[Hanzo Pepperfish: Jiraiya, you shouldn't have been given the title of Konoha Sanshinobi in the first place, you should have been called a Konoha idiot, have you forgotten what the title of this video is? ] 】

[Jiraiya: Title? 】

[Tsunade: A puppet god shrouded in lies and deception. 】

[Senju: Not to mention that the "puppet god" refers to whether the Payne he manipulated is a puppet, or whether he is fooled into a puppet-like existence, just "shrouded in lies and deception" can explain the problem. 】

[Jiraiya: Deceived... Who exactly? What the hell is going on? 】

The picture plunges into darkness with Nagato's death.

But it didn't end.

The picture appeared again, and a man with a mask appeared in front of Konan: "Where is Nagato's body?" "

"I won't give you the eye of reincarnation, it's Nagato's relic!"

Xiao Nan pretended to take the masked man to get the eye of reincarnation, but actually led the other party to the sea, "I have been waiting for you for a long time, just to end your life!" "

"Relic? It's funny, that's just a gift I left for Nagato, do you really think it's the pupil technique that he was born with? "

"Those reincarnation eyes are originally my Uchiha eyes!"

The masked man attacked with great momentum.

This is the end of the picture.

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Nani? Madara: When did you have the eye of reincarnation? Wait, no, didn't you die early? 】

[Uchiha Madara: Idiot. 】

[Thousand hands: Big brother, you really don't have a good brain, isn't this situation obvious? ] 】

[Senjukuma: Is it obvious?] 】

[Onoki: With the amount of Uchiha Madara, it will never be this posture of this mask man, although he tries his best to be in Mo Feiban, but after all, it is still a lot worse. ] 】

[Uchiha: Hmph, Onoki, you kid knows a lot. 】

[Onoki: Madara, the shadow you left on me at the beginning is remembered, and it has been completely overcome by relying on the will of Stone! 】

[Xiaonan: Isn't he really Madara? We have never seen the real Uchiha spot, we can't tell the difference, we can only listen to his self-justification. 】

[Senju Kuma: Hmph, even if it's not Madara, it's a naturally evil Uchiha imp! ] 】

[Senjujukuma: Eh, isn't it, isn't there only two of Uchiha left by the exterminated clan? ] 】

[Sarutobi Hinata: Yes, Lord Kuruma, this person may be an outsider who stole the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan. 】

[Fugaku Uchiha: Outsider? It wouldn't be Kakashi, would it? 】

[Tsunade: Maybe it's the old thing of Danzo, don't forget, the arm before, Danzo can hide a lot of chakra eyes. ] 】

[Shimura Danzo: Tsunade, don't slander the old man!! 】

[Wave Feng Shuimen: Tsunade-sama, this should indeed not be Danzo, because this masked man once appeared on the night of the Nine-Tails riot, and the Nine-Tails were channeled by him, and the Uchiha clan had not yet been extinguished at that time. 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: Watergate, you don't want to allude to the nine-tails released by someone from our Uchiha clan, do you? 】

[Wave Feng Shuimen: That's not what it means, when I first found out that the other party could control the Nine Tails and also use space ninjutsu, my first reaction was that the other party was Uchiha Madara. 】

[Senjutsukuma: Wait, Madara's time and space ninjutsu, who made this false? ] 】

[Senjuma: Big brother, I guess it's because Madara's statement is too strong, causing some storytellers to press on the head of Madara. 】

[Shimura Danzo: Hmph, according to this, the Nine Tails were indeed released by the Uchiha clan, and you are to blame for the extermination of the clan. 】

[Uchiha Stop: Slow, Shidaime-sama, may I ask if the masked man who calls himself Uchiha Spot can open Susano? 】

[Bofeng Shuimen: Not really, but he has only shown one eye all the time, and it may be that something happened that made him lose most of his abilities. 】

[Uchiha Shisui: Did the Shidaime-sama defeat him?] 】

[Bofeng Shuimen: Well, after I seriously injured him with the second stage of the Flying Thunder God, I broke his contract with the Nine Tails, but his body was a little strange, and he finally escaped with time and space ninjutsu. 】

[Uchiha Stop: Then that mask man is definitely not Uchiha Madara! ] 】

[Senjukuma: Oh? On what basis are you sure? Your name is very unfamiliar, it should not be the older generation of Uchiha.

You haven't seen spots, have you?

Even those of us who have seen Madara, we can only analyze from the temperament that it should not be Madara, and we are not sure, after all, Madara is evil and cunning, and he may be acting on purpose. 】

[Uchiha Stop Water: Because Susano, one eye can be turned on, and even if you have opened it once, you may not need to open it! ] 】

[Senjukuma: What?] How do you know? 】

[Uchiha Stop: Because...].

After hesitating for a moment, he thought of the current wind commentary of Danzo and the future fifth generation of Hokage as Tsunade, and let go of his heart.

And Uchiha, who was infused by the will of fire, originally believed that Sarutobi and Danzo were because the first second generation had died.

Now that the two are here, Uchiha Shuishui is naturally more inclined to the two worshipped ninjas of the first second generation.

[Uchiha Shuizu: Because once I opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye, I was robbed of an eye by Danzo, but I still turned on Susanoo! ] 】

[Sarutobi Sun Chopper: What? Could it be that you killed the water stop, Tuan Zang?! You're going too far!! 】

[Senjuma: Monkey, what's going on?] 】

[Sarutobi Sun Chopper: Teacher, Shisui is a good boy with a kind heart and full of the will of fire

His kaleidoscope chakra eye can directly modify a person's cognition and consciousness, originally he was going to directly modify the will of the patriarch of the Uchiha clan so that Uchiha could settle down, but I refused....

Tuan Zang his capture of the Shuishui Sharingan is definitely coveting that ability, he is malicious!! 】

[Senjuma: Directly modify a person's will, and have such a terrifying ability? ] 】

[Senju: Wait, it's hard to have such a normal brain Uchiha, and such a powerful ability, Tuanzo, you lost him again? ] 】

[Shimura Danzo: Sensei, I'm here for...].

[Senju Karuma: Hehe, you are trying to control Ape Fly and become a Hokage, right? Or are there greater ambitions? For the sake of your ambitions, it is also necessary to make Konoha a stepping stone for you!? 】

[Senjuma: Orochimaru, do me a favor, reincarnate that Uchiha to stop the water, let him go to avenge himself, and use that individual god to modify the will of Danzo, so that he thinks he is a dog from now on! ] 】

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