[Fangs and sharp teeth, with thick manes! 】

[A pair of eyes glowing with golden light, opening his mouth and looking up to the sky to roar! 】

【 Kakashi couldn't help but feel mixed emotions. 】

[Friends who have been friends for many years will sacrifice their lives for this war today. 】

【"Okay, dad, hurry up!"

["What's the rush? The school won't run away on its own."]

[While talking, Kakashi and White Fang, father and son, walked towards them. 】

[When I arrived at the door, I happened to meet Might Dai and his son wearing tight green training clothes. 】

[White Fang spoke first, greeting with a smile on his face. 】

【"first meet."】

["My son will have to be taken care of in school from now on."]

【"Please get along well with him."】

[Might Dai: "No, this is absolutely impossible."]

[White Fang panicked and said: "Why?"]

["Is this the monster parent..."]

[Kakashi said speechlessly: "No, Dad, you made a mistake."]

["This guy didn't pass the Jōnin School this time."]

[ White Fang rubbed his head, looking embarrassed. 】

["I'm so sorry, because it's at the school gate."]

["So I'm preconceived."]

[Might Dai suddenly laughed: "Ah haha, that's it!"]

[Kakashi: "Is this funny?"]

[White Fang immediately interrupted: "Kakashi, rude!"]

【Kakashi crosses his arms over his chest, Kaidō looks helpless. 】

["Dad, are you even more rude?"]

["Speaking of which, this guy wants to enter a ninja school."]

["But I don't know how to use ninjutsu, no matter how I think about it..."]

["Forget it, if you don't leave quickly, you'll be late."]

[White Fang: "Uh...goodbye."]

[However, after listening to Kakashi's words, Might Guy did not show a disappointed expression. 】

[A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. 】

【"You are Hatake Kakashi."】

[Hearing this, Kakashi stopped and turned around. 】

[Guy gave a thumbs up and waved it vigorously!]

【"Thank you for your support!"】


【 Kakashi looked puzzled, but White Fang's smile was long. 】

[Then, the two father and son left with a smile. 】

[Looking at their leaving figures, 03 White Fang said to his son. 】

[“Kakashi, don’t be proud if you are admitted to the ninja school. 1

["If this continues, that child will be better than you."]

[Kakashi looked surprised and said: "Just him?"]

[White Fang: “The vacancy list hasn’t been announced yet, right?”]

["The school is not stupid, go ask his name and write it down."]

【"He will be a good opponent."】

[Speaking, he touched the reluctant Kakashi’s head. 】

【"Hey, boy!"】

【"what's your name?"】

[After Guy heard this, he showed off his white area. 】

[Wave his hands vigorously and said loudly. 】

【"Might Guy!!"】

【"I will become a stronger man than anyone else from now on!"】

Senju Hashirama: "You have really worked hard! Now Guy has far surpassed Kakashi!"

Jiraiya: "White Fang, you still look at people with such vicious eyes!"

Orochimaru: "Haha, it's just a pity that such a good talent was forced to death!"

Uchiha Sasuke: "Hmph...Isn't it because of the darkness in the village that this is happening?"

Uchiha Madara smiled disdainfully and said: "It seems that Konoha in future generations is much better than before! Intrigues and power struggles, Hashirama, "What you created are ten failed villages!"

"Only my method can guide everyone correctly!"

Senju Hashirama: "Madara, you are still so stubborn! Too extreme..."

Uchiha Madara: "Hmph... Then you have to wait and see who will be the winner in the end!"

【"Dad was right, Guy!"】

[At this time, I saw that the red faucet became more and more solid! 】

【The body begins to form immediately!】

[At this moment, Guy’s whole body’s meridians seem to be exposed outside the body! 】

[It’s like the magma is flowing inside!]

[ Madara said excitedly. 】

["Chakra like this, I recognize you!"]

["In terms of physical skills, this is the only person I have ever competed with!"]

【"No one is better than you!"】

["I, Madara! I called you the strongest!!"]

[In an instant, Guy, wrapped in the red dragon, began to rush! 】

[With that roar, Zhang bit Madara! 】

[Powerful airflow makes the ground crack! 】

[As it got closer and closer, the tin staff in Madara’s hand actually bent!]

[His face looked shocked instantly!]

["What! The space is distorted!!"]

[Just for a moment, his pupils shrank!]

[The red dragon head has rushed to his eyes!]

【"Night Guy!!"】

【Might Guy jumps up and flies!】


[In an instant, the bloody mouth hit Guy’s foot together! 】


【Madara opened her mouth and spat out a lot of blood!】

[The expression is twisted in pain! 】


[Madara’s ribs and Guy’s calf bones were shattered together!]

[The red dragon bites Madara and rushes forward!]


【Set up a huge air current!】

【Like an overwhelming mountain!】

[Even Kakashi and others in the distance were released directly! 】


[There was a violent explosion under the sacred tree, and flames shot into the sky!]

[The sound echoed throughout the battlefield!]

[The smoke surrounding the sacred tree spreads out like ripples!]

[The smoke dissipated, revealing a huge ravine on the bare ground. 】

【Guy’s whole body has been charred black, and the meridians on his body are still burning!】

[Lying on the ground, completely unconscious!]

[At this time, the left half of Madara’s body was actually kicked off!]

This scene directly stunned the entire ninja world!


"This kick is so pervert!!"

"Am I right? Half of my body was kicked off?!"

Senju Hashirama's eyes widened, and he murmured with a look of shock: "This power...has simply surpassed the scope of human beings!"

Senju Tobirama: "It's unbelievable... Madara, who is Ten Tails Jinchūriki, was kicked like this!"

Namikaze Minato: "Is this the strongest attack of Eight Inner Gates!"

Hatake Kakashi: "After using this move, Guy's body...has been completely burned out!"

Might Guy: "How about it, Kakashi! This kick was originally meant for you, but it seems that I'm going to die before the real outcome is decided."

Uzumaki Naruto: "As expected, Mr. Kemei is trying to buy us some time. I'm so touched!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "This kick has completely surpassed the strength of Ten Tails Jinchūriki. I'm afraid there will never be another one in the ninja world!"

Uchiha Madara: "Ha! It's really eye-opening for me!"

"Hmph... I really can't help but want to fight you now!"

Two Scales Onoki: "Okay... Now that Madara has been seriously injured, it will be easy for us!"

[At this time, Madara looked seriously injured and weak, breathing heavily. 】

[But in the next second, he suddenly burst out laughing! 】

[And his body is actually healing at a speed visible to the naked eye! 】


["I was almost killed by you...this guy!"]

[Looking at the weak Chakra at Guy’s heart acupuncture point, Madara continued. 】

【"Although you are already a candle in the wind."】

【"But you please me."】

["This is my thank you gift, before you turn into ashes!"]

【"I'm here to kill you!!"】

Hatake Kakashi: "What?! Half of Madara's body was kicked off, and he can actually grow back on his own!!"

Namikaze Minato: "How is it possible... that my heart was broken by being kicked... and that it can still be healed?!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "This guy Madara... is simply a monster!"

Two Scales Onoki: "What should I do...even Eight Inner Gates' strongest move couldn't kill him."

"What else can kill him?"

Terumi Mei: "This kind of thing... is simply unbelievable! Are we really going to lose..."

Tsunade: "How disgusting... Guy is about to die, and you still want to destroy his body!"

Gaara: "This bastard! He has no humanity at all!"

[I saw Madara throw a Truth-Seeking Ball directly. 】

【Just when the Truth-Seeking Ball is about to hit Guy's body!】

【Naruto appears!】

[Kicked the Truth-Seeking Ball back towards Madara with one kick!]


[The Truth-Seeking Ball explodes behind Madara. 】

[The moment she saw Naruto, Madara frowned in surprise. 】

【"The Truth-Seeking Ball has been kicked away!"】

[Immediately, Naruto placed the palm with the sun mark on Guy's heart. 】

[The Chakra that was originally a little spark suddenly became more powerful!]

Hatake Kakashi: "Finally arrived, Hua!"

Namikaze Minato: "You can actually kick away the Truth-Seeking Ball! You can also extend Guy's life!"

"Is this the power of Sage of Six Paths?!"

Uzumaki Naruto: "That's great! Looks like Kemei-sensei doesn't have to die anymore!"

Two Scales Onoki: "This means that the Truth-Seeking Ball is no longer a threat to the two of them!"

Senju Hashirama: "Now that Naruto and Sasuke have the power of Six Paths, it will be no problem to fight against Madara.

Senju Tobirama: "Finally got over it?"

Uchiha Madara frowned and said to himself: "This guy is really lucky! It seems that he will be in some trouble next time."

【"Naruto, I feel different from before."】

【"That guy Obito..."】

[Seeing Guy like this, Naruto clenched his fists unconsciously. 】

[Turns around and looks at Madara and says. 】

["I find it incredible myself."]

【"Now I feel like I can change everything!"】

[ Madara looked at Guy's heart acupuncture point, her expression stunned. 】

["The Chakra of the acupuncture points has not disappeared..."]

["What's going on? What did he do?"]

["Did he prevent the final outcome of Eight Gate?!"]

[At this moment, Naruto took a step forward. 】

[Madara reacted instantly, and the Truth-Seeking Ball turned into a tin staff. 】

[In just a moment, Naruto's figure appeared directly in front of Madara! 】

[Punch out!]

【Madara quickly waved the tin staff and blocked it horizontally! 】


[The huge power of this punch immediately caused large-scale cracks in the tree roots behind it!]

[And Naruto's body seems to be emitting golden flames! 】

【Madara felt the powerful power and actually felt pressure!】

[Brows furrowed, "And the Truth-Seeking Ball too..."]

["He obviously encountered him, why is he still safe and sound!"]

["Is it because I haven't fully recovered yet?"]

["No, this guy's power suddenly became stronger!"]

Hatake Kakashi: "So fast! Naruto's current speed is almost the same as Madara's!"

Senju Hashirama: "Such a long distance was covered in an instant! It's incredible..."

Senju Tobirama: "It's only half of the power of Six Paths, but it has such a huge increase on Naruto!"

Namikaze Minato: "Not only that...Now Naruto also has Sage Mode and tailed beast transformation!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "I can actually compete with Madara alone without falling behind, although Madara has not recovered yet.

"But that's surprising enough!"

Two Scales Onoki: "While Madara hasn't recovered yet, with Naruto's current strength, maybe we can really defeat him!"

[At this time Naruto raised his right hand. 】

["Sun! Lend me Chakra!"]


[In an instant, a spiral shuriken appeared in Naruto's hand! 】

[But unlike Wind Style, the center is surrounded by lava! 】

[A roar sounded like the air was splitting apart!]


[The Spiral Shuriken instantly expanded 860 degrees!]

【Its size is comparable to the Tailed Beast Bomb!】

[And the Rasengan rotating in the center is like a meteorite wrapped in magma! 】

【"Sage Art! Lava Style Spiral Shuriken!"】

【Madara jumped into the air instantly! 】

【Naruto follows closely behind!】

[Looking at Naruto chasing after her, Madara's expression suddenly changed. 】

【"not good!"】

【"Wheel Tomb!"】

【However, Naruto only dodged for a moment and dodged easily!】

["What?! You actually escaped the wheel tomb!"]

[As he gets closer, he throws Lava Style's spiral shuriken!]


【It’s like Madara is glued to it!】

[The wind blade keeps cutting along the magic!]


【Explodes violently!】

【Madara's body flew backwards like a cannonball! 】

[And with that magic, the circle was cut flatly! 】

[Staggering and falling towards Madara!]

Everyone in the ninja world immediately burst into exclamations of surprise.


"What? Did I read that right!!"

"The sacred tree was cut down directly!!"

Senju Hashirama said with a surprised look on his face: "This... is simply unbelievable! Eight Inner Gates' kick didn't cause any damage to the sacred tree."

"Naruto's Lava Style Spiral Shuriken actually cut off the sacred tree just like that!"

Senju Tobirama: "Naruto possesses the power of Six Paths, plus the spiral shuriken that is fused with the tailed beast Chakra!"

"This power is simply too terrifying!"

Orochimaru: "Hey, even Madara can't resist? She's too strong!"

Uchiha Madara couldn't help being surprised at this time, and murmured: "This guy's attack is so powerful!"

"Well... I, the mighty Ten Tails Jinchūriki, actually fell into a disadvantage!"

Sasuke looked at him with envy and jealousy on his face, "Naruto...is he already so powerful now!"

"Not only the Chakra of the nine tailed beasts, but also Sage Mode!"

Two Scales Onoki: "Very good! With this, the balance of victory is tilting towards our side!"

[But just when the tree was about to fall. 】

[A strange voice suddenly sounded in Madara’s mind!]

【"Absorb me..."】

[Madara was suddenly shocked, "Who is it?!"]

["Absorb the Divine Tree, absorb Ten Tails, absorb everything!"]

[Hearing this, Madara flew towards the slowly falling Shenjutsu. 】

[The moment you stick to the sacred tree, Chakra starts to activate!]

[I saw that the sacred tree began to twist! 】

[Like liquid, it penetrates into Madara's body!]

[People in the distance only saw that the magic was rapidly getting smaller and disappearing! 】

Fourth Raikage Ai: "What's going on! Whose voice was that just now...?"

Two Scales Onoki: "Is it the sacred tree itself? This is terrible... If Madara absorbs the sacred tree, wouldn't his strength skyrocket again?"

Hatake Kakashi: "Tsk... At this critical moment, something unexpected happened!".

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