Comparing The Double Uchiha Madara, Konoha Cried With Envy

Chapter 158: Crane Form, Decisive Battle With Madara!


"Holy shit!! What was that just now?!"

"The neck was crushed in an instant!!"

"Master Madara is so handsome!"

Senju Hashirama looked shocked and said: "Just now... Madara's speed actually became so fast!"

Hatake Kakashi: "This speed... is simply terrifying..."

"Even Ōtsutsuki Urashiki didn't react at all!"

Senju Tobirama: "This is too scary... so fast! My eyes didn't catch up at all."

"I only saw a few more holes on Urashiki's neck!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Ha! Looking back in time, in the face of absolute strength, it is just a pile of

Two Scales Onoki: "This feeling is just like the scene when Madara took Kakashi's Mangekyō away!"

"I can't react at all, but this is Ōtsutsuki..."

"The two of them are very different in terms of reaction and strength, but Madara can still do this.

Hatake Kakashi: "Hey... don't talk about the past, I'm embarrassed, okay?"

[At this time, Urashiki, who was holding his neck, was quite shocked. 】

[This sudden surprise attack really scared him. 】

[Strictly speaking, it is not a raid. 】

[After all, Madara came from the front, but he couldn't react at all. 】

["This guy...what's going on."]

["This speed is really weird!"]

["What a ghost..."]

[While in shock, I saw Madara stepping forward again. 】

[Urashiki steps back without hesitation. 】

[The time rewind is activated and you return to the previous position in an instant. 】

[Throw out the fishhook and stab it in the back. 】

[However, in Madara's eyes, this speed is really too slow. 】

[Didn’t even turn around, just tilted his head to avoid the fishhook. 】

[Grab the fish with the "107" hook and pull it over!]

[Urashiki couldn't resist at all when faced with this powerful force. 】

[The body was pulled away uncontrollably. 】


[I’m afraid that Madara will do it again like before. 】

[Without hesitation, he let go of his hand and activated time retrieval again. 】

[At this time, his chest was heaving violently. 】

[It’s not just a continuous activation of time retrieval. 】

[More because of being scared. 】

[The big beads of sweat on my forehead are disappearing down my cheeks. 】

Fourth Raikage Ai: "You are from the Ōtsutsuki clan, Urashiki."

"Are you so stressed?"

Hatake Kakashi: "It's too strong. Urashiki has no ability to fight back, so he can only dodge..."

Orochimaru: "Haha, I guess he has never had such quick reflexes in his life."

"When people face real life crises, they often bring out their potential."

Ohnoki of Two Scales: "Even Ōtsutsuki Urashiki was frightened like this, let alone other people."

Namikaze Minato: "It would be better to die at the hands of future Madara than to be defeated at the hands of an eleven-year-old Madara.

"This is a shame that he will never be able to erase for the rest of his life."

Terumi Mei: "Haha... If the Ōtsutsuki clan knew about it, he would probably become the target of ridicule."

[Urashiki at this time is as embarrassed as he wants to be. 】

【Not only was I scared like this by Madara. 】

[Even my own weapons were snatched away by the opponent. 】

["Damn it...why is this happening!!"]

[His heart is roaring crazily. 】

【Incomparably aggrieved, extremely unwilling and angry. 】

[I saw Madara swinging the fishing rod towards him!]

[The next moment, I saw the fishing line wrapped around Urashiki!]


[Ushiki was suddenly shocked again. 】

[Immediately afterwards, Madara appeared in front of Urashiki again like a ghost. 】

[The five fingers are brought together, like a sharp sword. 】

[It went straight through his throat!]


[Suddenly, the blood in his neck was like a fountain! 】

【A lot of sputtering out!】

[Urashiki stared with his eyes fixed in disbelief. 】

[With his mouth open, he let out a silent wail. 】

Such a simple and crude scene immediately aroused everyone's excitement.

Uzumaki Naruto: "This... directly penetrated Urashiki's neck! Is it gone now??"

Hatake Kakashi: "It's like this again... it's too fast, I didn't even see what happened!!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "I only saw the red line fishhook of the Ura style, and that's what I reacted to..."

Two Scales Onoki: "It's so scary! Is this Madara's true speed?!"

"It's simply not human..."

Orochimaru: "Yeah, yeah, yeah... This battle ended too quickly, didn't it? I was completely crushed..."

Senju Tobirama: "Ōtsutsuki Urashiki died in this time and space, and is now with his two companions.

"Isn't there going to be a big change and the disappearance of all living people?"

Hoshigaki Kisame: "Hehe... interesting, really interesting!"

Senju Hashirama: "It seems that Ōtsutsuki Urashiki has the worst fate among the three of them."


[ Madara takes out the hand covered in bright red blood. 】

【 Ōtsutsuki Urashiki's body fell straight towards the ground. 】

[Drips of blood drip down his fingers. 】

【Ura Shi's body still twitched uncontrollably. 】

[The eyes are still wide open, as is the mouth. 】

[However, at this moment, Urashiki spread his hands on the ground. 】

[Starts to move again. 】

[Hold it slowly a few times. 】

[Immediately, I saw him clenching his fists suddenly!]

[The body is like a zombie, standing up automatically!]

[The pair of Rinnegan were originally blue, but now they have become a little gray!]

[The expression is a little dull, looking at Madara not far away!]

"What the hell! What's going on? What's going on?!"

"It's a fake corpse!! This is too scary!"

"It does look a bit eerie like this..."

Senju Hashirama: "What's going on... Ōtsutsuki Urashiki's throat was penetrated, he should be dead..."

Senju Tobirama: "This... looks like a dead person."

"Could it be that this guy really faked his corpse?"

Hatake Kakashi: "Even Rinnegan has turned black, so I guess it's not much different..."

Fourth Raikage Ai: “It’s so haunting that I don’t even want to sleep well even after I die.

"You have to fake the corpse. Are you so resentful towards Madara?"

Two-Day Scale Ohnoki: "I still don't know how strong this guy is after he faked the corpse..."

Orochimaru smiled, stuck out his tongue and licked it: "Yeah, yeah, it's really interesting...

"Do the people from Ōtsutsuki have the ability to fake corpses?"

Namikaze Minato: "Keep reading, I also want to know what is going on."


【Look at Ōtsutsuki Urashiki like this. 】

[ Madara couldn't help but frown. 】

["Can you still stand up even if you are dead?"]

["I really have to admire your will..."]

[At this time Urashiki said coldly: "Did I lose?"]

["Don't look down on people, kid..."]

[Madara raised her eyebrows and said: "Oh? Are you still hiding something?"]

[Immediately, Ushiki took out the fish basket from behind. 】

[Take it in one bite. 】

[Then, the originally gray-black Rinnegan appeared. 】

[It has changed back a little bit again. 】

【"not enough!"】

[Ushiki said somewhat crazily. 】

[Immediately afterwards, he put a hand on his eyes! 】

[Then his whole mouth opened into a scary smile. 】

[Five fingers become claws, as blood flows out. 】

[I actually deducted one of my Rinnegans!]

[Then, he stuffed another handful into his mouth! 】

[He started chewing with an expressionless face!]

[However, I didn’t stop after eating one. 】

[I took off another Rinnegan again!]

[Continue to put it in your mouth and chew it. 】

[This kind of weird behavior has nothing to do with loss.

[Even Madara couldn't help but be shocked. 】

At this time, everyone's expressions couldn't help but become weird.

Hatake Kakashi frowned and murmured in disbelief.

"What is he doing... He actually took off his own eyes and ate them..."

Senju Tobirama: "Is this guy... is he crazy?!"

"Could this be his hidden method? It's simply unacceptable..."

Orochimaru: "Hey...are all the Ōtsutsuki clan so crazy?"

"Haha, you really rely on eating to improve your strength.

Fourth Raikage Ai: "It was the first time I saw such a disgusting scene. It was really eye-opening!"

Two Scales Onoki: "Do you gain strength by swallowing your own Rinnegan..."

"Why does it feel like there's a bug... It's my own power."

"Eating it can increase your strength. Where does the increased strength come from?"

Hoshigaki Kisame: "Haha, who knows?"

Hidan: "Hehe... This kind of scene is really exciting. It's even crazier than me!"

[While chewing, a low humming sound came from his mouth. 】

[Then he laughed a little maniacally. 】

[I saw him staggering slowly towards Madara. 】

[In an instant, I saw a vertical golden Rinnegan activated on my forehead! 】

Senju Hashirama looked surprised and said: "What! Golden Rinnegan?"

Uchiha Madara: "This guy... is really weird. How many kinds of Rinnegan does he have?"

Hatake Kakashi: "Like Teru Yoruichi, the Rinnegan is also activated on the forehead.

"It's just that this one doesn't have magatama, and it's golden..."

Namikaze Minato: "Did you evolve after swallowing your own Rinnegan?"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "The golden Rinnegan looks very powerful.

I don’t know how I will respond next?”

[At this moment, an oval-shaped colorful light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Urashiki! 】

[Urashiki walked in slowly...]

[Then his figure slowly came out of the light curtain. 】



Instantly, a huge power burst out!】

[The shock wave spread out, covering a radius of hundreds of meters!]

[At this time, Urashiki's appearance changed drastically, and his original appearance was completely unrecognizable. 】

[The original short hair has now become a spiky head. 】

[Those two horns have evolved to look like wings. 】

[He is dressed in white clothes and a white robe, and there are large areas of black lines on his face. 】

[The hands and feet have evolved into claws. 】

[And his eyes are like white eyes dyed golden. 】

Hatake Kakashi: "This guy...not only evolved the golden Rinnegan on his forehead."

"And even the appearance has changed drastically!"

Senju Tobirama: "The original pair of Rinnegan have also disappeared, and all the wounds on the body have recovered as before.

Namikaze Minato: "I wonder how powerful Ōtsutsuki Urashiki will be after he evolves?"

Senju Hashirama: "This should be his last trump card, right?"

"I'm afraid there will be a hard fight later..."

Orochimaru: "Haha, I'm really looking forward to their fight. I also want to see who is stronger between them.

[ Madara looked at the greatly changed Urashiki and murmured. 】

["It actually evolved into this ghost..."]

["Even the breath of Chakra has become evil."]

[Urashiki let out a coughing, low laugh. 】

[Stretching out the pointed fingers, Madara smiled darkly. 】

["I'm going to...kill you!"]

[As soon as he finished speaking, Ura Shiki's body was seen floating lightly. 】

[Immediately afterwards, the speed suddenly accelerated!]

[Like an eagle swooping down to catch prey! 】

[The air was rubbed and made an explosive sound!]


[In an instant, Urashiki's body slammed down towards Madara! 】

[There was a huge explosion and thick smoke billowing!]

【Madara is no less impressive at all, she dodged in a few seconds! 】

Seeing this speed, everyone's faces were shocked again.

Fourth Raikage Ai: "What a terrifying speed, the speed after Urashiki evolved.

"It's actually on par with Madara's speed!"

Onoki, a two-person scale: "My whole body is as light as a bird..."

Senju Tobirama: “I didn’t expect that Urashiki’s strength would increase so much after evolving.

"I wonder what his golden Rinnegan's ability is?"

Namikaze Minato: "Urashiki's strength keeps getting stronger."

"But Madara has always been like this. I'm afraid Madara will be a little unable to do what she wants next.

[The smoke dissipated, and a 100-meter-large crater appeared at the place where it was hit. 】

[Urashiki's deep voice came out, "Stop $0.8 Zhiha Madara."

【"I will catch you and torture you slowly!"】

[Then the wings connected to his arms began to flap!]

[The speed suddenly increases, and the figure flashes past like a white stream of light! 】

[ Madara has a smile on her face. 】


[A sharp chirping sound sounded. 】

[Madara holds a tachi and exchanges a move with Urashiki. 】

[The scene at this time can be said to be that one can only hear his voice but not see his person. 】

[Only that white shadow flashed past!]

["Not bad! That's how it should be..."]

【"This kind of battle is interesting!"】

[ Madara said excitedly. 】

[The next moment, I saw the white figure launching dozens of attacks! 】

[The afterimage looks like dozens of people attacking together!]

【Madara swings the blade rapidly, making a constant buzzing sound! 】

[The attack status of the two at this time. 】

[It’s like a white woven cage wrapped on the outside, and a small cage wrapped on the inside!]

[The speeds of the two are surprisingly synchronized!]

This scene couldn't help but make everyone take a breath.

Might Guy looked shocked and said: "This speed... is simply faster than the speed when driving Eight Gate!"

"With the naked eye, we can no longer capture the trajectory of the attack. All we have is the afterimage..."

Hatake Kakashi: "Is this really the speed Madara should have as a human?!"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "It's really terrifying! If it had been anyone else, I'm afraid they would have been cut into pieces!"

Two Scales Ohnoki: "The current Urashiki can be said to be evenly matched with Madara, but..."

"In terms of means, Ōtsutsuki Urashiki has the upper hand now."

"After all, Madara only has Chakra now and can only use ninjutsu.

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