“When people watch me, I feel so nervous that I don’t know what to do.

Uzumaki Naruto: "It seems that this generation has many more problem children than ours.

Rock Lee: "Although the results of practice are good, this problem is really fatal."

"My future son must overcome this difficulty!"

Hyuga Neji: "Ah... indeed, none of them are fuel-efficient."

[Shino ran over in a panic, followed by his classmates. 】

【"Is it okay!"】

[Metal Li sat on the ground and scratched his head awkwardly. 】


[ Boruto ran over and said apologetically. 】

["Is your name Metalli? Sorry, sorry..."]

【Shino has a bad look on his face. 】

["Is this another prank by you?"]

[Jing Zhen: "Where did you get it from?"]

["You can't use Fuuma Shuriken yet."] 03

【Boruto got excited talking about this and ignored the breasts. 】

【"Ah, it's in the cabinet."】

[At this moment, Iwabe rushed over with a stick. 】

【"Hey! Don't talk to yourself."】

["Take away my Fuma Shuriken!"]

[Boruto put his hands on the pillow and said: "Ah, that's yours!"]

[At this time, Shino was finally able to speak. 】

["You guys...come to the office later!"]


【"What are you doing?"】

[Shikadai: "Why should we go too."]

[Jing Zhen: “We didn’t do anything.”]

[Shino: "Joint and several liability."]

[At this time, Metal Li secretly cursed himself for not living up to expectations. 】

["Obviously it's just a small thing."]

["No, I'm always like this, I make mistakes when I'm nervous."]


Inuzuka Kiba: "Hey, Shino, it seems you don't have dignity in the eyes of the students.

"What's wrong? Are you so stressed?"

Yamanaka Ino: "I see, I understand, Shino is afraid of looking at others."

That's why I came up with a pair of goggles like this. "

Aburame Shino: "Is that so? You finally remembered me..."

Hatake Kakashi: "Fortunately it's not Iruka who takes over this class, otherwise the designation would be very troublesome."

Uzumaki Naruto: "Huh? Speaking of which, why haven't you met Iruka-sensei yet?

Akimichi Chōji: "Who knows, I'm probably still seeing some Roosters somewhere. 7"

Iruka: "Asshole...you brats, how dare you program me without permission!"

[Soon, it’s time for the next class. 】

【This class is taught by Konohamaru. 】

【"Summoning Technique!"】


[I showed everyone the Summoning technique as soon as I came up. 】

[After a huge cloud of smoke exploded. 】

[The next moment, Konohamaru was standing on top of a giant toad. 】


[There was a burst of admiration and exclamation from below. 】


[At this moment, Shino came over applauding. 】

【"As expected of Sarutobi Konohamaru, the Summoning Technique is wonderful."】

【"Because he is the grandson of the Third Hokage."】

["Still a genius ninja that Konoha is proud of."]

[At this time, the huge toad said. 】

【"For Konohamaru, I will arrive no matter where."】

【 Konohamaru crossed his arms over his chest and stood above his head. 】

[Enjoying a wave of adoring looks from classmates]. 】

【Enjoyed Shino’s support again. 】

[Immediately, his hand was placed on the top of the toad's head. 】

【"Thank you very much, Toadgoro."】


[The next moment, it turned into a ball of smoke. 】

【 Konohamaru jumps down. 】

[There was a round of applause immediately. 】

[Shino: "This opportunity is rare, if you have anything you want to ask, please follow the instructions..."]

【"Teacher, I have a problem"

【"Teacher, me too!!"】

[ Before Shino finished speaking, he was ignored again. 】

【Everyone raised their little hands and rushed towards Konohamaru. 】

【"Konohamaru-sensei, call me throwing shuriken!!"】

["Where did you buy the ninja tool?"]

【 Konohamaru is looked at by so many pairs of adoring eyes. 】

[Can't help but blush a little. 】

["Wait, come one by one."]

【Boruto puts his hands on the pillow and takes the road. 】

["Look at your perverted look."]

【"You're really worthless, Konohamaru-nii."】

[Speaking of which, a group of little girls immediately turned their heads and glared angrily. 】

【Konohamaru became anxious, "Don't make fun of adults."】

["And don't call me brother!"]

["You have to call me teacher here."]

[Boruto is even more gloating. 】

["You look like you're in a daze."]

【"Not convincing at all..."】

[Immediately afterwards, several girls from Madara came together. 】

["Hey! Don't talk nonsense to the teacher!"]

["By the way, you were too affectionate with the teacher."]

[Boruto sweatdropped and said: "I don't have one..."]

[Akamichi Diedie came over and said: "Men's jealousy is very ugly."]

[Boruto immediately felt unhappy when he heard this: "I've already told you that it's gone!"]

[ Akamichi Diedie smiled with a see-through expression. 】

["However, the appearance and connotation are not at all comparable to others."]

【"No wonder..."】

[Then he gritted his teeth, pushed a few people away and rushed out. 】

[Grabbed the huge scroll from Konohamaru's back. 】

[Konohamaru suddenly panicked: "Boruto!!"]

Aburame Shino looked disappointed and said in an emo tone: "Sure enough, no one cares about me?"

"Even the students are completely ignoring me."

Inuzuka Kiba smiled and patted his shoulder and said, "It's okay, Shino."

"Being a teacher has to be a process of adaptation, so work hard. Hehe!"

Uzumaki Naruto: "Hey, Konohamaru, your personality has changed a lot as you grow up.

"It seems you are quite popular in the village."

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