
The picture of the sky screen fell into darkness as Orochimaru looked kindly at the child in a container.

The first video of the ninja world comparison - the rational scholar who succumbs to his own limits, ends!

[Terumi: I didn't expect the big snake pill to be whitewashed, but it felt reasonable. 】

[Senju Kasuma: So this is what rational scholars mean? It's a bit like me, but he surpasses me in some ways. 】

[Jiraiya: Orochimaru, or will you go back to Konoha now?] 】

[Orochimaru: Jiraiya, you are still so stupid and naïve. 】

Orochimaru certainly wasn't ready to return to Konoha.

The self in the video "woke up" after seeing the pocket in the immortal mode.

The big snake pill can be sure that the pocket should not be as simple as learning the immortal mode.

The immortal mode alone is not enough for him, even in the future, to change his point of view.

My future self wants to be the wind that pushes Sasuke Uchiha.

I wanted to follow Sasuke Uchiha to see the scenery farther away.

The ending looks beautiful.

But in the end, he was just experimenting under Konoha's watch.

Don't forget, the title is "Surrender to Your Limits."

This is in the eyes of ordinary people.

A person can not grow old or die

A traitor can become a hero.

It seems perfect.

But Orochimaru doesn't think so, what he pursues is different from ordinary people.

If there is no choice, the big snake pill may compromise.

But he had another choice.

Now Orochimaru understands that the forbidden swirling noodles are not because they are the protagonists of the video.

Uzumaki Mian Ma's identity is the same as in the previous flying video, and he is his guide.

Mainly another title is too attractive to the big snake pill.

He didn't care if it was human light, after all, the big snake pill didn't even know if he was a human now.

The main thing is that "exploring everything in the universe" is too fascinating.


Orochimaru was over there looking forward to the second video.

The Five Great Ninja Villages are not so harmonious.

In the last paragraph just now, Tsunade said a few short words, which contained too much content.

[Senjukuma: I didn't expect that there would be intelligence on the fourth ninja war, and it seems that the future ninja world will not be peaceful. ] 】

[Onoki: It's hard to imagine that the Five Great Shinobi Villages and the Five Kage Alliance were defeated by someone, and even almost died? Later, you also need the big snake pill to summon the original Hokage, who is the enemy? Could it be Uchiha? 】

[Senjukuma: @宇智波斑, is that you? 】

[Uchiha: Hmph, I'm already dead, how can I start a war? 】

[Sarutobi Sunchop: Guys, have you forgotten an organization? 】

[Deidara: What do you mean old stuff?] Be careful if you talk nonsense, I'll ask you Konoha to eat eight ducks!" Well! 】

[Zhaomei: It's not impossible, don't forget that the leader of the Xiao organization has the eye of reincarnation, and the eyes of the legendary six immortals, so it is reasonable to have the strength to fight against the five shadows. ] 】

[Senju Takema: Together with Susanoo who destroyed the Uchiha Itachi who destroyed his own clan, and the others who have not yet appeared, it may really be the ninja world war started by this organization. ] 】

[Deidara: Hey, hey, bully, huh? We are a good organization that is harmonious and harmful, and we love peace, and if you slander us like this, I will ... Uh, what about the organization's brains? Come out and say two words! 】

[Uzumaki Noodles: Ahem, shouldn't you think that without the flying segment, we Xiao Organization can't deter the ninja world? 】

[Senju Kuma: Hmph, use that method to deter the ninja world, you have the face to mention! ] Even if you can deter the ninja world, you can't block the mouths of us dead people!" 】

[Uzumaki Noodle Ma: Really? Then I will first announce one thing on behalf of the Xiao Organization - Mr. Orochimaru has gone out to exchange and will return to the Xiao Organization. 】

[Jiraiya: What?] Orochimaru, why would you rather go back to the organization than to Konoha? 】

[Orochimaru: Not bad, I will be Xiaozhikong Chen in the future. 】

[Senjukuma: So what? 】

[Uzumaki Noodle Ma: Second generation Hokage, if the Great Snake Pill Filthy Earth is reborn from you,


Then control you to use the Multiple Shadow Doppelganger + Transformation Technique to transform into hundreds of beauties

Go to the custom shop of Short Book Street to pick up customers day and night

Anyway, the dirt is reborn with infinite chakra and unlimited physical strength.

And then disarm the shadow doppelganger,

Let all feelings be transmitted back to you

How should you respond? 】

The entire ninja world was silent for a moment.

And then it broke out.

[Deidara: I'm going, it's worthy of being the brains of our organization, really old traitor... Wise and calculating! 】

[Onoki: It is worthy of being able to come up with a pervert who can steal the blood of the old man's hemorrhoids and the menstrual blood of the female ninja, and the old man is willing to bow down. ] 】

[Jiraiya: My God, if you say so, how dare I go to the custom shop in the future? ] What if the big sister I fancy is a second-generation Hokage pretending to be? 】

[Ebisu: Don't say anything about Jiraiya-sama, I already have a picture in my mind, help!!! 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Multiple Shadow Doppelganger plus Transfiguration, isn't that my harem technique? ] That was the ninjutsu I created!! The ninjutsu I created can actually scare the second-generation Uncle Yan Yan and dare not speak, I'm so powerful! 】

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: Big Snake Pill, can you help me reincarnate the dirt, and then prepare me with a few whips, sticks and the like. ] 】

[Bofeng Shuimen: Jiu Xinnai, not to the end. 】

[Senju Zhuji: This is a bit excessive. 】

[Four Generations of Thunder Shadow: Oh? Is the original Hokage going to help his brother get back to the field? 】

[Senjukuma: Nissan...].

[Thousand Hand Pillars: You are too much, how can you slander others out of thin air? ] I see that there are all good children in that Xiao organization, but the positions are different. 】

[Thousand Hand Pillar: By the way, there is also the one called Uzumaki Noodles, I tell you, Uzuma is my own brother, it's okay to hit him, it's okay to hit me, everything is on his head! ] 】

[Senjukuma:?] 】

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