Comparing The Double Uchiha Madara, Konoha Cried With Envy

Chapter 104: So, What Can You Do About The Second One? Onoki


[Gaara: "Everyone! Run as far away as possible!"]

[Seeing that the meteorite is getting closer and closer to the ground. 】

[Everyone started to run around frantically!]

[Wu raised his head and looked at the meteorites in the sky. 】

【"Kill us too?"】

[Madara also stared at the meteorite without paying any attention. 】

["Of course, the Impure World Reincarnation technique was originally used to perish together with the enemy."]

["It won't take long for us to recover."]

[Looking at Onoki flying towards the meteorite, Madara showed a teasing smile. 】

["A flying ninja? Then he should be that boy Iwagakure Tenghei."]

Uzumaki Naruto: "Oh! This Reanimation Jutsu is such a scumbag! You don't have to worry about dying at all!"

Namikaze Minato: "Rinnegan's so powerful that even he himself is not immune."

Uchiha Fugaku: "This Madara-sama of the White World is so ruthless, he could even kill himself if he gets ruthless!"

Hatake Kakashi: "Indeed, Madara's character is more twisted than his counterpart in another world."

Deidara: "Hey! I'm already looking forward to the moment when the meteorite hits the ground, Huan!"

[At this time Tsuchikage flew to the meteorite and placed his hands on the meteorite! 】

[However, his power in front of the meteorite is like a mantis using its arms as a chariot. 】

【"Earth Style! Super Light Heavy Rock Technique!!"】

[For a moment, the rapidly flowing airflow on the surface of the meteorite began to slow down!]

[However, the fall is still continuing, and this is just delaying the landing time! 】

[At this moment, Gaara also took action! 】

【I saw him holding it up with both hands!】

【Use all the Chakra in your body, and the sand will rise like a wave!】

[Then two hands formed like holding the bottom of the meteorite! 】

[The speed of the meteorite slows down again!]

[It’s as if those huge sandy hands are about to collapse under the weight! 】

[Finally, after the two of them tried their best, the meteorite finally stopped! 】

【Madara saw this scene without any emotion. 】

["That kid is so resistant to changes in the world."]

[Everyone stopped at this time, feeling like they were surviving a disaster. 】

[They all collapsed on the ground, cheering. 】

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts were also relieved.

Uzumaki Naruto: "Oh! It's amazing, Grandpa Tsuchikage, and Gaara!"

Hatake Kakashi: "It's really incredible that it actually prevented the meteorite from falling!"

Gaara: "Fortunately, Tsuchikage's gravity has been reduced, otherwise my sand wouldn't be able to hold it if it had been anyone else. w

Two-Day Scale Ohnoki: "It looks really thrilling... almost the entire army was wiped out!"

Uchiha Madara:887 “Haha, that’s interesting!”

Senju Hashirama: "It turns out that there are still many excellent ninjas in later generations! They are not as bad as described."

Terumi Mei: "Tsuchikage, I didn't expect you to make the decision to sacrifice yourself to buy time for others to escape. This makes me a little impressed."

At this time, Senju Tobirama looked at the screen, Madara's attack was blocked, and found the topic instantly. :

"Haha, even with the power of God, it has not reached the point where human power cannot stop it. After all, it is not beyond the scope."

"No matter how powerful we are, we still can't defeat the power of unity."

[At this time, the ground was full of laughter and laughter. 】

【Everyone is rejoicing in surviving the disaster. 】

[Onoki also had a smile on his face. 】

[ Madara stared at the scene in front of her, her expression still cold. 】

[After a moment, a sentence suddenly came out that shocked everyone. 】

【"All right."】

["What can you do about the second one... Ohnoki?"]


[The dense clouds in the sky were suddenly blown away!!]

[Suddenly, another huge meteorite has arrived!]

Seeing this scene, everyone in the ninja world couldn't sit still, with shocked expressions on their faces again.

"Fuck!! Another one!!"

"You're kidding...come again!"

"What a shame! This thing can be infinite!!"

At this time, Senju Tobirama's expression was wonderful. He had just mocked Madara, and was immediately slapped in the face at the speed of light!

" is this possible!!"

Uchiha Madara said disdainfully: "So, you dare to say what you just said again, Tobirama.

Jiraiya: "Hey...this is a bit too super! You can actually summon meteorites!"

Deidara: "Hey, hey, hey, what a wonderful scene! He really deserves to be Madara!"

Gaara: "What a terrifying power... Blocking a meteorite is already the limit of limits."

“There’s actually a second one!”

Onoki, a two-person scale: "Damn still can't compete!"

Namikaze Minato: "It's really terrible... The whole army is really going to be annihilated now!"

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, and said excitedly: "This is Sharingan's Ultimate, Ring Eye Water! Haha... What a wonderful power!"

[At this time, the ninjas of the Ninja Alliance were not happy for long. 】

[They saw a scene they would never forget. 】

[Everyone’s happy expressions were instantly shrouded in fear again!]

[I saw that huge meteorite slamming into a meteorite!]

[The overwhelming weight and the unparalleled impact!]

[Those sandy hands collapsed instantly!]

[Two meteorites collided, making a deafening dull sound! 】


[Immediately, the meteorites began to fragment and collapse!!]

[It fell directly to the ground!!]


[The entire battlefield was instantly filled with smoke, and the earth was shaking like chaff!]

[Not only that, but also other troops several kilometers away. 】

[I also saw this scene [I can clearly feel the ground shaking!]

[Even the combat command room has been affected!]

[Nara Shikaku looked shocked and said: "What the hell happened!!"]

["Message from the Relay Intelligence Department."]

["A huge boulder that almost covered the sky and sun fell from the sky above the battlefield of the Fourth Army!!"]

【"The vibration is caused by this!!"】

[Fourth Raikage Ai hurriedly asked: "Is there any follow-up news about the Fourth Raikage?!"]

["Oh my god...give so many people at once..."]

Namikaze Minato: "How come the entire army was wiped out and there was no survivor?! Naruto..."

Uzumaki Naruto: "Grandpa Tsuchikage, Gaara, and I, the entire fourth unit, are all gone...

Tsunade: "Is this what will happen in the future... It's really scary!"

Uchiha Itachi: "This is... the power of Rinnegan's God! It cannot be blocked by human power at all..."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Madara wiped out the entire Fourth Raikage alone, thousands of people!"

Onoki, a two-person scale: "Damn it, it really doesn't work... I can't compete at all!"

Deidara: "Hey! This is real art!"

Hoshigaki Kisame: "Yeah, yeah, this scene is really exciting! Madara-sama alone is enough to change the entire situation of the battle!"

Orochimaru: "Haha, it seems that this Fourth Ninja War is really interesting."

[At this time, on the battlefield filled with smoke. 】

[There are actually a few scattered survivors. 】

[Looking at the corpses all over the ground and the mess, their expressions are so desperate!]

[Naruto, Gaara, and Temari were seriously injured. 】

[Onoki has been seriously injured and passed out. 】

[The fragments began to gather, and Second Tsuchikage Wu and Madara re-condensed their bodies. 】

[Kabuto sighed sincerely: "This is the power of Sage of Six's amazing!"]

[Madara laughed and said: "Huh...what a nostalgic scenery."]


["So, are we going to capture the Nine Tails Jinchūriki's true form now?"]

["No, don't worry, before that, I have a ninjutsu I want to try."]

[Immediately, Madara clapped her hands. 】

【"Wood Style! The birth of the tree world!!"】


[In an instant, the earth shattered into pieces, and countless giant vines and trees appeared. 】

[The overwhelming force began to sweep towards these people!]

[Compared to being controlled by Madara, Nine Tails is still willing to believe in Naruto. 】

[Give him my Chakra. 】

[At this time, Naruto rushed forward without hesitation!]

【"Multiple, Shadow Clone Technique!"】

【"Big Ball Rasengan!!"】

[In an instant, there are thousands of clones, one because of the pressure of the oyster!]

[Go towards the overwhelming vines!]

【Bang bang bang!!】

【The sound of explosions keeps ringing!】

[The clones blast away the Big Ball Rasengan one by one!]

[After finally stopping Madara’s terrifying attack. 】

【Naruto suddenly collapsed on the ground from exhaustion!】

【"The Chakra given by Nine Tails... I used up all of it in one go!"】

Hatake Kakashi: "Can Madara actually use Wood Style?! And...this scale is no smaller than First Hokage-sama!"

Senju Hashirama: "This kid named Naruto is great! He can actually stop Wood Style's attack by himself."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Is this the power of Senju Hashirama Wood Style!"

Namikaze Minato: "Naruto's thousands of Shadow Clone, plus Big Ball Rasengan barely stopped this attack!"

"Not only order to block this attack, all the Chakra given by Nine Tails was consumed!"

Two Scales Onoki: "When I first watched the duel between Senju Hashirama and Madara, the contrast was far less obvious than what I feel intuitively now!"

Terumi Mei: "Now Madara can be said to be unbeatable.

"Rinnegan, Senju Hashirama's Wood Style, Immortality plus Infinite Chakra!"

Uchiha Fugaku: "With these, I can probably compete with Madara-sama in the current underworld!"

Two Scales Onoki: "Sure enough, the gap between the strength of our era and the past is still too big..."

[At this time, Madara was standing on a high place, with her hands folded across her chest and a calm expression on her face. 】

["I also want to experiment with other ninjutsu."]

【"But you are no longer able to dance, Ohnoki."】

[At this time, Onoki saw that young people were working so hard. 】

[Finally I regained myself and started to talk a lot. 】

[ Madara sneered and said disdainfully. 】

["Huh? It seems you still have the strength to dance!"]


I feel that the situation of the fourth unit is very bad. 】

【At the same time, Tsunade, Fourth Raikage Ai, Terumi Mei. 】

[Prepare to be teleported to the battlefield!]

[At this time, Madara and Wu began to actively attack Onoki and the others! 】

[I saw them flying towards me!]

[Just when I was about to get closer, a white light suddenly flashed in front of my eyes!]

【Bang bang!!】

【Madara and Second Tsuchikage were knocked back with punches and kicks one after another!】

【"Grandma Tsunade!"】

【At this time, Terumi Mei also appeared next to her! 】

["Everyone is still alive, which means we are not too late."]

[Fourth Raikage Ai: “I can finally show off my fists and kicks, I can’t wait! 】

[Ohnoki: "Longevity is indeed a good thing. The five shadows can actually fight side by side one day."]

[At this point, the five shadows gather! 】

Seeing this scene, everyone in the ninja world immediately became excited!

Uzumaki Naruto: "Oh! Raikage, Grandma Tsunade, and Mizukage are all here!"

Namikaze Minato: "I can't believe that the kage, who once had a feud with the great villages of various countries, can still see this scene!"

Orochimaru: "Haha, it's really interesting... The Five Kage vs. Madara must be quite exciting!"

Hatake Kakashi: "The strongest beings in the five major villages, together they should be able to compete with Madara!"

Senju Hashirama: "Haha! This is what we hope for... Put aside all prejudices and grudges and fight against the enemy together!"

Hoshigaki Kisame: "Hey, it's better not to have too much hope. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Hmph! As long as the class from the underworld is not here, everything is possible!"

Two Scales Onoki: "Even if we are not Madara's opponent, at least the five of us will not have the ability to resist!"

[ Madara looked at the five people in front of her calmly and said. 】

["It's just right. With such a lineup, it's not worth my try."]

[At this time, Tsunade is healing Gaara and Onoki's injuries. 】

【"Raikage, Mizukage, please buy some time."】

[Fourth Raikage Ai: "Up, Mizukage!"]

【"Okay! Lava Style, the joy of blending!"】


[I saw Terumi Mei spitting out a large amount of beige liquid from her mouth!]


[The liquid sticks to the Wood Style and makes a sizzling sound instantly!]

【Continuously corroding these huge tree roots, Peng!】

[While Madara was dodging, Raikage flew and punched at an extremely fast speed!]

[Knock him away directly!]

[Immediately afterwards, Terumi Mei fired another Lava Style, monster melting Technique!]

[A large amount of liquid is constantly corroding, and the ground is covered with corrosive liquid!]

[Smoke steamed up and filled the battlefield! 】

[At this time, Madara has already started the second stage of Susanoo!]

【Block the corrosion of these liquids!】

【I saw Raikage fly and attack!】

【“Lateral Bolt of Pain: Chop!”】


[It hit the Susanoo shell violently!]

[Then Terumi Mei followed suit, and the monster-melting Technique sprayed out corrosive liquid!]

[It was directly submerged in it!]

[However, just after a moment, a sound like the sound of bones was heard inside! 】

[ Susanoo actually stood up without any injuries. 】

["Lightning Style's teleportation, plus Lava Style's blood inheritance limit?"]

["Strong attack power"]

["So, what about your defense!"]

[Susanoo raised her hand, and a row of magatama transformed by Chakra appeared in the air! 】

[Immediately with a flick, the magatama was blasted towards several people!]

【And Gaara and Onoki. 】

[They used rock and sand shields one after another to protect everyone below! 】

【Bang bang!!】

[After the violent explosion, even the rock man under the sand shield was almost exploded!]

Two-Day Scale Onoki: "Even the double defense was almost blown to pieces, what a terrifying power!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Can you just barely resist Susanoo's random attack?"

Hatake Kakashi: “If this continues, I don’t know if we can wait until the treatment of the injury is completed.

Terumi Mei: "Haha, I didn't expect that one day I would be able to compete with Senju Hashirama, a person of the same level. It would be very challenging!"

Gaara: "Susanoo's defense is so strong, that's a problem... Trying to break through Madara's defense is useless."

【"The double defense of rock and sand is quite impressive!"】

[I saw Susanoo waving the Chakra Blade in her hand!]

[When one blow falls, it is quite terrifying and destructive!]

【Gaara controls the sand and resists the waves!】

[Immediately, I saw the sand around Susanoo suddenly rising up!].

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