[Senju Pillar: What does it mean?] Didn't your ending already appear in the first video? 】

[Ape Fei Asma: The first generation of adults is right, you are all dead in the flying section, and you still want to change your life against the sky? ] Have your dreams! 】

[Deidara: Uh, Fei Duan, it's good to have this idea, but now that your abilities have been exposed, what do you think you rely on to deter the entire ninja world? 】

[Flying segment: I...].

Fei Duan was speechless.

Fei Duan suddenly thought of a little, and looked at the whirlpool on the opposite side: "Could it be you?" "

"Could it be that the second video refers to the situation in which we accept this kid as a think tank?"

For the first time, the IQ of the flying segment occupied the high ground.


Payne and Minami, and Kakuto.

The three people at the scene actually guessed it as early as when the name Uzumaki Mian Ma was banned together with Fei Duan.

[Comparison video: Deter the evil gods of the entire ninja world, start playing——].

All ninja stared intently at the sky screen.

They wanted to see how the entire ninja world was deterred.

The picture appears.

The first thing that appears is the swirling hemp.

Familiar caves, familiar people.

Just when everyone thought that the protagonist was changed, the flying segment appeared in the picture again.

[Haruno Sakura: Hey, this Uzumaki noodle not only looks like Naruto in name, but also looks a little alike, except that his hair is black and his face has no beard. 】

[Inuzuka Ya: Could it be Naruto's dad cheating outside? 】

[Bofeng Shuimen: No way, don't talk nonsense! ] 】

[Sarutobi Hinata: If the four generations say so, then there is no such possibility. ] Don't discuss all this, don't forget, this vortex has joined that evil organization! He could never be Naruto's companion! 】

[Onoki: Hehe, Ape Flying Sun Slash, worthy of being the third generation of Hokage, the political right play is really powerful! ] 】

[Kurotsuchi: Old man, are you stupid, all the evil gods in the video are going to deter the entire ninja world, you are still holding your bickering, and you are still giggling here. ] 】

[Onoki: Good granddaughter, you are still too young and inexperienced. 】

[Onoki: Just that flying section, now that the intelligence is completely exposed, we all know what color the bottoms are, why does he deter the entire ninja world? ] 】

In the picture, Fei Duan walked to the Uzumaki Mian Ma with a March sickle in his hand.

First he bowed respectfully, and then he spoke: "If Sir does not say, I will kill my husband."

"Spicy Heavenly Plug!"


As soon as Fei Duan finished speaking, he was beaten out by Payne.

Fei Duan covered his face and got up from the ground aggrievedly.

"Be respectful to the wisdom tank and don't mess with the lines you watch in the play."

Payne lowered his right hand indifferently.

Fei Duan nodded aggrievedly, retracted his arrogance just now, and looked at the whirlpool face numb.

[Flying segment: ?].

[Fei Duan: Why not! ] Why is my status so low in the video? The boss still helps him speak? 】

[Kakuto: Stupid, the leader's attitude can only show that he has indeed made beneficial decisions for our organization, but the benefits are definitely not low. 】

[Fei Duan: Really, I don't believe it! ] 】

The screen continues.

Sky screen,

Uzumaki touched his chin and looked at Payne: "We can send a squad to the major ninja villages..."

[Ape Flying Asma: Hahaha, this is the wisdom of the evil organization? It's completely inferior to my disciple Shikamaru!" 】

[Terumi: That's right this time, send a team to our Five Great Ninja Villages? Where does your confidence come from in a small organization? 】

"Go to the major ninja villages, prepare some beautiful gifts, disguise yourself as a charitable organization that volunteers to donate blood, and collect blood."

Uzumaki slowly said his plan.

[Four Generations of Thunder Shadow:?].


[Sarutobi Sun Chopper:?] 】

[Onoki:?] 】

[Luo Sha:? 】

The people of various ninja villages were stunned.

The ninja world occasionally fights big and small wars continue.

Blood transfusions are often required after injury, and blood banks are naturally important.

Ask yourself, if this kind of blood donation activity really occurs, in addition to some blood succession limit families, as well as some naturally cautious ninjas, there will still be many people to donate blood.

Even if the ninja don't go, and the civilians donate more blood, it is dangerous!

In case the other side endangers the lives of civilians, they cannot ignore it!

[Ape Flying Asma: Poison! ] It's vicious! 】

[Thousand Hand Pillars: I'll go, the junior of this whirlpool clan is too treacherous, like a whirlpool. 】

[Senjukuma: Big brother, what shit are you put? ] 】

[Senjukuma: Monkey, quickly order, from now on, unless we Konoha official blood donation activities, everyone is not allowed to participate! ] 】

[Senjuma: Big brother, are you stupid? The entire ninja world saw it, what else needs to be ordered? 】

[Senjukuma: Haha, yes. 】

[Luo Sha: In this way, the wisdom of the evil organization is only like this, then I can blind it... Reassured. 】

[Flying Section: What kind of stuff?] First exposed my abilities, and then exposed our future plans! This thing is aimed at us? 】

[Jiaodu: It's really unpleasant, these jumping beam clowns probably have already knelt down and begged for mercy in the video. ] 】

[Darui: Anyway, we already know that your evil plan is stillborn. 】


All the ninja world immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the sky screen was exposed.


If you let the other party take blood like this, I am afraid that it can really deter the entire ninja world.

[Ape Flying Asma: There should be no need to look at the back, and there is no point in watching it, it's really sad ahhaha. ] 】

Right now.

Payne in the picture spoke: "Nice plan." "

But Payne didn't order, looking at the swirling face numb, as if he had long known that he had something else to say.

"This is Plan A, and in the meantime, I have an idea."

"The oil women of Konoha, you should have heard about it."

"Oil girl? Is that the one who controls bugs?"

Xiao Nan spoke.


Uzumaki nodded and looked at Payne, "Chief, one of your Payne's six paths is specialized in using psychic, I don't know if I can find similar psychic beasts, such as mosquito psychic beasts." "

[Oil Girl Zhiwei:? 】

[Thousand Hand Pillars: Mosquito psychic beast, does he want to...].

[Senju Kakuma: That's right, it's the one "he wants"! ] 】

[Fourth generation of Thunder Shadow: Hey, this kid is too vicious, right? ] 】

[Shimura Danzo: Evil and mad, this son must not be kept! ] 】

The blood donation of Plan A before has already made the whole ninja world palpitate.

The current mosquito psychic beast directly made the whole ninja world Bengbu stop.

The first method at least wants to guard against it, but it can still be prevented.

How to prevent the second one?

Indeed, with the perception of a ninja, it is still very simple not to be bitten by mosquitoes.

But if you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves.

Even the Thousand Hand Pillars can't withstand the endless tension day and night, right?

If the body can withstand it, the spirit can't bear it!

[Oil Girl Zhiwei: Don't be afraid, if they really use this method, we Oil Woman family can let the bugs continue to patrol to ensure everyone's safety. ] 】

[Inuzuka Ya: Shino save me! ] 】

[Jiraiya: Good, don't panic, if this happens, I will channel the toads of Myoku Mountain to ensure that Konoha will not have any mosquitoes. ] 】

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)


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