Comparing The Double Uchiha Madara, Konoha Cried With Envy

Chapter 109: Ten Tails Goes Berserk And Everything Changes!

【"Insect evil folk tools Technique!"】

[In an instant, black bugs flew out of the sky! 】

【"Mist Shadow Technique!"】


[In an instant, a large amount of white mist filled the air, covering everyone! 】

【More and more people are coming!】

[At this time, the sensory water ball in the combat command room has deformed! 】

[Darui: "The first unit has arrived!"]

【"The second unit has arrived!"】

【"The third unit has arrived!"】

【"The fourth unit has arrived!"】

["The fifth unit has also arrived!"]

【"Medical Department Arrives!"】

["Sense the arrival of the troops!"]

[At this time, all the ninja coalition forces of the five major countries have arrived! 】

[Tens of thousands of people are densely packed in the middle of the battlefield!]

[Madara: "You think you can hide it like this?"]

[I saw Ten Tails gently waving its tail!]

[The fog and shadow created by dozens of people were blown away instantly!]

Senju Hashirama: "Hey! It looks really exciting! Seventy or eighty thousand people are really not a small number!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Now... there are only final enemies! Uchiha Madara... and Uchiha Obito!"

Two-Day Scale Ohnoki: "This scene is really shocking!"

Uchiha Madara: "Haha, what can more people change? It's just more people dying."

"In front of Ten Tails, they are just a bunch of ants."

Tsunade: "Although the Five Shadows were defeated, there are still tens of thousands of people here. Although we don't know if they are opponents, at least we have a chance of winning!"

Orochimaru: "Haha, what a huge scene! The largest war in history!"

Hoshigaki Kisame: "Hee! This is going to be a great show!"

【"Come on! The final battle!"】

[In an instant, the dense crowd of tens of thousands of people dispersed in an instant! 】

【Organized in an orderly manner!】

【Cloud Shinobi crowd!】

【"Lightning Style! Lightning Pillar!"】

【"Lan Dun! Laser Circus!"】


[For a moment, an extremely dazzling light flashed! 】

[It stings Ten Tails’ eyes and narrows them!]

[Countless streams of light intertwined and attacked Ten Tails!]

[Next, Mist Shadow Technique, Evil Civil Tool! 】

[In addition, a large amount of dust was kicked up by Lan Dun in the controlled airflow! 】

【"Wind Style! Flurry of air flow!"】

[Suddenly, everyone’s ninja coalition was completely covered inside! 】

[Completely block Ten Tails’ vision!]

[Immediately, all the Rock Shinobi troops pick up! 】

【"Earth Style! Earthquake Core!"】

[In an instant, a huge cubic hole was cut out under the feet of 23 Shengxing! 】

[However, I desperately tried to hold on to the surrounding walls, but still slipped down!]

【"Lava Style! Lime Condensation Technique!!"】

[At what time, the overwhelming amount of lime poured directly into the hole to fill it! 】

["Fog Shadows, pick up!"]

【"Water Style! Water Bomb Technique!"】

[Suddenly, a lot of water poured in again! 】

["Konoha people, it's up to you to finish this!"]

【"Fire Style! Fire Technique!!"】


[In an instant, the sea of ​​​​fire was like a waterfall, roasting the mixture of water and lime! 】

[As it solidified, Ten Tails' body was completely controlled!]

[Only the back and the tip of the tail are exposed!]

Seeing this, the emotions of everyone in the ninja world have been aroused.

"Damn it! Did you see that? We are so awesome!"

"I never thought we would have such a highlight moment!"

"Let's cooperate and kill indiscriminately!"

Senju Hashirama: "It's unbelievable. It's the first time that the Ninja Alliance fought together, and the cooperation turned out to be so perfect!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Is this the power of 80,000 people! Ten Tails, who was so terrifying before, was actually tightly controlled!"

Two Scales Ohnoki: "This is the power of the crowd. Compared to the two of you fighting alone, it is much stronger!"

Terumi Mei: "Very good...if this continues, victory will definitely be ours!"

Orochimaru: "Haha, it's rare to see such a wonderful scene!"

Hoshigaki Kisame: "Hey, well, well, it seems Madara-sama is at a disadvantage. I wonder how he will respond next?"

Uchiha Madara: "Interesting, I'd like to see what other tricks you can come up with.

[Despite this, Madara still crossed her arms across her chest, looking calm as usual. 】

["It's unbelievable that the ninjas from those five ninja villages can cooperate so well."]

【Yamanaka Haiichi is commanding everyone at this time. 】

[Conveyed all the information to everyone. 】

[In an instant! Thousands of people jumped into the cave! 】

[They launch ninjutsu and attack below!]

[But Madara and Obito just watched quietly and even talked. 】

[Madara: "How sad."]

[Obito: "Well...the so-called hope they rely on does not exist at all."]

["And now, their existence itself will be like this."]

[Madara: "It's time for Ten Tails."]

[The words just finished. 】


【All the tails of Ten Tails shot out instantly! 】

[Knocked everyone away directly!]

[The tail is stuck at the entrance of the hole, and the whole body is held up!]

[At this time, his appearance also changed! 】

【The body becomes humanoid!】

[There are arms and legs growing on the back, and there is also a raised peak on the back! 】

【The whole body becomes skinny!】

【And it can already stand up!】


Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly looked shocked.

Uzumaki Naruto: "What?! The appearance of Ten Tails has changed... Could it be that it has evolved!"

Hatake Kakashi: "That's not good... It was already the best time to attack, but I didn't expect it to be a step too late. Did Ten Tails complete its evolution first?!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "It's unbelievable... Ten Tails has grown in size again! Standing up, it looks so terrifying!"

Namikaze Minato: "It's even taller than Shodai's Senju Buddha!"

Two Scales Onoki: "Sure enough... I still think it's too simple! With the evolution of Ten Tails, it will undoubtedly be more difficult to subdue it!"

Uchiha Obito: "I've told you before, having more people doesn't mean anything, and victory will not belong to you."

Uchiha Madara: "In the face of absolute power, it can only last for a long time."

Terumi Mei: "The outcome has not yet been decided, so don't get too carried away!"

Uchiha Madara: "Haha, you will soon know what reality is..."

[At this time, Ten Tails has begun to become a little manic. 】

[Madara: "Control of Ten Tails is becoming more and more difficult."]

["You have to use Hashirama cells to strengthen the restraint."]

["Don't you want to try out how powerful Ten Tails is in this state?"]


[ Obito: "Well... let me tell them what despair means!" ]

[For a moment, Ten Tails opened its mouth and a buzzing sound sounded!]

Hatake Kakashi: " this guy planning to release Tailed Beast Bomb or Chakra Flash again?!"

Namikaze Minato: "The situation is very bad... Now on the battlefield, there is the entire ninja coalition.

"If it explodes here, there will undoubtedly be heavy losses..."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "This guy can't use up all the Chakra! This is the third time that he has used up Chakra's skills like this!"

Two Scales Onoki: "The current situation is very dangerous...can the ninja coalition stop it?"

Terumi Mei: “Having seen the Chakra flash released by Ten Tails before, even if we have 80,000 people, we may not be able to resist it.

Deidara looked excited and said, "Oh! Imagine Ten Tails' Tailed Beast Bomb exploding on a battlefield of 80,000 people. What a shocking sight it would be!"

Hoshigaki Kisame: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm so excited just thinking about it, haha!"

[At this time, a cone-shaped dark red Tailed Beast Bomb appears! 】

[Kakashi: "'s too late to use Kamui!"]

【"Raise the ground with Earth Style!"】

[I saw the yellow picture hand slapping the ground!]

【Ten Tails stepped on the ground with one foot and then rose up!】

[With a stagger, the Tailed Beast Bomb shot into the sky!]

[I saw the Tailed Beast Bomb flying several thousand meters away!]


[The flames of the explosion are like the tip of a sharp blade, rising into the sky!]

[Even if the ninja coalition is thousands of meters away, they can be seen clearly through the high mountains!]

Senju Hashirama: "As Ten Tails evolves, does the form of his Tailed Beast Bomb also change?!"

Hatake Kakashi: "Although the Tailed Beast Bomb is small, the power of the explosion is no less powerful than the large-scale Chakra flash...(adcg)."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Not only seems that his attack power is much stronger than the previous form!"

Two Scales Onoki: “Thanks to Kakashi’s temporary decision-making, fortunately there were no casualties.

Deidara: "Hey, even though it didn't explode in the crowd, but...I'm looking forward to Ten Tails' performance more and more!"

Kurotsuchi: "Hmph! Deidara, shut your mouth!"

[Madara: "It's wandering around like this. It seems that the control is not complete."]

【Obito: "Continue!!"】

[In an instant, Ten Tails once again condensed a Tailed Beast Bomb! 】

[The first tailed beast hit the sea directly. 】

[I was instantly knocked to the ground by the powerful recoil. 】

[Then the second shot was fired!]

[Destroyed a town instantly!]

【However, it’s not over yet!】

【I saw Ten Tails lying directly on the ground!】

【Third Tailed Beast Bomb!】

[And this time, I’m taking extra aim!]

[Command war room. 】

[Qing: "Something's wrong! It attacks all distant targets!"]

[Shikaku: "In other words, all cities and people are within the scope of the city!"]

["That means that the daimyo who have taken refuge and the people who protect the village..."]

["And the civilians of the country are also in danger!"]


[At this moment, Ten Tails aimed for a while, then raised its head and launched directly!]

【Neji: "That wolfberry is!!"】

[Qing: "This...this is!"]

[At this moment, Shikaku understood instantly. 】

[Look up and look out the skylight!]


Seeing this scene, everyone in the ninja world immediately became worried!

Fourth Raikage Ai: "What?! Ten Tails' final attack actually the command war room!!"

Hatake Kakashi: "Are you kidding... Ten Tails is so smart?!"

Namikaze Minato: "'s not that Ten Tails is smart, it's...Madara!"

Onoki, the two-person scales, said solemnly: "So...did Madara already guess that someone was commanding when attacking Nine Tails?!"

Nara Shikaku: "Haha, I didn't expect...not long in the future, I will die so soon!"

"After all the calculations, the safety of the command room has been omitted!"

Orochimaru: "Yeah, yeah, yeah... Once the commander dies, it will be the worst news for the ninja coalition!"

Terumi Mei: "Without a unified brain, the degree of cooperation will be greatly affected!"

Gaara: "The Tailed Beast Bomb has been launched, it is impossible to prevent the explosion..."

[Looking at the explosion in the distance, Madara showed a faint smile. 】

【"Finally hit..."】

["Now the leader of the coalition is finished."]

【"Forget it, this is the basis."】

[“I wanted to launch an attack before they started talking nonsense. 1

【"But there is no way to perfectly control Ten Tails."】

["So far, this is still feasible."]

["But then...if you don't become a Jinchūriki, it seems you won't be able to control Ten Tails."]

["I want to become a Jinchūriki, first I must get rid of the body of the Impure World Reincarnation."]

【"Become a living thing!"】

[Speaking, Madara looked at Obito calmly. 】

[ Obito is not a fool, and he understood what he meant instantly. 】

【"Impure World Reincarnation, you always like to drag people to your burials."】

["But he did not ignore the self-destruction and launched Ten Tails Tailed Beast Bomb at the coalition forces at his feet. 1

[“It’s because I’m afraid that I will be implicated and die.”]

["The reason why you don't want me to die."]

["Because if you want to be truly resurrected and become a Jinchūriki."]

["I must sacrifice my life to use the reincarnation technique on you."]

["In other words, your position is very delicate now and you must obey my words."]

[Madara: "Hmph... The little devil back then has become a lot more cunning!"]

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Haha, it seems like there is going to be internal strife!"

Two Scales Onoki: "I'm afraid Madara doesn't know, but Uchiha Obito has long wanted to be Ten Tails Jinchūriki.

"How is it possible to risk your life and use the Rinne Tensei Technique to resurrect someone stronger than yourself?"

Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked it, and said with a smile: "Interesting... Obito, who is still kept in the dark, is trying to play tricks on Madara?"

Hoshigaki Kisame; "Hey! I'm really looking forward to...what happens next!"

Uchiha Obito frowned and thought to himself: "Damn... Madara, this guy behaves so obediently, what conspiracy is he brewing!"

Uchiha Madara showed a disdainful smile and said to himself: "Hmph... Obito, since you want to become Ten Tails Jinchūriki, then I want to see what tricks you can do.

"If someone can't even control the power of a Rinnegan, how can he control the power of a Jinchūriki?"


[Obito controls Ten Tails to activate Wood Style, and Neji dies in the battle to protect Hinata. 】

【Naruto fell into despair and was woken up by Hinata's slap. 】

[Passed the Nine Tails Chakra to everyone. 】

[Cut off the control connection between Ten Tails and Madara, Obito!]

【At this time Ten Tails has gone berserk! 】

[I saw his body surrounded by a white light shield!]

【Keep roaring!】

[In an instant, the color of the world changes! 】

[An extremely powerful Chakra bursts out!]

[The powerful airflow instantly swept away everyone who was close to it!]

【The earth is lifted up layer by layer!】

【The sky is clouded over!】

[Powerful airflow begins to form a tornado!]

【With countless thunder and lightning landing! 】

[The entire battlefield is instantly covered and attacked from all directions!]

[Even the sea thousands of meters away was swept away, and the water flowed freely! 】

[In a moment, earthquake, thunder, tornado, violence! 】

[The whole world feels like the end of the world!]

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned.

Hatake Kakashi's eyes widened and he said with a look of disbelief: "Are you's like the end of the world!"

Senju Hashirama: "This is... the power of Ten Tails, how amazing it is!!"

"It's incredible...just using Chakra can trigger it!"

Uchiha Fugaku: "When Madara-sama of the Black World destroyed Konoha, it was far less terrifying than this..."

Jiraiya: "Using Chakra to interfere with natural energy and trigger so many strange phenomena in one breath is hard to imagine... How huge a Chakra would it take to do this!

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