[Question: How does the evil god deter the entire ninja world? 】

[This question is forbidden: flying segment, swirling surface hemp.] 】

[The muted person cannot tell others about the answer in any form. 】

[Answer Bonus Label: Blood; Dog; God].


Seeing the phrase "Deter the evil gods of the entire ninja world" appear on the sky screen, Fei Duan was very excited.

He knew it must be him.

But the next second he was banned and he was very upset: "Banning me, this is too much, right?" "


Uzumaki nodded in agreement.

The silence flight section is indeed excessive.

After all, with the IQ of the flying segment, it is simply not enough to think of the correct answer.

As soon as this question came out, the entire ninja world was in an uproar.

Only, after a moment of excitement, they calmed down.

There is no clue to this question.

[Thousand Hand Pillars: Can anyone tell me what an evil god is? Monkey, you know what? 】

[Ape Flying Sun Chopper: Back to the first generation of adults, I have never heard of it at all. 】

[Shimura Danzo: Hmph, Hinata, you're still old. 】

[Senjukuma: Tuan Zang you have clues to say directly, don't talk nonsense! ] 】

Roots, underground secret bases.

Tuan Zang hesitated for a moment, but still chose to send it out.

Anyway, there are many people who know this, and he can't deduce the answer based on this information.

[Shimura Danzo: Teacher, the word evil god comes from a small group cult in Yu no Kuni, but now this small cult has been eradicated. 】

[Senjukuma: Eradicated? That's it? 】

[Onoki: The only people who can deter the ninja world are the original Hokage Senjukuma and Uchiha Madara Madara , who else is qualified to deter the ninja world? 】

[Uchiha Madara: Onoki, you kid is right, the map of the ninja world is barely enough for me and Haxi's mother to warm up a little. 】

[Thousand Hands: The two people who were banned should be related to the answer, strange, how did the Vortex family get involved with the cult? ] 】

[Senjukuma: yes, it's strange. 】

The two of them were strange here for a long time, and no one told them that the Vortex clan had been destroyed.

The surname Uzumaki is somewhat well-known in the ninja world.

Everyone guessed wrongly that the person who deterred the ninja world should be the "whirlpool".

As for that flying segment, it is estimated that it is a nobody.


This side of Yuyin Village.

Outside the cave.

Payne, Xiaonan, and Jiao all looked at the flying segment.

Others didn't know, but they knew that what evil god referred to was the ability of the flying segment, and it had nothing to do with the whirlpool surface hemp.

But because they knew too well, they were even more confused.

With the strength of the flying segment, let alone deterring the entire ninja world, it is difficult to deter a single ninja village.

At the beginning, Fei Duan was brought back by Jiaodu and Xiaonan's violent beating.

Jiaodu Xiaonan, the money-making loser duo, has a clear understanding of the strength of the flying section.

If the problem is the previous one-how the shadow-level powerhouse was killed by Zhongnin.

Then they feel that there is still a little possibility, after all, with the IQ of the flying segment, the upper limit of strength is there, and the lower limit is bottomless.


Xiao Nan, who had a cold face, suddenly thought of a possibility and looked at the whirlpool face numb.

This is the person who came to "apply" to the think tank of the organization.

Could it be that he taught Fei Duan something, so that Fei Duan has the ability to deter the entire ninja world?

Otherwise, it is normal for Fei Duan to be banned, why is he also banned from an irrelevant person?

Kakuto saw Xiao Nan looking at the whirlpool and also frowned.

Ninety years of rich experience allowed Kakuto to guess the relationship between the swirling surface hemp and the answer.

But they racked their brains and couldn't figure it out.

How can Fei Duan deter the entire ninja world with such a strength.

Payne was even more entangled, the body Nagato was not in good health, so he used his brain so much that he almost became incontinent.

After all—if you really want to fly to deter the ninja world, then what tailed beast does he capture?

Didn't he capture the tailed beast just to create the Ten Tails, deter the ninja world, and form peace?

Payne's pair of reincarnation eyes also looked at Uzumaki Mian Ma.

Can God not come up with a way for him to come up with?


I really can't think of it.

The whirlpool face was indifferent to the sight of several people.

As for whether several people could come up with an answer, he didn't doubt it at all.

If you can really figure it out, then in the original book they will come up with it, where will it be the turn to get now.

[There are three minutes left in the answer time, and after three minutes, the ninja world comparison video will start playing.] 】

The time limit is out.

Except for a few people from the Xiao organization, not many others were in a hurry.

It's like an exam.

If you can score 59, you must be in a hurry.

But you can only test 0 points, nothing, then you are relaxed.

[Ninja World Comparison Video - Shadow-level powerhouse killed by Naka Shinobi VS Evil God who deters the entire Ninja Realm].

【Start playing! 】 】

Three minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

The sky screen gradually appears in the picture.

What came into everyone's eyes was a clean and hygienic one... Withdrawn.

"It's delicious."

A man with a scythe on his back wiped his mouth and walked out of the toilet.

The words that came out of his mouth made everyone take a pound.

[Deidara: I'm super, Fei Duan, you actually eat! ] 】

Seeing this picture, Deidara, who was pinching the bomb clay somewhere, instantly couldn't hold back.

[Thousand Hand Pillar: It turns out that this kid is a flying section, and the taste is quite heavy. ] 】

[Zhao Meiyu: Oh~ This little brother looks very trendy, but I didn't expect to have this kind of proclivity...].

[Fei Duan: What are you thinking! ] That's the entrance to the black market! Underground bounty exchange office! 】

Fei Duan was anxious, as the representative of the human image of the evil god lord, how could he have such a stain as eating on his body?

[Deidara: Fei Duan, you better explain first, how you were violently beaten by Zhongnin, it's too shameful for us to know... Ahem, it's a shame on your dad and my face. 】

[Fei Duan: Deidara, what bullshit are you bastards! ] How could Uncle Ben be beaten violently? 】

[Kakuto: Feiduan, have you forgotten the title just now? ] 】

[Flying segment: title? I...].

[Thousand Hand Pillars: To be honest, could it be that this child named Fei Duan met Zhongnin, just the position is Zhongnin, and the strength also has the level of shadow? ] 】

[Thousand hands: Big brother, you actually have brains?! ] 】

[Thousand Hand Pillars: Zhengma, what are you talking about! ] In other words, this Konoha ninja in the picture won't be the Naka Shinobi in the title, right? 】

Konoha ninja in the picture?

Ape Fei Ri looked at the sky screen, and his face suddenly changed: "Asma?!" "

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