
Outrageous capitalization!

Today, it is almost a powerful guild, such as the cyan pegasus, the scales of the snake Ji, and so on

will recognize the fairy tail.

After all, it was the strongest seven years ago, not to mention that the network of Fairy Tail Guild Leader Makarov is indeed quite tough.

Therefore, many people know the existence of Lucy.

Even the Dark Guild is a relatively famous person.

Even, many people have fought Lucy before.

Therefore, it is natural to know the strength of the fairy tail Lucy.

It is no exaggeration to say that this woman’s luck is stronger than strength.

Whether in the previous Tower of Paradise War, the Six Demon Generals’ Crusade Battle, and the War against the Devil’s Heart, Lucy has a brilliant record.

However, these achievements are not real victories over the enemy, but more luck factors account for the vast majority.

Compared to the other main combat forces of Fairy Tail, Lucy is still a lot worse.

But now what do they hear?

Just answered one question correctly, Lucy actually became the strongest existence in the Fairy Tail Guild?

Even the queen of the goblins, Elusa?

Crush that legendary Majin, Miraj?

This, this, this… What are you kidding?

Is this reward so exaggerated?

Therefore, many people want to be sure of this.

This is very important.

If it is true, then it means that all the rewards mentioned before this canopy are real.

Hades clearly remembered that there was such a perverted thing as resurrection props in the previous rewards.

If only Lucy could be the strongest.

So, is it possible to be resurrected yourself?

Gray: “I don’t want to admit it, but it’s true, the hateful Lucy, even I was beaten.” ”

Ulu: “Even you were beaten too?” What’s going on? Gray? ”

Gray: “It’s a long story, anyway, Lucy and each of us fought to test these rewards. ”

“Although the use of magic is a bit negligent, the powerful magic power is indeed exaggerated.”

“Even, in the middle of the day, a nose-haired old man summoned it, and almost demolished the guild…”

Gray’s words completely made everyone watching a little unable to sit still.

The Gate of Hades, Maldo Gill: “Old man with nose hair? Could it be the Star Spirit King?! Can even he summon at will? ”

Erin: “This sky curtain is so amazing, can you even do this kind of thing?” ”

Resort island.

Erin also sat up directly from the beach chair.

His eyes were fixed on the used answer card in his hand.

“This thing… Hiss!! What exactly am I missing?! ”

Erin was a little annoyed.

Strange props, why didn’t you fight for it just now?

Even Lucy’s kind of oil bottle can become the strongest in the guild.

So…… If you answered it correctly.

And what are the rewards?

Is it possible… Will there be something that can truly restore oneself?

Excitement welled up in my heart.

What is the biggest problem that has plagued Erin in the past four hundred years?

Isn’t it that his body has already been assimilated into a dragon?

No sleep, no taste, no sense of balance.

There are no human qualities, except for the obscure human appearance.

Even the Dark Magi Jelf couldn’t help him regain his human form.

But Erin has never given up and is always looking for a solution.

But, alas, for many years, Erin found nothing.

Dragonization is irreversible.

At this time, Erin was almost desperate.

It was also at this time that the opportunity was placed in front of Erin.

But she missed this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity because of her pride.

Clutching the answer card in her hand, Erin raised her head sharply.

“It seems that I underestimated this live broadcast of the sky screen!”

At this point, the reward is distributed.

The canopy screen has been updated again.

The black screen gradually dims, and the white screen also emerges with a new picture.

This time, it is necessary to carefully watch the sky screen and carefully study each picture in order to cope with the prize quiz that will appear again.

No way, Lucy’s reward is really a little red-eyed.

Let me ask, in this world, what is the meaning of the cultivation of the magic guide.

Without him, most of them are aimed at becoming stronger.

Only by becoming stronger can you get everything you want.

However, getting stronger is easier said than done, but when it comes to actually doing it, it is extremely difficult.

Talent, opportunity, belief, etc

Too many factors to influence.

This has led to the phenomenon that the strong are rare, and the weak are more into the cattle hair.

However, there is now a whole new opportunity to put people who are not very talented on the path of the strong.

It can also make the strong stronger, and even the opportunity to revive the dead, so naked in front of the eyes of audiences around the world.

No one is willing to give up such an opportunity to pass.

Therefore, one after another, almost all of them have to take out the concentration of class when they were children to carefully analyze any picture that appears in the sky screen.

At this moment, the picture continues.

[It has been almost a month since the last teaching. 】

[During this period, Natsu followed Iguuniru to the top of this towering mountain almost every day to practice breathing. 】

[And Naz’s learning progress has become more and more proficient with the passage of time. ] 】

[Until, on this day, along with the not too large flame tornado gushing out, Natsu happily announced that he had learned the breath of dragon slaying magic. ] 】

[However, although the process has been stumbling, Natsu has more time to spend with Iguniru.] 】

[The days were also very happy, and Natsu pestered Iguuniru almost whenever he had time, like a very fart worm. ] 】

[And on this day, the whim-minded Iguniru seemed tired of Natsu’s coquettish behavior behind him every day, and decided to give him a different test. ] 】

[So, he took Natsu to a dense primeval forest. 】

[Naz, you’ve been learning magic for a few months, and now it’s time to test your learning results during this time. 】

[This is the Warcraft Forest, which hosts many powerful Warcraft, and your mission is to spend the night in this forest! ] 】

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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