[The big snake pill's face changed, and he quickly cut off the psychic python. 】

[The python fell to the ground and completely turned into ashes after a twist. ] 】

[The big snake pill licked his tongue excitedly: "This is the legendary strongest Yan Duan Tianzhao? "】

[Seeing that the blow missed, the scorpion manipulated the wind shadow to directly throw Fugaku out and hit the wall on the side fiercely. ] 】

[When the dust cleared, Uchiha Fugaku was covered in blood, lying in embarrassment in the ruins, panting heavily. 】

["What a ruthless ape flying sun," at this time, Uchiha Fugaku listened to the screams of the clansmen, and his muscles were exposed. 】

[At this time, he already regretted that he did not follow the kaleidoscope's calculations to capture Naruto, and launched a coup d'état with the Nine Tails, and if the kaleidoscope combined with the Nine Tails, he would definitely be able to easily wipe out the group of rotten Konoha high-ranking people. ] 】

[Originally, he planned to use the identity of Uchiha Itachi's dark department to secretly launch a bloodless coup and peacefully change his term without revealing his own strength, so as to curb the ambition of the clan to conquer the ninja world because of their excessive strength. ] 】

[However, before he could implement his plan, he inexplicably received information about the defection of Uchiha and Shuishui Shuangshuang, and even if he couldn't contact him. ] 】

[Now he was slashed by Sarutobi again, looking at the slaughtered clansmen, he felt a pang of sadness and indignation in his heart, this time is different from the plot, his son did not make Fugaku discouraged, he is still the Uchiha patriarch who wants to carry out a coup. ] 】

[It's just that in the face of several shadow-level powerhouses, even if he has a kaleidoscope, he feels powerless. ] 】

[Because in the absence of the Eternal Eye, the consumption of the kaleidoscope is too great, especially the terrifying side effects, just for a while, his eyes have begun to blur and tingle. ] 】

Uchiha: "Have you actually trained Susa to the second stage?" Both father and son are geniuses. "

"The patriarch turned out to be a kaleidoscope chakra eye? Why didn't the patriarch tell us earlier! If you tell us, you only need to tie up the Nine Tails, and you can easily stage a coup with the help of the Nine Tails! "

Shimura Danzo: "Hehe, the Nine-Tails Rebellion was really controlled by your Uchiha clan back then, what is there to argue with now?" "

"You fart! We also didn't know that Patriarch Fugaku was a kaleidoscope, and in the Nine Tails Rebellion, Patriarch Fugaku personally commanded us to participate in logistical rescue work! "

Uchiha: "But that's the end of it, it's not even a kaleidoscope, and there is only so much power that can be exerted." "

["Fugaku! Mikoto on the side looked over anxiously. 】

[Uchiha Fugaku coughed up a large mouthful of blood, looked at the blurred figure in his eyes with an ugly face and shook his head: "Sorry Mikoto, it may end here, I have already sensed that this time it is not only this Xiao organization, but also the massacre that the dark department launched against us, and Sarutobi intends to kill it all. "】

[Uchiha Mikoto shook her head calmly, opened her three-hook jade chakra eyes and blocked in front of Fugaku. 】

[The scorpion's expression did not change in the slightest, and the magnetic sand iron that controlled the three generations of wind shadows slowly floated above the sky, forming an enchantment that covered the two of Uchiha Fugaku. ] 】

["Magnetic Escape Sand and Iron Realm Law"


[Countless iron sands turned into terrifying long thorns, piercing madly in irregular directions in the enchantment. ] 】

【Boom~! 】

[A terrifying explosion sounded, and a large amount of smoke covered the two of them. 】

Uchiha Sasuke in the examination room was dumbfounded, looking at the projection and shouting excitedly: "Father! Mother! "

Uchiha's eyes were sharp, even if he saw his parents' death again, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

"Wait a minute! You see! "

"What's that!?"

At this point, the speech in the chat room lit up again

Uchiha and Sasuke looked sharply towards the sky, only to find a red Susa stunned appearance in the projection.

["Who? The scorpion frowned and looked into the smoke. 】

['Uchiha Itachi' with a red Susanoo blocked all the iron sand of the three generations of Kazekage. 】

["One dozen seven! Mikoto Uchiha looked at her 'son' with some surprise. 】

[Uchiha Fugaku suddenly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the arrival of the Itachi, and he looked at Uchiha Itachi with a look of relief and said, "It seems that he is a Uchiha clan..."



[Before Uchiha Fugaku finished speaking, 'Uchiha Itachi' suddenly turned around and gouged Fugaku's eyes, and then picked up Mikoto and rushed out, and between a few ups and downs, everyone present could only see Uchiha Itachi's small back. ] 】

[Scorpion, Orochimaru, and Uchiha Fugaku didn't slow down for a long time. 】

[Until the painful stimulus appeared, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly widened his dark eyes and roared loudly: "Lying down..."


[Poof, before he finished speaking, the iron sand of the wind shadow puppet had already pierced Fugaku's heart. 】

[Fugaku opened his mouth, and the blood choked him so much that he couldn't speak. 】

[But the dark eyes are big proof of how deep his residual thoughts are. ] 】

Everyone outside the projection opened their mouths wide in amazement.

The oni blinked and looked at the Uchiha weasel beside him

Xiaoqiang looked at Uchiha Sasuke on the side blankly.

"Naruto, I'm going to your grandmother!!"

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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