the script, said:

"The script is perfect!"

"This setting is very interesting! And the combination with Journey to the West is wonderful!"

"Cyberfuture style is great!"

"It can also cause players to think about the development of technology!"

"If the game can be presented according to the script, it will definitely be a peerless work!"

Huang Ji has seen many planned scripts, and this "Cyber ​​Westward Journey" is definitely the best he has ever seen!

In addition to the script, there are also many interesting bosses designed in the game.

For example, Nezha who was trained as a biological weapon.

Tota Li Tianwang is Nezha's father and Nezha's controller.

Nezha tried to resist fate, but was brainwashed time and time again.

Yang Jian, the former leader of the ground human resistance army.

But he found out that his mother was a high-ranking member of the "Tianting". In order to live forever, Yang Jian also underwent biological transformation and became the number one thug in the "Tianting".

This kind of setting fits the story in Journey to the West, and also endows the new connotation of the cyber style.

This can't help but make Huang Ji applaud!

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