[Sarutobi Asma: Orochimaru, and the Xiao Organization, you assassinated Hokage, the sin is unforgivable, we Konoha do not share the sky with you! ] 】

[Onoki: Yo, who is this, he looks like a dead father.] 】

[Sarutobi Sun Slash: Onoki, you can gloat, they know that they can assassinate me today, and they can assassinate you tomorrow! ] 】

[Fei Duan: Hey, don't talk nonsense, the big snake pill assassinated you is his own business, it's about us! ] 】

[Ape Fei Asma: Dare to do it, don't you even have the consciousness of the strong? 】

[Deidara: If we didn't do it, then we won't admit it, you dare to come and find trouble, then I dare to go to Konoha to let you see my art, huh! ] 】

[Sleep Xiaochun: Damn Xiao Organization, your headquarters in Yuyin Village has been exposed in the previous video, do you think you can still hide? ] 】

[Mito Menyan: That's right! When we in Konoha elect a new Hokage, we will declare war on you! 】

[Shimura Danzo: Makes sense. 】

[Senju Kusuma: In the previous video, Ozuna is the fifth generation Hokage, so there is no need to waste time, just choose her. ] 】

[Shimura Danzo: Wait a minute, teacher, Tsunade is not in the village now, why don't you just let me...].

[Senju: Okay, Danzo, then let you send someone to find Tsunade. 】

[Shimura Danzo: Thank you teacher... Belch? 】

[Shimura Danzo: Sensei, we are going to war with the Xiao Organization, Tsunade she has a fear of blood, she is really not suitable to be a Hokage! ] 】

[Fei Duan: Madei dog thing, what are you old immortals babbling here? ] Still at war with our Xiao Organization, do you have that strength! 】

[Mito Menyan: Who let you provoke us Konoha?] We, Konoha, have no grievances or enmity with your organization, but you assassinated our Hokage-sama and took the initiative to stir up hatred, so who is to blame? 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: The person who killed the third generation of grandfathers is absolutely unforgivable! ] 】

At this point, the sky screen has begun to appear.

The first thing that catches your eye is not the valley of winds and sand, but the country of whirlpools with broken walls and ruins.

The picture does not last a few seconds, and the background shifts to the rainy country with a drizzle.

In a small room, there were two screams.

Two Konoha ninjas held the kunai and killed a couple, then walked towards a red-haired child holding the kunai.

[Deidara: Huh? Although Big Brother Scorpion is also red-haired, this color is obviously wrong, and Big Brother Scorpion shouldn't be born in the Land of Rain, right? Who is this? 】

[Xiaonan: This is Nagato, the real leader of the Ribbon and Xiao organizations. 】

The moment he saw the picture, Xiao Nan knew who the core protagonist of the video was.

Since the protagonist is Nagato, it will be exposed sooner or later, and there is no need for her to hide it.

[Deidara: What?] Boss, oh no, Payne is the real boss manipulated? Wait, is Payne a puppet? My God, no wonder you are called the god of puppets, you can't do it, big brother scorpion. Well. 】

[Red Sand Scorpion: Payne turned out to be just a puppet? Impossible, I didn't see the Chakra line that manipulated the puppet at all ... Wait, don't you have to use Chakra lines to control the puppets, that's a good idea...].

[Hida: What about Konoha's people?] Wasn't the dog barking just now? Doesn't it mean that there is no injustice and no hatred? Doesn't it mean that we actively provoke hatred? You killed the parents of our chief, why didn't you scream? 】

[Mito Menyan: This... It must have been that kid's parents who took the initiative to attack the Konoha ninja! 】

[Uchiha Senna: Take the initiative to attack, haha, isn't that in the Land of Rain? ] Take 10,000 steps back and say, even if the kid's parents really resisted, you Konoha took the initiative to invade other people's countries, and you still don't allow others to resist, right? 】

[Uchiha Senna: I have to say that it is worthy of the dregs of Konoha left over from the smelly house, and it really has a character with him, and he doesn't want his face. ] 】

The screen continues.

Nagato relied on the burst of the eye of reincarnation to kill two Konoha ninjas.

After burying his parents, Nagato began to wander.

Then, Nagato met two companions.

Yahiko and Konan.

Yahiko is a child with ideas.

He believed that the way to achieve peace was to conquer the world first and become the god of the world.

Soon after, the three of them accidentally meet Konoha Sanshin, who is fighting Hanzo with the pepperfish.

Yahiko decided to follow suit and learn ninjutsu from them.

At this time, Jiraiya was also tasked with finding the child of prophecy.

At first, Jiraiya temporarily adopted the three Nagato and was not prepared to teach them ninjutsu.

Maybe it's because of his own kindness, or maybe it's because of his guilt for bringing disaster to Konoha's invasion party.

But in a later accident, Jirai also discovered Nagato's reincarnation eye.

At the same time, after spending all these hours together, I also knew that Nagato was a gentle and kind child.

Even if his parents were killed by Konoha, Nagato did not have hatred for him, a Konoha ninja.

Therefore, Jiraiya decided that Nagato was the child of prophecy and began to cultivate them.

Under the influence of Jiraiya, the three of Yahiko's minds changed.

No, it's better to say that Yahiko's mind has changed.

For this trio, Yahiko's thoughts represent their thoughts.

Yahiko rejected force and believed that peace could be achieved through dialogue.

Then, the rudiments of the organization are known.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)


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