Gagiru: “Boom! This declaration of Hainaz is very handsome! ”

Hades: “Of course handsome, didn’t you see Erin’s eyes in the picture?” ”

“Naked worship.”

Brian: “But if you think about it, it’s really surprising that someone could say something like that in those days. ”

“Heinaz this kid, I admire him.”

Maldogil: “Indeed, I do admire Hainaz’s courage and courage, but… In this case, there is no other purpose than to find death. ”

Sting: “Yes, it’s not a wise choice to think about it, but it’s a handsome sentence!” ”

Rogue: “Handsome?” Perhaps, but when Heinaz will face a dragon that has been completely enraged, the one percent chance of victory will disappear completely. ”

Flosi: “Flo thinks so too. ”

Mebis: “Really? I think maybe you still underestimate Heinaz, this kid must have his own confidence. ”

“Let’s go and see.”


[The roar of magic was deafening, and the anger belonging to the dragon even made the entire palace begin to falter. 】

[The two who just ran to the exit were revenant. 】

[Sure enough! ] 】

[That guy who didn’t know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth really angered the dragon. 】

[The overwhelming coercion even made the bodies of the two of them stiffen. ] 】

[The two who want to cry without tears are staring at Natsu with murderous eyes at the moment. ] 】

[If eyes can kill, I’m afraid that Natsu has died a thousand times now.] 】

[You said you want to be stubborn, you want to mock the dragon, don’t pull us.] 】

[It’s good to wait for us to run out and talk about it.] 】

[At that time, even if you are torn into eight petals by the dragon, it will have nothing to do with them. 】

“But you shouldn’t have said this before we ran out.] 】

[Isn’t this for us to be buried with you?] 】

[Countless thoughts flashed through the minds of the two. 】

[The next moment, the angry dragon didn’t give anyone any chance to think. 】

[The huge dragon claw raised angrily, and then aimed at Natsu in front of him and slammed it! ] 】

[That’s too fast!] So fast that only a momentary afterimage appeared in everyone’s eyes. 】

[The next moment, a violent roar resounded throughout the hall! ] 】

[Even the palace trembled at this moment! ] 】

[Erin was stunned to look at the giant claws that fell in front of her eyes, completely covering Natsu’s figure. 】

[Everything happened so fast just now that Erin didn’t react, and the dragon’s giant claws slapped Natsu’s body fiercely. 】

[Blood was all over Erin’s eyes. 】

[“Natsu? Natsu !!! “】

[“Hmph! Does the little ghost who can only show the power of his tongue try to provoke the authority of the dragon? “】

[Listening to Erin’s roar, Augustine’s heart finally became comfortable. 】

[In so many years, it is the first time that a human dares to provoke the authority of the strongest creature, the dragon, in front of him. 】

[And obviously, his end is only one way to perish! ] 】

【Buzz————!!! 】

[Suddenly, at the moment when Augustine’s face just raised a smile! ] 】

[The burning sensation that gradually rose from under the giant claws made Augustine’s smile stiffen on his cheeks.] 】

“This is … What’s the situation? “】

[Under the giant claw, faintly flames began to burst out from between the fingers. 】

[“Natsu?! Isn’t Natsu dead yet?! “】

[Erin immediately wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, staring at the giant claw. 】

[Flame! It’s burning endlessly. 】

[Immediately afterwards, Augustine could clearly feel that under the giant claw, the huge force coming from it was carrying his dragon claw and slowly lifting! ] 】

“This imp… Isn’t it even dead?! “】

Augustine’s eyes widened, and he watched in horror as his giant claws were lifted bit by bit. 】

[The flames began to grow stronger and stronger under its giant claws.] 】

[“Oooo!!oo “】

[Under the giant claw, Natsu carried the giant claw that was countless times larger than his own body, and slowly stood up from the position of kneeling on one knee. 】

[The bruises on his forehead are frantically surging, and beads of sweat have long covered Natsu’s cheeks. ] 】

[But, there is no doubt that Natsu really stood up under such a heavy pressure! ] 】

[Although even the feet have sunk into the earth.] 】

[The hysterical roar was echoing, and the surrounding flames seemed to respond to Natsu.] 】

[It’s burning like crazy and constantly.] 】

[The flames are getting worse and worse, and even the color is starting to get deeper and deeper, changing to the color of gold………….]

[“Golden flame? Erin, who was watching this scene, couldn’t help but blink. 】

Outside the canopy.

Jalal also stared at the golden flame deadly: “That’s not… Inflammation of punishment? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ulutia: “The flame of punishment? ”

Brian: “I remember this flame, the plugin that Jellal gave to Naz, I still remember it to this day!” ”

“But… Now Natsu has not eaten this flame, why did it appear? ”

Jalal: “No, it’s not so much that the flame of punishment is a flame, but rather that… It is a true expression of will. ”

Melty: “Huh? Is flame so related to will? ”

Jellal: “Flame of feelings, have you heard of it?” ”

“Or rather… The essence of magic, in fact, even the magic of emotions, but the inflammation of emotions exerts this characteristic to the extreme. ”

“And the flame of punishment is one of them, the flame of Naz’s dragon killing magic I have studied, and its essence is also the flame of feelings.”

Mebis: “In other words, the stronger the will of the master, the stronger the magic will respond to the master, which is the inflammation of feelings.” ”

Jalal: “Yes, and the flame of punishment represents carrying everything that can be carried (sins, hopes, sustenance, etc…). ), but still fearless will to move forward. ”

He stared dead at Natsu, who was carrying the dragon’s right foot in the sky.

Shen Shen said: “There is no doubt that the current Na 3.2 Z is carrying the honor of mankind and challenging the impossible!” ”

“He is entitled to the power of the Flame of Punishment!”

Olcast: “To … Is it impossible to challenge the courage? ”


[The crimson flame completely transformed into a brilliant golden flame. 】

[The temperature is also starting to climb at this moment.] 】

[Even ignite all combustible materials around it.] 】

[“Don’t look at me! Bastard!!! “】

[Natsu, who was carrying the giant claw, roared angrily, and the muscles of the whole person’s body were simultaneously exerted at this moment to push out the giant claw that was pressing on the body! ] 】

[Then, in everyone’s gaze, Augustine was directly overturned. ] 】

【Boom!! 】

[The huge body of the dragon slammed into the ground, emitting a deafening roar! ] 】。

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