Comparing The Double Uchiha Madara, Konoha Cried With Envy

Chapter 156: Madara Guesses All The Truth!

Orochimaru: "Haha, what will Ōtsutsuki Urashiki do now..."

[Hearing this, Pu Shi couldn't help being shocked. 】

["Damn guy!"]

["This really what a human being should have!"]

[This is not to blame Urashiki, after all, Madara is too smart. 】

[With his Ōtsutsuki’s IQ, he naturally cannot understand human thoughts. 】

[Since their birth, they have been extremely powerful. 】

[There is no need to condense Chakra or anything. 】

[All they have to do is devour other planets and strengthen themselves. 】

[And the brain doesn’t think so much at all. 】

[Everything is crushed with force. 】

[This is the first time I have met such a troublesome human being. 】

[But if it were anyone else. 】

[I guess Urashiki has already solved it. 】

[There is no way, who told him to meet Madara. 】

[And what Urashiki never expected was. 】

[Because the same person is in the same time and space. 】

[Madara obtained the power of the future by accident. 】

[Whether it is in the future or in the past, I am still suppressed by Madara. 】

[From beginning to end, Madara in the distance did not take action. 】

[Because he believes that after obtaining the huge Chakra. 】

【I will never lose to Ōtsutsuki Urashiki!】

[At this time, Ushiki was feeling very irritable. 】


【"Luck is always on your side!!"】

【"Why is it so difficult for you to die!"】

[Ura Shiki's low tone revealed unwilling anger. 】

[At this moment, Madara’s body attacks the hall like a ghost!]

【Ushiki was suddenly shocked!】


[Before I even swung the fishing rod, my vision went dark!]

[A hand suddenly clasped on his face!]

[Madara grabbed Urashiki’s head and smashed it towards the mountain wall behind!]

[However, at this moment, Urashiki spread his hands to both sides! 】

【Rinnegan activates!】

【"Shinra Tianzheng!"】


[In an instant, a huge thrust came! 】

【Madara's body was bounced upside down! 】

[I felt surprised. 】

[The movement of the hand is not slow at all. 】

[Plunging the broken knife into the ground, he stopped himself in time as he continued to fly backwards. 】

【"What's this..."】

【"Is it Rinnegan's power again!"】

【"A force of attraction and a force of repulsion."]

Orochimaru: "Yeah, yeah, what a pity, I almost got a head-hunting kill."

Hatake Kakashi: "No... Rinnegan's ability is too powerful."

"These two abilities alone make Madara helpless." 790

Senju Hashirama: "Yeah...Although Madara can suppress Urashiki, it can only suppress him."

"There is absolutely no way to cause harm to him.

"Unless he has a Rinnegan too."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "I don't know if Madara can break through Rinnegan's defense."

[Urashiki said calmly: "Fortunately, you don't have Rinnegan, otherwise I would be the loser."]

["To be honest, I didn't expect it."]

["You actually have such great strength."]

["Although it is difficult to kill you, it will cost tens of thousands."]

["However, threats like yours cannot be tolerated."]

[Immediately, Madara was seen holding the broken saber again. 】

[Chakra covers it and returns to its original length. 】

[Listening to what Urashiki said, Madara felt as if she was hearing a joke. 】

["Are you a little too confident in yourself?"]

【"A mere Rinnegan's power..."】

【"Has it already made you so proud?"】

【"Shenra Tianzheng?"】

[Immediately, I saw Madara holding her hands with her eyes again. 】

[And this time, he added the wind attribute Chakra. 】

[It is no longer a lightly released Chakra attack. 】

[I saw the blade suddenly slashing in the direction of Urashiki!]

[In an instant, the rows of blue Chakra air waves. 】

[Sweeping away with the sharp blast tearing the air!]

[However, Urashiki really dismissed this. 】

["'s just a bluff!"]

["With this level of attack, you still expect to be able to hurt me?"]

["You underestimate Rinnegan's power too much!"]

[Seeing that the rows of blue air waves are about to hit. 】

[Urashiki raised his hand calmly. 】


[In an instant, I saw that the air wave was blocked in front. 】

[But after a second. 】

[There was shock and an incredible expression on Urashiki's face. 】


[I saw the wind attribute Chakra added to the blue air wave. 】

[With unrivaled momentum, he directly broke through the history of the Shinra Tianzheng! 】


[The exhaust waves originally coming from a row were all blocked and piled up together. 】

【In a sudden moment, release them all!】

【The power can be imagined!】

[I saw strong winds and explosions within a few hundred meters of radius!]

【All the flowers, trees, and animals. (adcd)】

【Everyone is submerged in it!】

Seeing this scene, everyone was immediately shocked.

Uchiha Sasuke: "What?! Even the power of Shinra Tensei can be broken through!"

Hatake Kakashi: "I won't say it was used by Nagato, but it was the Rinnegan of the Ōtsutsuki clan..."

"Already extremely powerful, I didn't expect Madara to take action now.

"It's actually able to break the Shinra Tianzheng! It's really incredible..."

Even Madara herself was surprised and murmured: "I just got the future Chakra.

"It already has the power to destroy Shinra Tianzheng."

"I can't imagine if the bonuses of Rinnegan and Ten Tails Chakra are added to it."

"That power will be so terrifying..."

Two Scales Onoki: "If others dismiss Rinnegan's power, they are being ridiculous.

"But in front of Madara, that's really what it is..."

Orochimaru: "Haha, I wonder how Momoshiki is doing now?"

"It's very uncomfortable to be hit by such a horrific attack...

[Wait until the storm calms down completely. 】

[At this time, this place is already a transparent Japanese version]

【However, what is unexpected is. 】

[Urashiki actually stood in place intact. 】

[But the expression on his face was very shocked. 】

[Looking at Madara in the distance with wide eyes, he murmured. 】

【"How can it be..."】

["Shinra Tenzheng, can't even resist a mere ninjutsu?!"]

["This powerful is he!"]

Hatake Kakashi: "Ōtsutsuki Urashiki is at the center of the storm, why is nothing happening?"

"Is it the Thousand Paper Cranes substitute again?"

Senju Tobirama: "It shouldn't be... Even if you use a substitute, where can he go in such a large area?"

Namikaze Minato: "Is there any other way to save this guy's life?"

Orochimaru: "Haha, it seems that this guy has many ways to escape!"

"It's very difficult to kill him, even Madara.

["Although the Shinra Tianzheng was destroyed, it doesn't matter anymore."]

["Haha, but you think I only have this ability."]

["That would be a little too naive."]

[As he spoke, Madara rushed over again with a knife in hand. 】

["Really...Then let me see how much strength you have!"]

[Ushiki’s eyes narrowed and he also rushed forward! 】

[Immediately, Madara swung out several chakra sword energy and shot out! 】

[Ushiki's figure flashed and he dodged the sword attack in a few blows. 】

[The fishhook flies out!]

【Bang bang!!】

[The two are in the process of rushing towards each other. 】

[A wave of long-range contest continued. 】

[And this was just a test attack, it did not cause any damage. 】

[The moment the two faced each other, they started a fierce contest. 】

[The red fishing rod keeps colliding with the chakra-covered sword!]

[The sound of ping-ping-pong-pong is heard endlessly. 】

[However, after fighting dozens of moves. 】

[Urashiki has already discovered that he is already at a disadvantage! 】

["Well...what's going on, this guy..."]

【"Why is the speed getting faster and faster!"】

【"If this continues, if he catches the flaw, the gain will outweigh the loss!" 1

[Immediately, I saw Ura Shiki using his strength to retreat after fighting. 】

[His hand reaches into the red fish basket pinned behind his back. 】

[Reach out your hand—Taobao!]


[In an instant, the ground within a hundred meters radius began to crack! 】

[Hundreds of giant vines, roots sprouting out! 】

[It directly trapped Madara to death!]

Seeing this scene, Senju Hashirama immediately widened his glasses and said in disbelief.

"Wha...what?! This is my Wood Style!"

"How is it possible that Ōtsutsuki Urashiki can also use Wood Style?!"

Senju Tobirama: "I see...Does this guy still have such abilities?!"

"I was your Chakra before, big brother."

"And his ability is to be able to copy the captured Chakra together with the ninjutsu!"

Hatake Kakashi: "I really didn't expect...this guy actually has such pervert ability!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "And...the scale seems to be larger than that of First Hokage..."

"The vines and roots are thicker than those in the distance..."

Two Scales Onoki: "Isn't this similar to Momoshiki's Rinnegan's ability?"

"It's just that it's not as big as Momoshiki's increase."

Namikaze Minato: "But, this is Shodai's Wood Style in the future."

"It's completely incomparable to now. I wonder if Madara can handle it?"

[Seeing such strange abilities, Madara was also confused. 】

["You can actually use Wood Style ninjutsu..."]

[At this time, Madara is controlled tightly by several huge tree roots. 】

[The body has no ability to move at all. 】

[Urashiki smiled and said: "Haha, I didn't expect that guy's Chakra to be quite useful."


【"who is it?"】

[ Madara asked subconsciously. 】

【"Senju Hashirama."】

["Oh... By the way, I almost forgot, you probably don't know it yet."]

[Hearing this, Madara was greatly shocked. 】

[Secretly: "What?"]

["Is it that guy Hashirama's Chakra?!"]

[However, Madara reacted in an instant. 】

["No, how could he have such a powerful force emperor now!"]

["When he said this, I probably didn't know."]

["Could it be that...this guy has traveled from the future!"]

[Now that I know it, I understand everything. 】

【"It turns out to be the same as before..."】

["No wonder this guy suddenly found me!"]

["Is your purpose just to get rid of me?"]

["This also means that the Ōtsutsuki will invade the earth in the future."]

["And he can't defeat me in the future, so he chooses to time travel!"]

[“And because of his appearance, the original development path of things was changed. 1

["Is that why...I suddenly gained such powerful power?"]

Orochimaru: "Oh? Madara actually found out. He came from the future...

"It gets more interesting next time!"

Hatake Kakashi: "Madara is so smart, she guessed all the goals at once!"

"But if it is known that he has traveled from the future, what serious consequences will it cause?"

Senju Tobirama: "This guy... doesn't care about this at all!"

"He doesn't care what chaos the whole history has."

Namikaze Minato: "This is not going to be seems like things are starting to develop in an uncontrollable direction..."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Although it hasn't affected anything yet, no one knows what history will be like!"

Two Scales Ohnoki: "Keep reading..."

[At this time Urashiki walked step by step and looked at Madara who was meditating. 】

[I thought I was stunned. 】

[He showed a joking smile and said: "Haha... Uchiha Madara."]

["It seems you are not as powerful as I thought!"]

["But to be honest, you did give me a big surprise!"]

[Immediately, I saw that the roots of the tree and the vines were blooming, and leaves were growing. 】

【"Haha, it's really good..."】

["I knew earlier that this Wood Style could absorb your Chakra."]

["Then I don't have to go to such trouble to fight you."]

[However, what Madara is concerned about at this time is not whether he can escape. 】

[But I was thinking about other things. 】

["Why do you always feel like something is wrong?"]

【"Just the arrival of Ōtsutsuki Urashiki, it probably has nothing to do with me."】

["And if it really changes history."]

["Then it's not just me, everyone I know may change..."]

["Just, why does my power increase so much?"]

[Suddenly Madara's eyelids raised. 】

["So that's the crux of the problem."]

["It's the Chakra that feels like my own, and there's another sense of strangeness!"]

["If my guess is correct, then the source of the strangeness..."]

【"It's from me from the future!"】

["That is to say, he also came with us!"]

["Not only that, because we are both in the same time and space."]

【"Is that why I have changed?!"】

After hearing the analysis of Madara's words, everyone in the ninja world was shocked.

"What the hell???"


"Awesome!! They all just came out!!"

"What a genius! I gave you a few clues and you actually deduced them all for me??"

"This guy is so awesome, he doesn't look like a human being at all..."

Orochimaru looked surprised, his eyes showed excitement, he stuck out his tongue and licked it, and sighed.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah...this IQ is really terrifyingly high...I really have to admire you!"

Hatake Kakashi: "Just because of Ōtsutsuki Urashiki's words,"

"I guessed everything. I've never seen such a monster in my life..."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "It's terrible... It would be sad for Urashiki to be his opponent."

Even Madara herself was shocked and murmured: "If I had been so smart,"

"It's not like he was deceived so miserably by Black Zetsu..."

Senju Hashirama: “This guy Madara is so smart that he guessed his time travel.

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