[Shimura Danzo: First adult, and teacher, I'm all for Konoha! ] 】

[Senjuma: For Konoha? I see you're just for your own rights! Honestly, what else did you do! 】

[Shimura Danzo: No, absolutely not! ] 】

Roots, underground secret bases.

Tuan Zang wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

He had a hunch that he was in danger.

Wait, the next picture should not be...

[Senjukuma: That's fine, Danzo, I'll tell you...].

Before he finished speaking, the video of the sky screen had already entered the next picture.

Orochimaru heard the news of the Xiao Organization, so he deliberately revealed the news, attracting Scorpion and Payne to take the bait.

"Shinra Heavenly Sign!"

The big snake pill wanted to snatch the eye of reincarnation, but was directly shot out.

"And slow!"

The big snake pill saw that the game was smashed, and immediately admitted it, and applied to join the Xiao organization, "Let me join, I promise, you will never be disappointed, I will definitely play a huge role." "

At this time, the Xiao organization happened to be absorbing members, which was in a state of lack of people, so it accepted the big snake pill.

Orochimaru became a member of the Xiao Organization.

Codename, empty Chen.

[Ape Flying Sun Slash: The big snake pill, this rebel disciple, actually joined the Xiao Organization? ] The old man is even more sure that this organization must have some evil purpose! 】

[Jiraiya: Wait a minute, I actually wanted to ask... Reincarnation eyes, and this look, Yahiko, is that you? 】

[Konan: Yahiko is dead, this is the leader of the Xiao Organization - Payne! ] 】

[Jiraiya: Xiaonan, it's really you, what's wrong with you? Why did you join that organization? What exactly do you want to do? 】

[Xiaonan: To correct, Jiraiya teacher, not to join, but to create. 】

[Konan: As for what we want to do, it's naturally the opposite of your five Shinobi villages – in pursuit of peace. 】

[Jiraiya: The opposite?] Xiaonan, are you hating the Five Great Ninja Villages? Don't let hatred blind you, we also seek peace. 】

[Jiraiya: Where are you now?] I'm coming to you, how about we talk in person? 】

Xiao Nan no longer replied, and Zi Lai could only give up, sighing helplessly.

The screen continues.

With the help of the resources of the Xiao Organization and the assistance of the scorpion, the Great Snake Pill developed rapidly in forbidden arts.

Soon, the Great Snake Pill completed the rebirth of an undead corpse that could take away others.

Although there are some defects, at least his lifespan is no longer limited to him.

Then, the rebirth of the dirt has also been mastered, and the big snake pill began to improve.

Just then, a ninja with a mask appeared.

This figure is all too familiar to everyone.

Konoha's Dark Mask.

But this dress is obviously Tuan Zang - root.

[Senju Kakuma: Tuanzo, don't you say that there is none? ] This big snake pill is already a rebel, you even contacted him, are you...].

Before he could scold, he was stunned in the next second.

What the specific root members and the big snake pill said did not show.

Only to see the next second.

The picture shows that the big snake pill is experimenting on a person.

Seeing the man's body, everyone fell into shock.

Because that person is full of chakra eyes!

At the same time, the big snake pill took a tube of syringes with "intercolumn cells" written on it and inserted it into the arm of the experimental question.

Then, the big snake pill cut off the arm of the experimental question.

The arm, which contained intercolumn cells and was full of chakra eyes, was placed by him into the sealing scroll.

Then, the psychic came out with a snake.

"Go, give it to Tuanzang."


After watching this scene, everyone was silent.

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Can anyone tell me where so many chakra eyes come from? Monkey, your apprentice gouged the ancestral grave of the Uchiha clan? 】

[Uchiha Fire Array: First adult, think about the good, maybe our Uchiha is just exterminated. ] 】

[Senjukuma: Extermination? Tuanzo, good boy! Are you not in the personnel category? 】

[Shimura Danzo: Sensei, I really didn't do it this time, it's our Konoha's S-class rebel Uchiha Itachi, who slaughtered the people of their clan overnight! ] 】

[Shimura Danzo: And sensei, don't you hate the Uchiha clan the most? 】

[Thousand hands: Less play with the teacher, you are still breastfeeding when Lao Tzu plays conspiracies! ] Are all Uchiha clans deaf or are Konoha all deaf and dumb? After killing for a whole night, you didn't show up to stop it? 】

[Senju: Also, I hate the arrogance of the Uchiha clan, but the Uchiha clan is the power of our Konoha after all, you should learn to control, not directly destroy..."

[Senjuma: Wait, why do I tell you so much?] Isn't the three generations of Hokage monkeys? Monkey, you get out of here for me! Don't tell me you don't know about it! 】

Konoha Village.

Ape Fei Ri was sweating profusely.

He was well aware of his teacher's abilities.

As a master of forbidden arts, the founder of Konoha Village in the true sense of the word that founded the Dark Department and the Ninja School.

It can definitely be seen at a glance that it is absolutely impossible to complete the extermination of the clan with Uchiha alone.

[Uchiha Itachi: The second generation of Hokage, I did the extermination of the clan, and I will bear it alone. ] 】

[Uchiha Fire Formation: Uchiha skunk, do you dare to come out? ] 】

[Uchiha Inahu: Uchiha Itachi, you dog thing that eats inside and out, I'm going to kill you! ] 】

[Uchiha Izumi: Itachi, no matter what bitterness you have, I hate you. 】

[Sasuke Uchiha: Fellow clansmen, don't worry, I will definitely kill Itachi and help you take revenge! ] 】

[Uchiha Sasuke: Itachi, listen well, this is the hatred of the revenants of the Uchiha clan for you!! 】

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)


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