The snake was so big that it was crushed to the ground.

[Boom! ! !]

[The ten-meter-long snake was directly pressed to the ground by the Rasengan and rubbed continuously.]

[Its entire head was bloody and exploded in the blink of an eye!]

[The blood of the giant snake flew everywhere, splashing on the side face of the black-clothed boy in front of him.]

[A breeze blew by, and the golden hair swayed slightly in the wind, which was very beautiful!]

["Naruto... Naruto!"]

[The one who saved Sakura was the Uzumaki Naruto who rushed back with a Rasengan falling from the sky.]

[Another purpose of leaving the Nine-Tails Chakra in his clone was to let the Nine-Tails remind him at all times. ]

[After all, he knew that if a team member died, the exam would also be considered a failure! ]

Uchiha Obito saw the Rasengan from top to bottom,

and instantly had PTSD!

Uchiha Obito: "Huh, Rasengan... what a rubbish ninjutsu!"

["You... you kid... shouldn't you..."]

[Looking at Naruto who appeared in front of him, Orochimaru instantly realized that the two ninjas he brought should have been killed by him! ]

[Uzumaki Naruto smiled slightly, which was considered to be an acknowledgement of this statement. ]

[But strictly speaking, it was only the clone that easily solved the two people. ]

["Hey, Naruto, be careful, this guy is Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas." ]

[As a long-lived being, the Nine-Tails naturally heard of the name of Orochimaru. ]

[Uzumaki Naruto nodded indifferently. ]

[It turns out that the guy in front of him is the legendary Orochimaru who likes to dress up as a woman, then a man and then a woman again! ]

[Sure enough, he is exactly the same pervert as the rumors said! ]

["Naruto, how about it, do you need me to lend you some strength?" ]

[Faced with the initiative of the Nine-Tails, Uzumaki Naruto refused. ]

["No, big fox, I want to test the limit of my current strength." ]

["Orochimaru, as one of the three ninjas, can just be my opponent to test my strength!" ]

[Seeing Uzumaki Naruto say this, thinking that this kid should be a little confident, the Nine-Tails yawned loudly. ]

[That's right, it's just Orochimaru. ]

["Oh? It seems that you don't plan to run away with the two of them." ]

[To the surprise of Orochimaru, this Uzumaki Naruto not only did not plan to escape, ]

[but was rubbing his hands and preparing to fight with him! 】

Hatake Kakashi: "Does Naruto have any chance of winning against Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas?"

Mei Terumi: "I'm really worried about little Naruto, but it's amazing that he dares to challenge the three ninjas at this age!"

Orochimaru: "You don't think that Naruto is really my opponent, do you?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "How could that be? Orochimaru, you are my disciple, of course I believe you! Anyway, you don't have any shame when you attack the Genin!"

Orochimaru: "Teacher Hiruzen, you are so aggressive! Did I really hit the sore spot in your throat before?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen snorted coldly,

He was looking forward to the scene where Orochimaru was defeated by Naruto,

Although to be honest,

that Naruto was indeed very strong,

far beyond the level of Genin,

but facing Orochimaru, who was at the level of Kage,

it would be difficult for him to win.

【On the black screen, Uzumaki Naruto launched an attack. ]

[He took out a shuriken and threw it at Orochimaru! ]

[Feeling the shuriken's super-fast speed and the sound of it breaking through the air, Orochimaru praised,]

["Oh? Good power! It's just a pity that this kind of attack can't hit me at all!"]

[Orochimaru tilted his head slightly, preparing to easily dodge the shuriken. ]

[Uzumaki Naruto clapped his hands and shouted,]

["Shuriken·Shadow Clone Technique!"]

[The shuriken that originally flew out of thin air instantly turned into raindrops all over the sky, from one to thousands! ]

[Orochimaru's face turned pale in shock. Is this a ninjutsu that a Genin can learn? 】

【"Shuriken·Shadow Clone Technique, how did this little Jinchūriki know it?"】

【"Could it be that the old man Sandaime wants him to be Hokage?"】

【Since the Sandaime became Hokage, there has been an unwritten rule in Konoha. 】

【Any new Hokage must know Shuriken·Shadow Clone Technique! 】

【Orochimaru also knows this ninjutsu. 】

【Originally, it was originally

The position of Hokage was his, Orochimaru, and he even had the speech written. 】

【As a result, the old bastard of the Sandaime changed his mind and gave it to Minato Namikaze. 】

【As expected, that kid Namikaze had indeed learned the Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique. 】

【So all this was planned by the Sandaime Hokage long ago! 】

【Only those who can be brainwashed by his Will of Fire can inherit the position of the new Hokage. 】

【Unfortunately, Orochimaru has devoted his life to science and cannot listen to any talk about the Will of Fire. 】

【On the contrary, Minato Namikaze inherited the Will of Fire very well. 】

【It can be seen from the fact that he was willing to sacrifice his family for the sake of the village. 】

【This is also an important reason why he can become the Fourth Hokage! 】

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Orochimaru is talking nonsense, I am not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Namikaze Minato: "I did receive the Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique taught by the Third Hokage, but I also spontaneously agree with the Will of Fire."

Senju Tobirama: "The meaning of fire has existed since the establishment of Konoha, Orochimaru, do you want to overthrow it by yourself?"

Orochimaru, who was angry just now,

snickered in an instant,

unexpectedly, the self in that world,

directly expressed his dissatisfaction with Konoha,

seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen explaining in a hurry,

Orochimaru felt happy,

the unhappiness just now was swept away in an instant.

Shimura Danzo: "So, I am only one jutsu away from becoming Hokage? Yamanaka Feng, you go and think of a way to get the jutsu of the Sarutobi clan. He has 3,000 clansmen, so it's easy to attack."

Yamanaka Feng: "Yes, Master Danzo!"

Shimura Danzo laughed out loud.

He finally discovered the secret of becoming Hokage.

It seems that he is one step closer to becoming Hokage!

【Faced with the wide-range Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique, Orochimaru had no time to dodge and was shot into a sieve! 】

【But Orochimaru is not just a name, his body quickly turned into small snakes. 】

【"Snake Clone!"】

【Orochimaru's body emerged from a big tree again. 】

【Fortunately, he was prepared in advance, otherwise it would be embarrassing. He will not be careless anymore! 】

【However, right above his head, Uzumaki Naruto jumped high and punched him! ]


[The entire branch was broken into several pieces by Naruto's punch. ]

[It's a pity that Orochimaru got into the tree and avoided the attack! ]

["What a troublesome guy!"]

[Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help but complain. This Orochimaru was just like a real snake. It was too slippery! ]

["It's wine, Kagben Shinno Juzu!"]

[Uzumaki Naruto split into dozens of figures, and through the perception of chakra, they squatted at the place where Orochimaru showed his head. ]

[As long as Orochimaru stretched out his head, Uzumaki Naruto would punch him mercilessly! ]

[For a moment, accompanied by the huge noise of "Bang! Bang! Bang!", the whole scene looked very bizarre! ]

Nara Shikamaru: "This... Is this... Whack-a-Mole? Oh no, is it Whack-a-Snake?"

Jiraiya: "I didn't expect that Naruto actually seemed to suppress Orochimaru!"

Senju Tsunade: "Don't be careless, Orochimaru hasn't used his full strength yet!"

["You bastard, you're bullying the snake too much!"]

[Orochimaru tried to get out of the tree several times, but was punched back by Uzumaki Naruto, which made him feel very frustrated! ]

[When has a dignified Sannin ever suffered such an injustice? ]

["Summoning Technique!"]

[A giant snake that was even more terrifying than the ten-meter-long snake just now appeared in front of Uzumaki Naruto. ]

[The giant snake just stirred its tail, and in an instant, all of Naruto's clones were forced back! ]

[Looking at Orochimaru standing on the snake's head with a confident look on his face, Uzumaki Naruto said coldly,]

["Big fox, do you know how to eat snake soup?"]

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