Comparing The Double Uchiha Madara, Konoha Cried With Envy

Chapter 119: The Eighth Gate, The Gate Of Death! Open! !

[I didn’t even see his figure!]

[A few hundred meters away, I suddenly remembered a violent explosion! 】

【Large amounts of smoke rise!】

[His entire body was actually blasted under the sacred tree!]

Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly looked shocked!

"What the hell!!"

"What...what is this?!"

"Madara from Ten Tails Jinchūriki was blown away?!"

Senju Hashirama looked surprised and said: "Is this... the power of Eight Inner Gates! I didn't expect that even the current Madara could not resist it at all!

Hatake Kakashi opened his eyes wide and murmured: "It's amazing! Guy's physical skills are actually so strong!"

Uchiha Itachi: "What a powerful force... It's unbelievable that Madara can be suppressed with just pure taijutsu!"

Uzumaki Naruto: "Oh!! Teacher Kemei, it's you as expected!!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Tsk tsk...This is Ten Tails Jinchūriki, and it was suppressed to death in front of the Eight Inner Gates!"

Two Scales Ohnoki: "I didn't expect... Eight Inner Gates to be so powerful! I have never seen Madara from the Black World use her full strength before."

“Today I finally saw the true power of Eight Inner Gates!”

Might Guy: "Okay! Let's watch my blue beast's performance next!"

Uchiha Madara: "Oh? It's really interesting! I like it!!"

【In the smoke, Madara’s figure appears!】

【However, lying on his body did not cause any harm! 】

【Instead, Madara is lying on the ground!】

【Minato has a solemn look on his face. 】

["I can only try to knock the black ball away and use Flying Thunder God again!"]

【"Kakashi! Kunai!"】

【Minato Minato throws the kunai to Kakashi. 】

【Kakashi turned out to be a kunai and threw it towards the Truth-Seeking Ball flying towards Guy!】

[Guy is about to be hit on the ground. 】

[At this moment, Rock Lee opened the Sixth Gate and took Might Guy away. 】

And this ending surprised everyone!

"What?! The one who fell to the ground is Might Guy!"

"What's going on? Madara didn't get hurt at all!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "I didn't expect... that even after opening the Seventh Gate, I couldn't do anything to Madara?"

Onoki, the two-person scale: "Tsk... It seems that Madara's strength is still underestimated!"

"Although the speed and strength are very strong, enough to repel him, but... is Madara's defense better?"

Namikaze Minato: "It was the Truth-Seeking Ball that blocked all of Hirutora's damage..."

"And if a mortal touches the Truth-Seeking Ball, it will also cause damage to himself 137

Hatake Kakashi: "Damn it... If you don't break his defense, no matter how powerful you are, you won't be able to get close..."

"Ninjutsu aside, the most important thing is the close combat of taijutsu!"

Uchiha Madara chuckled and said: "Hmph... Do you want to use your mortal body to shake the body of a god?"

"I admit that although you are strong, it is not enough."

【"It's okay, Guy!"】

["Ah...just a few broken right arms and ribs."]

[At this time Madara has already flown into the air, quietly looking at the people below.

[Kakashi looked solemn and murmured: "You can't even use the only taijutsu you hope for. What can you do..."]

【"He is too strong!"】

[Guy suddenly said: "Wait a minute, Kakashi!"]

["It is too early to conclude that physical skills are ineffective."]

【"Our youth has not faded yet!"】

【"Don't give up hope!!"】

["It is true that wishes may not always come true."]

[“But if you don’t even have the desire, how can you do what you want to do?”]

["Just like when I challenged you!"]

["And when I do this, I am definitely not trying to show off."]

[Hearing this, Kakashi’s eyes widened instantly, and his pupils shrank unconsciously!]

【"You...could it be!!"】

[At this time, Guy's tone has begun to become solemn and serious. 】

["The blue beast of Konoha has disappeared."]

【"It's time to transform into the red beast!"】

[Kakashi: "Could it want to use the final door of death..."]

Fourth Raikage Ai: "What? He actually wants to use the Death Door?!"

Orochimaru: "Hey...are you kidding me? Death Gate, if you use it, you will definitely die..."

Hatake Kakashi: "Guy...could it be...that we have reached the point where we have no choice but to use the death door!"

Rock Lee: "Teacher Guy..."

Might Guy: "Everyone is destined to die. Fighting to protect the important people is worth it! My youth will never fade!"

"Li! On that day, you will understand what I said!"

Senju Hashirama nodded appreciatively: "Very good, Konoha is really lucky to have people like you here!"

Uchiha Madara's eyes showed anticipation: "The last gate of the Eight Inner Gates, is it the gate of death?"

"Hmph... Come on, let me see your true strength!"

[Hearing this, everyone was stunned. 】

[Minato shouted to stop: "Guy, no!"]

["Think carefully, no one here wants you to do this!"]

【"Your father also..."】

[Before he finished speaking, he interrupted with a calm tone. 】

["No...this is my wish."]

[Rock Lee: "Teacher Guy, in your opinion, has it really reached that point now?!"]

[Guy showed an affirmative smile and opened Shikai to take off his combat uniform. 】

["Li, the show shows this expression."]

["This time, just smile and watch for me!"]

【"So you just need to believe in your own path and move forward firmly!"】

[ Guy smiled and gave a thumbs up, revealing his shiny big White Fang. 】

[I can’t help but fall into memories...]


【"Son, look carefully!"】

[" name is not on it at all, Dad!"]

[As he spoke, Guy, who was sitting on Might's neck, shed tears. 】

["Keep looking, Guy! You've done your best!"]

【"It's impossible for your efforts to go unrewarded!"】

【"On the road filled with tears, you will eventually find your name!"】


【"Might Guy, Might Guy, Might Guy!"】

[However, the people next to them were constantly talking and laughing at them. 】

[However, everyone around him has left, and Might Dai is still clueless and Guy continues to search. 】

Senju Hashirama: "Is this... the memory of the ninja named Might Guy when he was a child?"

Senju Tobirama: "Although this behavior seems stupid, it is very educational for him..."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "I didn't expect that when he was a child, he was actually a crane tailman?"

Onoki, the two-person scale: "You can make a name for yourself in the ninja world just by relying on your physical skills, which is quite impressive!"

Uzumaki Naruto: "Oh! Mr. Ji Mei, I didn't expect you to really be a loser. I thought you said that just to comfort me before!"

Might Guy: "Hahaha! Now, in my match with Kakashi, I beat him by one more round!"

Hatake Kakashi said helplessly: "Yes, yes..."

[The little figure is running on the playground, with a banner hanging behind it. 】

[If you can run 500 laps along the playground, you can fill in the gap and enter the school. 】

[My classmates at the same time were very disdainful when they saw Might Guy and mocked him from the side. 】

["Isn't he the guy who failed the exam and made trouble because of God?"]

["What self-restraint, nonsense, hahahaha!"]

【"You are talking to yourself, and you are blindly stipulating something."】

["I know, his ninjutsu and genjutsu are not good at all!"]

【"There is nothing to show except moving your body."】

["Then there's no need to make yourself so tired from practicing."]

[However, he fell down from exhaustion less than halfway through the run. 】


【Might Dai knocks Guy to the ground with one punch. 】

[Guy said with tears; "I'm sorry, Dad, I'm five years old, but I can't even go around the playground 500 times!"]

["Don't apologize! That's not why I scolded you!"]

【"Don't apologize for your efforts!"】

【"How sorry for my efforts!"】

["You have mistaken the use of self-restraint..."]

["That's no different from praying to Buddha or making a wish!"]

【"Listen to me, it's called self-discipline."】

【”It refers to when challenging certain difficulties.”]

["Deliberately put a yoke on yourself and push yourself to the end."] (adah) ["Make your own rules."]

["It is precisely because of that shackles that you will face challenges seriously!"]

[“And once you fail, you can get strict training by practicing that rule. 1

【"Making oneself continuously improve is called self-discipline!"】

[Guy: "I'm sorry, Dad..."]

["However, your efforts are not wrong. Even if you only finish the race, you have really worked hard."]

【"For your efforts, I will reward you with a hug!"】



[The two father and son hugged each other crying. 】

["The two father and son are here again..."]

[At this time, two ninjas came over and looked at the excitement and mocked. 】

["Hey, Might Dai, are you playing training games with your son again?"]

【"Ten Thousand Years Genin is not easy, hahaha!!"】

[Said, smiled and left. 】

[However, Might Dai was not angry, but gave a thumbs up. 】

【"Oh! Thank you for your support!"】

Senju Hashirama: "He really has a good father! These principles are slowly affecting his growth.

Senju Tobirama: "Although it looks silly, the meaning behind it is something that others cannot understand."

Uzumaki Naruto: "Wow...the story of the eyebrow-raising teacher is so touching! You are really my role model!"

Might Guy gave a thumbs up and shouted: "Naruto! Your youth will never fade!!"

Uchiha Madara smiled disdainfully and said: "Haha, it's been so many years, and Sleepy Leaf's face has really not changed at all!"

"The faces of these people really remind me of those days!"

[Afterwards, Guy wanted to settle accounts with them, but due to the difference in strength,

But he was severely punished. 】

[The appearance of Kakashi at this time allowed him to find a new goal. 】

[With disdainful efforts, he was finally selected into the ninja school. 】

【And after that, there will be even crazier efforts! 】

["If you can't run 500 laps, walk 500 millimeters while standing on your head."]

["If you can't walk handstand 500 times, do 500 push-ups."]

["If you can't finish the push-ups, use your fingers to hold...five...hundred!"]

【In this way, a lot of training is repeated day after day!】

【Seeing Kakashi working hard, he works even harder. 】

[And finally, after teaching Guy all the principles. 】

【Might Dai also taught Guy the Eight Inner Gates!】

[Thinking back, Guy looked at Madara in the sky. 】

[I rushed out immediately!]

[At this time, the green light on the body is even more dazzling! 】

[I saw him pressing his finger on his heart!]

[At this time, Madara's disdainful expression gradually disappeared. 】

【"Chakra is converging towards the acupuncture point of the Gate of Death"】

【As Chakra pours into the Death Gate acupuncture point of the heart!】

[At this time, the green fluorescence on Guy's body began to be dyed red! 】

【"Eighth Gate, Gate of Death!"】


【"Eight Inner Gates Formation!"】

[In an instant! Red steam surrounded the entire body! 】

【Guy’s skin is beginning to become congested!】

[Even the hair and eyebrows were dyed red by the blood steam!]

【"Red Steam"】

["Is this the unique... blood steam when the Eight Gate is fully opened?"]

[“But from this point of view, it’s not that big of a deal.”]

["Like the withered leaves in autumn... falling leaves."]

[Guy: "You're right, but I'm not done with it."]

【"I will also turn into nutrients for new green leaves!"】

【"And when the green leaves sprout, the new year comes."】

【"This is the climax of youth! The most burning moment!"]

[Before he finished speaking, Guy was already in front of Madara!]

Senju Hashirama looked surprised and said: "It's so fast! It's several times faster than before!"

Senju Tobirama: "This is... the last gate of the Eight Inner Gates, the gate of death is red"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "My whole body is boiling with blood steam! It's so terrifying!"

Hatake Kakashi: "The strength gained at the cost of life can even reach dozens of times that of the Five Shadows!"

Two Scales Onoki: "Is this the ultimate secret of Taijutsu? I wonder if it can break Madara's defense?"

【"Evening Elephant!"】

[In an instant, Guy’s figure disappeared instantly! 】

【"One foot!"】

【I saw him falling from the sky!】

[The white air flow formed by the air is like a beam of light!]

[Slam into the Truth-Seeking Ball shield!!]


【Madara's expression has twisted together!】

[Despite the protection of the Truth-Seeking Ball, the powerful airflow still made him feel extremely heavy!]

【Finally I can’t bear it anymore!】

【Madara was pushed straight down by the air cannon! 】

[The whole person hit the ground like a falling meteor!!]


【A few hundred meters in radius, the earth trembles!】

[The thick smoke was blown away by the strong airflow! 】

[However, even after being bombarded to the ground, the airflow still did not stop impacting him! 】

[Even the muscles on the face have begun to deform under the pressure!]

[A low roar keeps coming from his mouth!]

Seeing this scene, the entire ninja world boiled instantly!

"Damn it! This is the Eight Gate! It's the best of perverts!"

"With a direct hit, Madara was pinned to the ground, unable to move!"

"It's so handsome!"

Senju Hashirama's eyes widened and he said with shock: "This... is simply unbelievable!"

"Compared with the power of the Seventh Gate in front of me, the power of the Death Gate is as different as clouds and mud!"

Senju Tobirama shook his head and murmured: "It's doesn't even require close combat, just the power of air compression is enough to form such a terrifying attack!

Fourth Raikage Ai: "This has simply refreshed my understanding of taijutsu..."

Two Scales Onoki: "The highest level of physical skills is no worse than ninjutsu, or even worse!"

Uchiha Madara looked surprised and said: "Oh? Is this the power of Eight Gate! It can suppress me, Ten Tails Jinchūriki, so easily!

"Interesting! Hahaha! Come on, I want to see more!"

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