【"As long as you are strong enough."】

[The conversation ended, and Denki closed the door with a frustrated look. 】

[Muttered: "Powerful..."]

["Where do I have this power?"]

[However, at this moment, a shadow with a blue border and a black body appeared. 】

[Like Lion Majesty, he rushed over directly. 】

[Bite Denki's back suddenly. 】

[Suddenly, it seemed as if a powerful force was injected into it. 】

【I fell asleep immediately! 】

[After a moment, he opened his eyes again. 】

【"Just prove my strength, that's it..."】

[At this moment, there is no sparkle in his eyes. 】

[The eyes are dull, like a puppet on strings. 】

【"Just prove my strength, that's all."】

Senju Hashirama: "It seems that a new enemy has appeared..."

“I don’t know what this dark shadow is.

Hatake Kakashi03: "Can you control people's consciousness? I just saw that the carpet was scorched by energy."

Uzumaki Naruto: "Is this thing specifically looking for people who are hungry for power?"

Fourth Raikage Ai: "It seems that the first day of the ninja school is not peaceful again.

[Early in the morning, the alarm clock rang. 】

[ Boruto hurriedly ran out of the door. 】

[Hinata: "Can we catch up?"]

【"Is it okay..."】

[After leaving the door, the expression on Boruto's face became cheerful. 】

【"It's fine!"】

[Shuttle between various rooftops and telephone poles with agile movements. 】

[“I slept until I couldn’t sleep anymore in the morning and took a thundercar to school. 1

【"The elegant ninja school life begins!"】

[The whistle sounds. 】

["Oh! I just found a mine car."]

[At this moment, Boruto saw Denki walking on the ground. 】

["What? That was yesterday's..."]

[However, at the second glance, I found that his body was filled with a blue-black gas! 】

[At this time, Boruto's right eye has changed into another form! 】

[The whites of the eyes turned gray, and the eyeballs turned light blue. 】

[At this time, Boruto's expression was stunned. 】

【"what is that..."]

[Look towards where the black air is drifting. 】

[The next moment, the whole person disappeared from his sight. 】

Senju Hashirama: "Huh? Boruto's eyes... what kind of eyes are they? I seem to have never seen such eyes before..."

Uchiha Madara wondered: "Besides Sharingan, Byakugan, and Rinnegan, are there other eyes?"

Hatake Kakashi: "Boruto inherited the bloodline of Naruto and Hinata. It stands to reason that he either inherited the powerful Chakra or the Byakugan."

"Could it be that... Boruto's eyes were caused by the Byakugan upgrade?"

Orochimaru: "Yeah, yeah, yeah... this is the first time I've seen such strange eyes."

"It's really interesting. It seems that Naruto's son is also very interesting."

Senju Tobirama: "Then there is only one possibility, and that is upgraded by Byakugan."

Fourth Raikage Ai: "Keep reading, I also want to know.

[ Boruto rubbed his eyes and murmured. 】


[Then he smiled again. 】

["Hey! He also rides a thunder car."]

【"It seems that you are very compatible with me."】

[At this time, Denki found those little bullies from yesterday. 】

【"If you need anything, come to us, Electric."】

【"Want to take revenge?"】

[The leader said with a disdainful smile. 】

["The children took the initiative to call us out, what do they want?"]

[One of them picked up a note on the ground. 】

["Oh? What a lucky man."]

["Well...there are some here too."]

[The three of them followed the banknotes and picked up Lei Junzheng on the road. 】

【"Don't you think it's suspicious?"】

["What are you afraid of? Just go home after picking up what you can."]

【"He can't do anything anyway, hey!"】

[Spreading his hands, expressing extreme disdain. 】

[However, at this moment, the door suddenly closed automatically. 】

[The rumble sounded and the Lei Army started. 】

[At this time, Boruto also jumped on the roof of the thunder car. 】

[At this time, those people stared angrily ahead. 】

["Electric...that boy!"]

【"What are you thinking about? Stop the car quickly!"】

【"What does it mean!"】

[Dianchi said in a tone without emotion at all. 】

["This is my company's favorite test seat."]

[“A defect was found.”]


[Suddenly, I saw a piece of the car roof lifted by the wind!]

["This is a defective product, just like yours."]

[The three people on the opposite side immediately panicked. 】

【"what are you talking about!"】

["It's just a joke on you."]


[Speaking, Denki looked at the scenery outside the window. 】

【"Can you see it?"】

【"I drove another defective car on the same railway track."】

【"Unmanned mine vehicle."】

[Then he stretched out two fingers and brought them together. 】

["I just want two defective cars to collide."]

【"That's all."】

[I don’t care at all, Feng Qingyundan said. 】

[The other person heard this and became even more panicked. 】

【"What a joke!"】

[At this moment, a figure came from the window. 】

【"Stop now."】

[Speaking, Boruto jumped down from the lifted lid of the car roof. 】

【"How did you come?"】

[Boruto: "I happened to see you on the road, aren't you going to attend the entrance ceremony?"

[Dian Electric still said with an indifferent expression. 】

【"It doesn't matter whether you participate or not."】

["I want dad to admit that I am a strong man."]

[Boruto frowned and said: "Is this enough?"]


【"I have to prove my strength!"】

[Flickers several times, Boruto covers his eyes. 】

【"here we go again.…."】.

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