Gray: “Haha, sure enough, no matter what world Natsu, eating is always the first priority.” ”

Lucy: “Do you even have to eat before the war?” ”

Makarov: “Harm, I think at the beginning, the old man did not know how much money was spent in order to provide Naz, the big stomach king, but now, Natsu has not helped the old man earn it back.” ”

“I often destroy things, causing the guild to lose a lot of money, think about it, it’s tears!”

Mebis: “Oh, three generations, during your reign, also – often lost money?” ”

Makarov: “What’s the end! I dare say that in the Kingdom of Fiore, most of the road facilities, building facilities, etc., were paid for by my fairy tail! ”

Jalal: “Sorry, when I was in the Magic Council, I received complaints about what you destroyed and what you destroyed. ”

Uludia: “I remember this too!” ”

“At the beginning, the two major guilds of the Fiore Kingdom, Fairy Tail and Ghost Dominator.”

“The ruler of the ghost, pay everywhere to build branches, the fairy tail is different, everywhere pays money to build cities, improve the dilapidated buildings in many places!”

Melty: “So, is Fairy Tail still a guild that often does good deeds?” ”

Jalal: “What, that’s clearly a loss.” ”

Makarov: “Don’t say it, don’t say it … The more the old man’s heart hurts, it is all golden money, all of which have been scourged by a group of losers. ”

Hades: “Makarov, you still have the face to say such a thing?” ”

“When I was in power, the biggest headache was you guy!”

“Aren’t you also pulling Yajima, Bob, Goldman and them to wreak havoc everywhere, do you think I lost less money?”

Mebis: “Precito, you better shut up, you and Makarov and his father did not cause me less trouble, and I lost a lot of money!” Hum! ”

Brian: “Oh, co-author, you guys are ancestral?” ”

Warrod: “Hahaha, I really miss the days when I was sabotaging with my friends.” ”

Mebis: “Warrod, even you?” Woo hoo~ are all a group of losers, all a group of losers!! ”

Emerald E. Fiore: “So, from a hundred years ago to the present, it seems that most of the urban infrastructure was improved by Fairy Tail. ”

“Shall I consider giving Fairy Tail an award?”

“Just award… What does the urban infrastructure madness look like? ”

Mebis: “Shut up! ”

Hades: “Shut up! ”

Makarov: “Shut up! ”

Macao: “Shut up! ”

Everyone: “Huh? It seems that something has been mixed in? ”

Macao: “Isn’t this the Fairy Tail guild complaining will?” I’m also the fourth generation president! ”

Makarov: “Don’t come to the proxies.” ”

Macao: “…”

Just when everyone is playing treasure on the world channel.

New movements began to appear in the sky screen.

[Bercelion did not slack off after learning of Natsu’s request. 】

[Quickly ordered the next person to quickly go to the kitchen to get something to eat, what is not important, the important thing is to have a large amount. ] 】

[For the future master of the kingdom, Bercelion remembers it very well. 】

[But, just when everything is going on in an orderly manner.] 】

[The overwhelming dragon power enveloped the audience in an instant! ] 】

[The terrifying momentum from high-level creatures even made many people soften! ] 】

[Then, at the end of the sky as far as the eye can see, dense black dots are constantly revealing. 】

[With the passage of time, the group of black spots began to gradually grow. 】

“That… That was…”

[There were soldiers staring at the sky, sweat raining down their cheeks and falling low on the dry earth. 】

[“Dragon Pack!! “】

[“It’s a group of dragons! The dragon appeared!! “】

[Next moment! ] Ear-piercing screams rang out in the phalanx of soldiers! 】

[Countless people raised their weapons above their heads like great enemies, trembling and aiming at the sky. 】

[Although they knew that such an action would not do anything to the dragons, the weapons in their hands were the last thing that could comfort them. 】

[“Damn, did it come so quickly? “】

[Even Belserion frowned, and the dragon’s claws clenched deadly. ] 】

[Belserion tilted his head and yelled around! ] 】

【”Prepare to meet the enemy! Prepare to meet the enemy!! “】

[“The dragons… Here it comes! “】

[At this moment, an uplifting drum beat sounded all around, stimulating everyone present! ] 】

[Under the rousing drumbeat, the blood gradually climbed into people’s hearts and defeated the previous fears! ] 】

[There are also dragon slaying wizards present, and like Erin, they all use additional magic to attach the power of the dragon to their bodies. ] 】

[Although it is not powerful, it is also one of the few people who can damage the dragon. 】

[Therefore, the task of most of the other soldiers is to cover the attacks of the dragons and the dragon slayer. 】

[Natsu also mingled in the crowd, his fists clenched, his tendons on his forehead, and his arms bursting.] 】

[Under the overwhelming dragon power, Natsu did not feel any fear. 】

[It’s just that the heartbeat is faster, the reaction is much more sensitive, and the magic in the body is constantly moving! ] 】

Lucy: “I don’t know why, but I got nervous too.” ”

Gagiru: “The attack of the dragons… Coming to everyone’s eyes? ”

Sting: “This is the battlefield of being a dragon slaying demon guide, damn it, what was I doing at that time?!” ”

Rogue: “Eh… As expected, we were still struggling to attend class. ”

Wendy: “So, from this point of view, Heinazgo is so good, we are still in class, has he already gone to slay the dragon?” ”

Gagiru: “I have to say, I am really useless in that world.” ”

“Can’t even participate in this kind of battle?”

Rebby: “That… I want to say that even a battle of this level can’t participate in Gajiru at the current level, right? ”

Gagiru: “??? ”

Makarov: “Stop talking!” The dragons have attacked! ”

At this moment, at the moment when Makarov’s voice fell!

In the sky screen.

[The incomparably thick thunder fell to the sky and fell straight towards the entire town. ] 】

【Boom boom————!!! 】

[Continuous explosions exploded! ] 】

[An indescribable terrifying magic fills this world. 】

[In just a split second, more than hundreds of people died. 】

[The corpse is in people’s eyes at this moment. 】

[It also really shows people that the dragon is powerful! ] 】

[“Are you kidding? Just for a moment? Half of the town was destroyed ?! (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[In the endless burning flames, a soldier got up from the ground, cold sweat covering his cheeks. 】

[Look at all this in horror! ] 】

“Don’t panic! Don’t panic! Organize the formation! Our dragons all take off and meet the enemy with me! “】

[In this sea of fire, Belserion’s voice even sounded. 】

[Like a clarion call to stabilize the hearts of the army, it calmed down the panicked soldiers. ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, dozens of dragons gathered in the square flared their wings.] 】

[The wind is blowing as if it will extinguish the flames burning around it.] 】

[“Yes, we also have dragons, don’t panic! Cover the dragons and dragon slayer! “】

[Watching his own dragon rise into the air, immediately a captain-level soldier shouted at the throat. ] 】

[Natsu also began to run at this moment, his eyes locked on the dragons in mid-air. 】

[At this moment, the dragon group that took off has collided with the dragon group of the other party. 】

[It was almost a brutal killing.] 】

[One dragon after another, at this moment, turned into crazy beasts, tearing, roaring, roaring! ] 】

[In just one minute, the entire battlefield was in chaos. 】

[Dragons and dragons fight in the sky, dragons and people fight on the ground, and people and dragons unite in battle. 】

[The earth shattered, the sky darkened, and the smoke rising from the flames almost completely obscured the sun.] 】

[The continuous roaring magic resounded in people’s hearts, causing distortions visible to the naked eye in the surrounding space. 】

【Roar————!!! 】

[A dragon shook its huge body hard, directly smashed countless buildings, and then threw off the ant-like humans who crawled on its body. ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, he opened his huge mouth, and the brilliant light continued to gather in his mouth. 】

【Boom————!!! 】

[The roar of the dragon shines at this moment, and with the roar disappears, thousands of lives. 】

[Lucky people, maybe they can leave a stump and broken arm scattered on the broken street. 】

[Unfortunate people, can only turn into the most primitive powder in that breath and drift with the wind. 】

[In the air, the smell of human flesh being burned is also filled with the extremely pungent smell of dragon blood. 】

[In the sky, the dragon with its own side struggled to tear off the flesh of the enemy dragon, and then threw it to the earth like garbage, just raised the sky and roared, swearing that he was strong. ] 】

[Another dragon claw penetrated its huge body, and the severe pain turned the long roar into a wail, which resounded in people’s ears. ] 】

[Even Belserion, who has the strongest combat power, is surrounded by two titled dragons at this moment. ] Do not get out. 】

[The moment the battle begins, it takes on a one-sided posture. 】

[The number of dragons on the enemy side far exceeds their own, and when all the dragons on their side meet the enemy, there are more than twenty dragons flying towards the crowd. ] 】

[The few dragon slaying wizards have also attacked the dragon with the cooperation of the soldiers. ] 】

[But… The gap is still reflected after all, although it can cause damage to the dragon, but this damage is too small. 】

[Not only can it not limit the slaughter of dragons, but it will anger dragons. 】

[Show a more violent side.] 】

[The whole battlefield is like a large meat grinder, and every minute, hundreds of people die. 】

[This horrific death rate is almost fatal to the soldiers who are still alive. 】

[Even in firm conviction, only one thought will come up in such a situation. 】

[This is sending to death! ] 】

[Yes, for the current soldiers, facing the dragon is simply sending death. 】

[Moreover, their death has no effect, the only thing is to hold the dragon for only a few seconds. 】

[Natsu, who was running wildly in the battle, jumped hard, and the next moment, a thick beam of light fell behind him, and then a huge explosion exploded. ] 】

[The strong shock wave directly flipped Natsu over two circles.] 】

[But immediately Natsu adjusted his figure and landed smoothly, and continued to run towards the roaring dragon in front of him. ] 】

[All around, the cries, cries, and desperate cries of the soldiers continued to pour into Natsu’s ears. 】

[It was like a 360-degree sound system was placed around Natsu, trying to interfere with his determination to slay the dragon.] 】

[Clenching his teeth deadly, Natsu stepped heavily on the ground, and the whole person jumped hard. ] 】

[Flames erupted under his feet, carrying Natsu’s figure straight into the sky, exceeding the height of the dragon in front. ] 】

[Then he quickly fell towards the back of the dragon.] 】

【Boom!! 】

[The powerful impact made the huge body of the dragon can’t help but stumble, and the whole body fell a lot. ] 】

“Cheer me up!! “】

[Immediately afterwards, hysterical roars came out of Natsu’s mouth, resounding throughout the battlefield! ] 】

[On the back of the dragon, Natsu raised his fist high, and the violent flames burned wildly, just like a sun, and the strong light even shone on the entire battlefield. ] 】

[This moment! Whether it is in the sky, the dragons on both sides that are fighting, or the enemy dragons on the ground, who are slaughtering humans, or the dragon slaying wizards who are still fleeing. 】

[And the soldiers whose nerves were in a nervous breakdown all turned their eyes to the center of the sun.] 】

“Don’t be afraid of this group of miscellaneous dragons!! “】

[“The existence of the Dragon Slayer Demon Guide is for this moment! “】

“Cheer me up!”] “】

[The flames on Natsu’s fist contracted wildly, and then, aimed at the dragon below him, and swung down violently! ] 】

“Dragon hunting begins!! “】

【Boom——————!!! 】

[The violent explosion, mixed with the wail of the dragon, resounded throughout the battlefield! ] IX].

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