The two of them were so close that they had to work together.

[The next day, Naruto looked at Karin, who was sleeping like a kitten in his arms, and smiled helplessly. ]

[Last night, no matter what she said, she wanted to sleep with him. ]

[Perhaps it was because he had lived alone for a long time, and finally had a little dependence, so he was more afraid of losing it! ]

Uzumaki Karin: "Damn... What kind of adjective is this? Who is a kitten!"

Hozuki Hozuki: "Hahaha, a red kitten, not bad, not bad, this description is very appropriate!"

Uzumaki Karin: "You bastard, you have been contradicting me since just now, are you looking for death?"

Hozuki Hozuki: "I don't know why, anyway, I am very happy to see you unhappy!"

Uzumaki Karin: "..."

[Uzumaki Naruto is refining the chakra in his body while waiting for Karin to wake up. ]

[Practicing all the time has become Naruto's daily homework. ]

[Just after Karin woke up, Naruto slowly opened his eyes. ]

["Let's go, I'll take you to eat delicious food today!" ]

["Really...really?" ]

[Before he could react, Naruto grabbed Karin's hand. ]

[Unlike Hinata's hands, Karin's hands seem rougher, perhaps because her childhood life was not very happy. ]

[However, Karin liked this feeling very much, and held Naruto's big hand tightly with her backhand. ]

["This is the three-color meatball, many people in Konoha Village like to eat it!"]

[Naruto took her to a shop that specializes in selling three-color meatballs. ]

[Since Naruto is now an outstanding ninja, and he recently saved the grandson of the Third Hokage, Konohamaru, in public,]

[So these villagers don't dislike him as much as before,]

[The two sat at the door of the meatball shop, and Karin held a handful of meatballs in her hands. ]

[She has never been so happy in her life, and has never eaten such good things! 】

Yamanaka Ino: "Naruto in that world is really good at taking care of people!"

Uzumaki Kushina: "Oh, I didn't expect our Uzumaki clan to fall to this point!"

Kisame: "Mr. Itachi, come to think of it, we went to this store last time. You also want to eat Konoha's three-color meatballs, right?"

Uchiha Itachi: "Of course, I went back to Konoha last time because of Sasuke's matter. Could it be that I went there specifically to eat meatballs?"

Kisame: "I understand, Mr. Itachi! But the three-color meatballs are really delicious!"

Uchiha Itachi: "..."

[For the next whole day, Uzumaki Naruto accompanied Karin to play everywhere, and the whole Konoha Village was almost visited by the two. ]

[Uzuki Yugao in the dark also followed closely, but she looked at the sweet look of Naruto and Uzumaki Karin, and she was actually a little envious. ]

[I think she and Hayate haven't dated for a long time...]

[Finally, as the sunset gradually approached, it was reflected on the cheeks of Uzumaki Naruto and Karin. ]

[For some reason, Karin seemed to have prepared herself mentally. ]

["Naruto, should I... leave..."]

[Before Uzumaki Naruto could speak, Karin had already spoken. ]

[As a member of the Uzumaki clan, she was naturally very sensitive to chakra. ]

[She could feel that it was not only Uzuki Yugao who had been secretly observing them all day. ]

[Sure enough, as a member of the Uzumaki clan, she would be coveted wherever she went...! ]

[Uzumaki Naruto looked at Karin and then showed a warm smile,]

["No, Karin, you misunderstood, I do plan to let you leave temporarily."]

["But it won't be for long... believe me."]

["After all... I want to do something very important next."]

["Something very important?"]

[Karin looked at Naruto's expression and could tell from his eyes that he was not lying to her. 】

【"But, Naruto, can I buy some perfume before I leave?"】


【"Well, Sister Xi Yan told me a lot about perfume yesterday, and I want to buy some to try."】

【"Of course I can...but..."】

【Uzumaki Naruto looked at Karin in front of him. She is still in the development stage. Even if she sprays perfume, her temptation is far less than Xi Yan! 】

【But since Karin likes it,

Naruto didn't think much about it, after all, he got a lot of money from Kado. 】

【Naruto gave part of the money to Karin, which was enough for her to eat and drink for nearly a year! 】

【"Buy the perfume and leave early. I will come to find you when the time comes."】

【Naruto stretched out his hand and placed it on Karin's head. A stream of red chakra flowed into Karin's body. 】

【Karin instantly felt that she had become dozens of times stronger! 】

【"This is the chakra of the Nine-Tails. It can protect you and also let me know whether you are safe at all times."】

【Seeing that Uzumaki Naruto was so nice to her, Karin rushed over and kissed Naruto on the cheek very actively! 】

Hatake Kakashi: "Another girl kissed Naruto!"

Haruno Sakura: "I have another competitor!"

Yamanaka Ino: "This Karin is pretty good. Anyway, I can accept it as long as it's not Sakura!"

Tenta: "What about me? What about me? Why hasn't it been my turn yet!"

Moonlight Gale: "Yu... cough cough... Yugao..."

Uzuki Yugao: "What's wrong, Gale?"

Moonlight Gale felt aggrieved,

but what can he do?

The Yugao of that world is not the Yugao of this world after all,

Besides, he has already died in this world.

It's all his fault that he is not as skilled as others,

and he was killed instantly by a mere Sand Ninja!

[Uzumaki Naruto watched Karin leave, and at the same time he noticed the ninja's tracking in the dark. ]


[Instantly, several shadow clones that had been split in advance blocked the front of those jonin. ]

[All of these Naruto clones have red Nine-Tails chakra flowing outside. ]

[Chidori, Rasengan, and Rasenshuriken glowed brightly in Naruto's hands...]

["What do you think? Do you want to fight me? Or... do you want to test the Nine-Tails' power?"]

[Hearing Naruto's threat, several Anbu looked at each other.]

[Their combat strength is not strong, but they were promoted by the Third Hokage because of their excellent reconnaissance ability.]

[Although Naruto is just a Genin, they still know the power of the Nine-Tails.]

[What's more, the ninjutsu in Naruto's clone's hands... gives people a very dangerous feeling...]

[It will... kill people!]

["Go back and report to the Hokage."]

[The Anbu in charge gave the order, and the others breathed a sigh of relief.]

[After all, they don't want to fight this demon fox boy!]

[After everyone left, Uzuki Yugao slowly walked out of the darkness. 】

【Her pretty face and beautiful eyes looked at Naruto, and she couldn't help but speak. 】

【"Naruto...what do you want to do?"】

【"What do I want to do? Speaking of which, Sister Xiyan, I have something to ask you."】


【Seeing Naruto smile and slowly walk towards her, for some reason, Mao Yue Xiyan's heartbeat suddenly began to accelerate. 】

【"Could it be...?"】

Moonlight Gale: "..."

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