The two of them were very happy.

["It's Uzumaki Naruto!"]

["I knew Naruto would come!"]

["Ahhh!!! After not seeing him for a few days, Naruto looks so handsome again!!!"]

["Could it be that the eagle was summoned by Naruto?"]

["Why do I feel that the boy has become much stronger?"]

["I heard that Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, came back to Konoha to train Naruto!"]

["Really? That's no wonder. How could we have the chance to get the favor of Jiraiya-sama!"]


[Jiraiya naturally came to the venue of this meeting. Hearing the chatter of the ninjas, he was also helpless. ]

[Flying Thunder God... but it's a ninjutsu that even I can't control! ]

["Even if I want to teach, I have to have the ability!"]

[Jiraiya sighed. He couldn't figure out how Naruto learned Minato's Flying Thunder God. ]

[With Rasengan in front and Flying Thunder God in the back, it seems that Minato must have left some scrolls for Naruto! ]

[However, this is also good, so that Naruto can have another means of saving his life! ]

[Looking at Uzumaki Naruto who suddenly appeared on the field, Shiranui Genma naturally didn't say anything else. ]

[After all... he is also one of the inheritors of Flying Thunder God, but with his talent, he can't perform this ninjutsu by himself. ]

["In that case, then I declare the game officially open!"]

[After Shiranui Genma announced, he glanced at Uzumaki Naruto, like... too much like! ]

[It really deserves to be... the child of the Fourth Hokage! ]

[Shiranui Genma smiled, he was looking forward to this match! ]

["The Sand Village has been too much these years!"]

["Let's show these Sand Ninjas the strength of our Konoha Village!"]

[As Shiranui Genma left, Gaara's eyes moved to Naruto, his face was filled with uncontrollable murderous intent! ]

[This murderous intent not only came from the One-Tail's natural hatred for the Nine-Tail, but also...]

[There was something about Naruto that made Gaara feel a little timid, and he hated this feeling! ]

[He would never allow a monster bigger than him to exist in this world! 】

Hatake Kakashi: "The Naruto game in that world is finally about to begin!"

Orochimaru: "Yes, I'm really looking forward to it. I wonder how he will destroy Konoha!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Orochimaru, these evil ideas of yours will never come true! Although I admit that there are some misunderstandings between Naruto and the village, don't forget that he is a ninja from our Konoha Village after all, and he will eventually choose to understand for the sake of the village!"

Orochimaru: "Understand? It means to endure it! Just like a certain Uchiha ninja!"

Uchiha Itachi: "..."

Uchiha Itachi looked at the picture on the black screen with a cold face,

Naruto in that world,

seems to be about to start to complete something he had thought about,

but did not dare to complete.


Uchiha Itachi was once extremely entangled in the choice between Konoha and Uchiha,

Finally, he believed the words of the Third Hokage,

and embarked on a road of no return!

But now, he,

having witnessed countless tragedies in the ninja world,

has gradually become shaken!

Especially when he saw that Naruto in the black screen,

was so determined to take revenge on the Konohagakure,

Itachi began to reflect,

whether there was a better way back then?

[“Hey, you seem to be very angry? Is it because of that raccoon cat? The big fox told me that you and the raccoon cat are not very good!”]


[Gaara naturally understood what the raccoon cat that Uzumaki Naruto was talking about was, that was the tailed beast Shukaku in his body! ]

[Feeling insulted head-on, Shukaku couldn’t stand it this time! ]

[Not for Gaara, but for the dignity of being a tailed beast, it and the Nine-Tails are destined to have a battle! ]

[“Damn Nine-Tails, how dare you call me a raccoon cat!”]

[The One-Tails even considered whether to lend its power to Gaara temporarily. After all, its grudge with Gaara can only be regarded as an internal conflict. 】

【For now, we should unite to face the enemy. It is best to kill Naruto and Nine-Tails first! 】

【Seeing that Gaara has begun to emit the aura of One-Tails Chakra, Uzumaki Naruto

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. ]

["Sure enough, the One-Tail and the Jinchūriki are just two reckless men."]

[Naruto originally wanted to stimulate Gaara and the One-Tail so that they would go berserk, but now he found that he just said a few words and the other party couldn't stand it. ]

[This task is too easy to complete! ]

Kankurō: "Could it be that Naruto deliberately wanted the One-Tail to go berserk during the Chunin Exam?"

Hatake Kakashi: "Now it seems that this is indeed Naruto's purpose!"

Akimichi Choji: "If the tailed beast goes berserk in the village, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Nara Shikamaru: "Naruto and Gaara are both the Jinchūriki of the tailed beasts. In order to prevent them from going berserk suddenly, I think the Third Hokage of that world should have deployed the Anbu in advance, right?"

Nara Shikaku: "Yes, Shikamaru, you are very thoughtful , I think the Third Hokage must have considered it!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "..."

Shimura Danzo: "Tsk, if that old guy had considered it, he wouldn't have died at the hands of Orochimaru. It's really embarrassing to still occupy the position of Hokage at such an old age!"

In Shimura Danzo's heart,

of course, he hoped that Sarutobi Hiruzen would retire as soon as possible,

but now his thoughts have changed a little,

originally thought that with Sarutobi Hiruzen's death at the hands of Orochimaru,

it should be his turn to take the position!

However, no one actually mentioned that he should let Danzo inherit the position of Hokage.


Shimura Danzo also understood that

becoming a Hokage is not just a criterion for judging by ability,

but the recognition of those so-called daimyo!

As daimyo,

they would only recognize people who were born into a noble family like them.

People like Shimura Danzo who didn't have a big family background,

could only use special means to become Hokage.

Danzo instantly remembered,

the eye with the most powerful illusion that he had once won!

Perhaps only it could help him realize his dream of becoming Hokage!

【In the black screen, Gaara began to tremble with excitement because he was going to fight Naruto next! 】

【"Big fox, are all the tailed beast Jinchuriki so perverted?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto was a little speechless. To be honest, this Gaara made me drool. It was really a bit too disgusting! 】

【"Can a Jinchuriki who can get along with the weakling One-Tail be a normal person?"】

【The Nine-Tail lay on the ground and spoke lazily. It has been trying to find an opportunity to attack the One-Tail! ]

["Tsk, big fox, I think what you said makes sense!"]

["Of course! I am..."]

[The Nine-Tails was talking to Naruto, and suddenly sensed Gaara's movements, and it immediately spoke to remind him. ]

["Naruto, that guy... is coming!"]

["Ah, I know."]

[Uzumaki Naruto was naturally alert at all times, and saw a ball of sand directly turned into an arm and grabbed towards Naruto. ]

[Naruto exerted force on his feet and jumped back directly, avoiding the attack of the sand! ]

[After landing, Naruto showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, and a special kunai appeared out of thin air in his hand, and he raised his hand and threw it at Gaara! ]


[Gaara showed a hint of disdain in his eyes. He wanted to break my absolute defense with just a kunai? ]

[The sand around him automatically began to defend, turning into a wall in front of Gaara! 】

【However, just as the kunai was about to fall on the sand, a golden figure suddenly appeared in front of Gaara! 】

【"What...what's going on!"】

【Gaara had no idea how Naruto, who was far out of the attack range, could suddenly appear in front of him. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto bypassed the sand in front of him, and his raised palm had already pressed on Gaara's body! 】


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