In the audience.

Seeing that his beloved Boruto was about to be threatened with his life, a dark green light appeared all over his body, and his momentum began to soar.

[Jiraiya: This is... In the previous on-demand video, the immortal mode shown by Vortex Noodles in Longdi Cave? This child of the big snake pill would even be? 】

[Senju Jima: I have expected that the big snake pill made this child in order to make up for his own defects, and it is normal to have the talent to practice immortal arts. ] 】

However, just when everyone thought that Migetsu was going to display the power of the Immortal Mode, a red hook passed behind him.

The power was instantly hooked away.

"Yo, it's the power that I don't have in my technology."

Holding a red fishing rod, Otsuki Mupo-style hooked a cloud of cyan energy, revealing an evil smile.

Next second.

The Otsukipo-style was joined by Aira and Chojuro, and was swept into the air by underground waterfalls, struggling in the Great Waterfall Technique, and almost drowned.


Otsukipo-style sometimes space ninjutsu Huangizumi Hirasaka.


[Terumi: Ah this.] 】

[Onoki: This Otsuki clan seems to be a little unfortunate. 】

[Kurotsuchi: Didn't that guy from Nagajuro get beaten up by a few Naka-shinobi just now? This guy can't even beat Chojuro, it's too dish, right? 】

Just when everyone thought that the big tube wood clan was just pressing high, but in fact it was a group of vegetables.

The picture returns to Konoha.

Naruto had been captured.

The gathering of the five shadows, together with Sasuke, is now the strongest gathering of forces in the ninja world, just to save Naruto.

The other side.

Naruto had been tied to the divine tree and began to be extracted from the power of the Nine Tails, letting out a scream of pain.

Gokage and Sasuke arrived, rescued Naruto, and began the battle.

Since the other party can absorb ninjutsu, everyone can only fight with physical arts as the main body, and ninjutsu can only be slightly assisted.

[Tiantian: Question, since the other party can absorb ninjutsu, why not bring Kai-sensei?

Even if Teacher Kai is old at this time, then it should be okay to bring Xiao Li, right?

With Xiao Li's level of effort, it shouldn't be as languishing as Naruto Sasuke and them before, right? 】

[Kiki Kakashi: Then I also have a question, why did Gokage and Sasuke bring Naruto's son, I remember his strength was only Shinobi, right?

Just now, even Shikamaru's son didn't fight in the exam, and he had to rely on cheating to win. 】

[Matkay: Hey, Kakashi, your question is more acute than Everyday.] 】

[Fourth Generation Thunder Shadow: This is a battle to protect the world, you take a child to play games as a family!! 】

[Senju Kakuma: Before there was a tutor on the battlefield by the Uchiha patriarch, and after the destruction of the world, Sasuke helped Naruto bring the baby. ]

You Uchiha clan are really..."

The video continues.

Naruto Sasuke seems to have been cultivating in a sanatorium for a while recently, and his strength has finally recovered most of his strength.

The absolute strength of Susanoo defeated the Momo-style who devoured the golden style.

Right at this time.

A certain four-eyed boy of Konoha's scientific research department rushed out from nowhere, and it was a few scientific ninja tools against Momo.

It even contains the shadow bondage of the Nara clan.

Ninjutsu is all absorbed and doubled back.

The situation turned around in an instant.

In the end, the task of saving the world falls to Boruto.

Boruto threw the spiral pill that had just been trained towards Momo.

The spiral pill flew halfway and disappeared.

Momo Shi thought that the other party's ninjutsu cultivation would not be able to reach home, so he lowered his hand that was ready to absorb ninjutsu.

As a result, the spiral pill was simply invisible. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It smashed Peach's head, lifting the shadow binding technique for everyone.

And then.

Sasuke used the power of the heavenly hand to operate, and used Ku Wu to blind the palm reincarnation eye of the opponent absorbing ninjutsu.

Momo-Shiki was defeated by Naruto's father and son combined with the oversized spiral pill.

[Wave Feng Shuimen: The invisible spiral pill that added the thunder attribute Chakra saved the world?

It's so cool, I'll name it - Three Thousand Nether Gods Hidden Through Thunder Light! 】

[Fourth generation of Thunder Shadow: Cool is cool, but this development really can't be thought through the brain. ]

Could it be that the people of this world are still reading in the infinite month?

Is this just a story made up by some strange screenwriter? 】

[Senju Sumama: This battle is very exciting, but it is still visible to the naked eye, Naruto and Sasuke, compared to the Valley of the End, the combat literacy has decreased countless times.

In the Valley of the End, even the worst physical skills, the two can break each other's seals.

And what about the battle here?

Five Kage was there to fight the enemy, and Naruto was there chatting with his son.

The enemy took out a few pills that could increase his strength, and slowly ate them, and everyone watched like this, never thinking of stopping them.

What about Sasuke's time-space ninjutsu? 】

[Orochimaru: I think Naruto's son is in danger. 】

[Jiraiya: What do you mean by the big snake pill? Aren't all enemies defeated?

Oh yes, there is one left, but that strength is average, that is, the ability is a little weird.

Even Nagajuro can defeat it, it should be difficult for Naruto and Sasuke, right? 】

[Big Snake Pill: I mean, his palm, didn't you find an extra mark? 】

[Jiraiya: That is...]

[Orochimaru: I don't know, but I guess it should be something similar to my spell seal.

I remember in my second video, the ninjas with strange tattoos also had such a mark on their palms.

If it is really the same as my spell effect, then in addition to increasing the strength of the user..."

[Sarutobi Sun Chopper: Rebirth?! ] 】

[Big Snake Pill: That's right, with the character of the Great Tube Wood clan that craves immortality, the Chakra fruit that planted the divine tree, and that pill, can only be regarded as a part.

Extend life.

If you encounter a force majeure enemy, you will still die.

So, will the Otsuki family also develop a special resurrection method in response to this accidental death?

It's like my spell mark.

Also, it was said before that Kaguya Otsuki and her companion planted the divine tree, and there must be someone to be devoured by the divine tree.

If she really died completely, then Kaguya's companions should always be on guard against her.

After all, it is difficult for normal people to remain calm in the face of death, let alone the Datumu family who thirst for eternal life.

But Kaguya's companion didn't.

Does this mean that being devoured by the Ten Tails does not mean death, and that the Otsuki clan has a stable way of resurrection.

Therefore, Kaguya's companions were defenseless.

Because Kaguya had no reason to attack him at all! Hiroshi].

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