Comparing The Double Uchiha Madara, Konoha Cried With Envy

Chapter 137: The Dark World, The People Of Konoha Village Living In The Ravines!

[A complete piece of his body has been injured, and his face is swollen like a pig's head. 】


[The two of them were too tired to move. 】

[Naruto puts his fist on Sasuke's head. 】

[And Sasuke's fist pressed against Naruto's abdomen. 】

[They all knelt down on the stream where there was only a little water left. 】

[Nine Tails suddenly said: "Stop, Chakra is almost finished condensing..."]

[Naruto noticed it before Nine Tails finished speaking. 】

[Sasuke’s fist on his stomach is absorbing his Chakra!]

Seeing this, everyone was shocked.

Senju Tobirama: "This is... the Rinnegan's ability to absorb Chakra!"

Hatake Kakashi: "Oops! If Sasuke absorbs Nine Tails' Chakra, Naruto will be doomed!"

Senju Hashirama: "The newly condensed Chakra is sucked away, and all we can do is sell it to the slaughter...

Orochimaru: "It seems that I was careless. Naruto actually forgot that the Rinnegan has the ability to absorb Chakra.

"But Sasuke, you should have thought of it a long time ago and have been waiting for this moment!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Sasuke can't condense Chakra, but Naruto can. It's reached this point. The winner in the end will definitely be Naruto, but... we can't tell now."

Two Scales Onoki: "Could it be that...between these two reincarnations, will Indra win this time?"

[At this time, Naruto fell down weakly. 】

[Sasuke said with an indifferent expression: "This is one of Rinnegan's abilities."]

["I have the eyes of Uchiha... this family."]

【"Victory is inevitable."】

【"This time..."】

[I saw Sasuke stand up, and the lightning in his hand suddenly appeared!]

["Now I can alone."]

【"Farewell, my only friend."】

[Immediately, I saw him poke "663" towards Naruto! 】

[However, at this moment, Naruto's speed suddenly increased! 】

[One uppercut sent Sasuke flying to the doctor! 】

[Nine Tails: "A beautiful counterattack, catching the moment when his pupils weakened."]

Orochimaru: "Oh? Naruto actually has the power to fight back! It really surprises me!"

Senju Tobirama: "Fortunately, the Chakra he just absorbed was not a lot. If the eye power hadn't been weakened, we might have hurt each other this time."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "As expected of Ashura's descendants, both in terms of vitality and physical strength, they are very tenacious!"

Senju Hashirama: "Now Naruto's Chakra capacity has already surpassed mine. The difference with me is that the Nine Tails in his body can condense Chakra for him at any time."

"Just because of this, I'm not completely sure if I fight him..."

Uchiha Sasuke frowned: "Hmm... What a weakling from Immune to Death!"


[The man and the Chidori in his hand hit the cliff together. 】

[Immediately, I saw Sasuke staggeringly holding on to the entrance of the cave and walking out. 】

【"You again and again."】

【"Again and again, again and again!! Again and again!! Again and again!!!"]

[I saw him repeating angrily and beating the cliff angrily. 】

【"Give up the struggle and die honestly!!"】

"Pfft hahaha!!"

"This kid has broken his guard!"

"I have to say that Naruto's body is really hard. No matter how hard Sasuke hits him, he will still be immune to death!"

"Killing me..."

"Sasuke breaks the defense online and knocks me into the wall again and again and I can't get out!"

"Hey, hey, are you teasing me like this? I'll wait for them to hit you when they're angry!"

Sasuke looked at the barrage passing by with a dark look on his face.

[Facing Sasuke's defense, Naruto raised the corners of his mouth and said calmly. 】

["I can't do it...because I am the only one."]

[Hearing this, the expression on Sasuke's face changed rapidly. 】

[Frown, close eyes, take a long breath together, and then calm down. 】

[As I stretched out my hand, a sharp chirping sound sounded!]

[The Chidori appears in the hand again. 】

[Light blue thunder and lightning mixed with black flames!]

[Nine Tails: "Sure enough, the Chakra I condensed for you has been taken by him as his own."]

["He even used Flame Control."]

["He wants to use this blow to decide the outcome."]

["Listen, I will give you all the Chakra I have left."

【"After handing it over to you, I will fall into a deep sleep."】

【"To prevent Chakra from being absorbed, do not use the technique until the last moment."】

["But his Rinnegan's eyes have just opened."]

【"Chakra cannot be absorbed during the release process."

[ Naruto turned his head and showed a reassuring smile, and then bumped fists with Nine Tails. 】

Hatake Kakashi: "Here comes...the final blow for the two of them!"

Senju Hashirama: "Fortunately, not all the Chakra of Nine Tails was absorbed by Sasuke, otherwise Naruto would have really lost this time."

Senju Tobirama: "Now that Sasuke can release Flame Control, we can compete with Naruto in his current state.

"I'm afraid it's hard to have a chance to win..."

Orochimaru: "Yeah, yeah, yeah...watching the two of them duel is really more stressful than watching Kaguya fight!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "So...who will win between the two of them..."

[Sasuke stood at the entrance of the cliff cave, looking at Naruto who was approaching on the ground. 】

[In an instant, the two of them kicked off the ground at the same time! 】

【Attack directly towards the opponent! 】

[The spiral in the hand begins to grow slowly, as if with the help of power!]

【Jiraiya's soul appears and brushes against Naruto's hand!】

[A light blue ball appears!]

[Then came Minato, Kyukina, and those good friends! 】

Namikaze Minato: "This is... Naruto's heart, the power of everyone's belief..."

Hatake Kakashi: “Naruto, the Rasengan, carries everyone’s hopes and the power to support him.

Senju Hashirama: "Haha, Naruto...that's really good. At least you're not fighting alone!"

When Uchiha Sasuke saw this scene, his guard instantly broke.

He thought secretly: "Damn it...Damn it!! Why! No one understands my thoughts!!"

"It doesn't matter... Anyway, I will win in the end! The one who cuts off the bonds is the strongest!"


[The moment the two people collided, a huge energy ball expanded!]

[The bodies of the two statues were shattered in an instant! 】

【Spreading from the canyon under this waterfall!】


[The two of them are lying on the stone. 】

【Wake up. 】

【"I'm finally back."】

【"It hurts so much!"】

[ Sasuke jerked his body, looked at Naruto next to him, and lowered his eyes. 】

[My eyes widened in an instant. One of their arms was missing half. 】

[Bright red blood drips on the stone. 】

[Naruto: "As you can see, you and I are the same, if something goes wrong."]

【"He will die from excessive bleeding."】

[Sasuke: "Why...are you trying to get in my way at all costs?"]

["I threw myself into the darkness and gained the powerful Emperor of Power by cutting off everything."]

【"Everyone has tried to make a clean break with me like that."】

["But you have never thought of cutting off the bond with me."]

["Why do you not hesitate to do this and have something to do with me."]

[ Naruto smiled and closed his eyes, a smile forming on his lips. 】

【"You already understand."】

【"I can't move my body, so my words become very sharp."】

[Sasuke: "Stop talking nonsense and tell me!"]

[ Naruto slowly turned his head, met Sasuke's eyes, and smiled. 】

【"Because we are friends."】

[Sasuke: "I've heard this before, what does that mean to you?"]

[Naruto: "I can't tell, to be honest, I don't know..."]

【"But, I look at you like that."】

【"Looking like you are carrying a heavy burden and don't know what to do."】

【"I don't know why, I feel pain."】

【"It hurts very much."】

["Although it is not unbearable, we cannot turn a blind eye. J

["But now everything hurts all over my body, and there's nothing I can do about it."]

[At this time, Sasuke couldn't help but think of all the things he had experienced before. 】

[The deep bond between the two awakened the softness in his heart. 】

[At this time, the two also resonated, and Sasuke saw Naruto's memory. 】

[Finally, he also saw that along the way, more and more people appeared behind Naruto. 】

[Tailed beasts, the ninja coalition forces of the five major nations, and everyone else!]

["Really...If that's the case, let me see it."]

[The two of them just held hands and fell into a deep sleep. 】

[The rising sun in the morning shone on their faces. 】

[Naruto: "Where is this...have we reached the kingdom of heaven?"]

[Sasuke showed a peaceful smile and said: "It looks like we slept until dawn."]

【"It's not like you can die."】

[Naruto: "Damn it, I still can't move my body."]

["I still want to beat you up, but this time I must beat you awake!"]

[Sasuke started to laugh unconsciously, "Haha...hahahaha!"]

["Do you still want to fight after everything is like this?"]

["Of course, no matter how many times..."]

["I admit it...I lost."]

[Naruto shouted, "Idiot! There is no winning or losing in this battle."]

["My best friend is not clear-headed, I just want to wake him up!"]

["The game I want is still to come!"]

[Sasuke: "Hey, Naruto."]

【"I...approved you】

["If I die here, as the Sage of Six Paths said, the long karma will be over."]

【"It's also a revolution."】

【"To remove Infinite Tsukuyomi, you can do it after my death..."】

【"Transplant my left eye to Kakashi."】

["I have to rely on myself, because I can make an end on my own. 1

[Naruto: "Don't even think about dying to end it."]

【"Instead of dying, it is better to live and help me."】

["I want all ninjas to work together."]

["Of course that includes you."]

[ Sasuke: “Even if you agree, others may not agree

[Naruto: "Okay, if you continue to be awkward, try saying a few more words."]

["Believe it or not, I will beat you next!"]

[Sasuke: "Maybe I will fight against you again."]

["Then I'll stop you again!"]

["But you won't do that kind of thing again."]

["Why are you so sure?"]

["Don't ask me to repeat the same thing many times."]

【"Why don't you understand yet."】

["Yes, you are actually much stupider than I think."]

[At this time, Sasuke was so moved that he shed tears and turned his head silently. 】

Namikaze Minato: "It seems that Sage of Six Paths was right. This time Naruto finally changed the past situation."

"The fate of the reincarnated people of Indra and Ashura has been solved..."

Senju Tobirama: " seems that this kid Sasuke has finally woken up. This is good for the ninja world."

"It's also a very good result."

Haruno Sakura: "Great...the old Sasuke is finally back..."

Senju Hashirama said with emotion: "Looking at the two of them, it's really touching... Madara, the two of us used to be so close to each other... Didn't we care about each other?

"It's just...I couldn't change the situation where you took that path..."

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly and said: "Hmph, Hashirama, who cares about you? Don't take yourself too seriously."

Hatake Kakashi: "The ninja world is finally at peace. This time all the enemies have been eliminated.

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Yes... Countries will no longer fight wars for profit."

Onoki, the two-person scale: "Haha, I have to say, Naruto really has magical powers."

"The wars and grievances that have continued for thousands of years, now because of him alone, all the hatred will be put aside.

Gaara: "That's great..."

At the same time a black screen starts playing.

[The battle between Madara and Hashirama ended in Hashirama's death. 】

[After the downpour, the dark clouds covering dozens of miles around finally dissipated. 】

【Everyone in Konoha Village saw calm returning to the sky in the distance. 】

[They rushed back towards the village. 】

[However, just when everyone returned to the village. 】

[But they saw a scene that made them unbelievable. 】

[A few hours ago, it was a bustling village with birds singing and flowers fragrant. 】

[It has now turned into a mountainous area with huge undulations. 】

[A ruin, even the trees no longer exist. 】

["What...what's going on?!"]

【"Why did the village become like this?!"】

[Everyone, Elena, looked at the ruins in disbelief. 】

【"Hey!! Lord Hashirama is here! 3.9!"】

[Hearing the noise, everyone ran over and saw Hashirama lying in the water and oil. 】

[Before, he was chopped down by Susanoo with a knife and his internal organs were injured. 】

[Now he still looks like he is dying. 】

[Although he has a Sage Body, the power of this sword cannot be recovered so quickly. 】

[Under the treatment of the medical ninjas, Hashirama's condition finally improved. 】

[At this time, everyone was standing on the ruins, and the mountain slopes were covered with people. 】

[There is no place to hide. 】

["Hashirama-sama...could it be said...that it was Madara who hurt you like this?"]

[Anbu's ninja asked. 】

[At this time, Hashirama has no time to think about these things. 】

[Looking at the densely packed village names standing in front of me, my eyes showed even more loneliness. 】


[“Damn it, it turns out that the gap in strength between us is so huge! 】

[The current Konoha Village can be said to have suffered a huge loss of vitality. 】

[Although the villagers are fine. 】

【But Tobirama died, and he himself was defeated. 】

[And everything in Konoha Village is back to where it started. 】

[There is no way, the people in the village now. 】

【There is no place for them all. 】

[Hashirama, who has not yet recovered, used Wood Style to build a wooden house in the ruins overnight. 】


Orochimaru: "Tsk tsk... Konoha Village in the Black World is really miserable. It has already fallen to this point."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Now it's better, we have to start building the village again."

Two Scales Onoki: "But the Senju Tobirama of our world is different from the other world."

"It's much better. Although neither of them is a good thing, at least it made a contribution to the Fourth Ninja War.

Senju Tobirama:"",

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