
Naruto's eyes widened.

Watching the grown Sakura squirm and breathe in Uzumaki's arms with a crimson face, Naruto felt a pang of sadness.

But suddenly I felt something was wrong.

He remembered that he seemed to be in...

"Which way drag~"

Seeing Naruto's expression, Kushina hurriedly ran out, interrupting his thinking.

"Mom... Mom? "

Naruto still remembered Kushina, but he always felt as if this old mother had just recognized.

"Naruto, in fact, my mother was bullied by him, and there is his child, woo-woo, you are about to be an older brother."

Uzumaki Shinna pointed to her own doppelganger holding Sakura, covered her face and cried.


The swirling surface of drinking tea and watching the play in the distance spewed out.

The actor added the drama without permission!

It's too much!


Naruto looked at Uzumaki in disbelief, and his body began to tremble.

[Uzumaki Mito: Nana Ko, you are really naughty, he shouldn't have let you say that, right? 】

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinna: It's so humiliating to be seen by the entire ninja world, woo-woo. 】

[Lao Zi: I'm really drunk, this nine-tailed man pillar force kid can really endure it! ]

It is worthy of the existence that even the hatred of the master can be forgiven, this is to change the old man, and it is not appropriate to directly burst a tailed beast on the spot? 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: If this were to change me, I would have to open a kaleidoscope of chakra eyes. 】

[Thousand Hand Pillars: Huh? In this way, the human pillar force burst out the tailed beast, but it is a bit similar to the Uchiha clan to open the chakra eye. 】

[Ghost Lantern Mizuki: I have a doubt, according to this, the more determined Naruto Uzumaki in the video is, the more difficult it is to break out the tailed beast, so is the Sharingan more determined the mind, the more difficult it is to open? ] 】

[Senju Kasuma: Yes, just like that guy from Uchiha, he is ruthless and senseless, so he only opened the Sharingan at the age of fifteen. 】

[Senju Pillar: Umma, you are not allowed to say that about Madara, maybe it's just because Madara's talent is too poor and stupid, so he opened it at the age of fifteen! ] 】

[Uchiha Spot: Haxi hot mother, you might as well not explain! ] 】

[Ghost Lantern Mizuki: In other words, if someone from Uchiha is a glass heart, wouldn't he be able to open his eyes casually? 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: Uh, this...].

[Senju Kuma: Hmm, in theory, it is true, if a Uchiha person is iron-hearted, and anyone who dies is like an ant dying in his eyes, then it will be difficult for him to grow. ]

On the contrary, if it is a ... Glass heart, maybe because parents do not buy toys, you can experience the pain of the death of other people's loved ones. 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: It's just theoretical, we Uchiha family don't have such a so-called glass heart. 】

[Senjuma: Nonsense, hasn't your clan been exterminated? Not to mention glass hearts, there are not even many people. 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: ...].

[Sasuke Uchiha: Strange, Naruto, this idiot, even if he remembers again, he shouldn't be confused like this, right? ] 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Hehe, Sakura is so beautiful when she grows up. 】

[Sasuke Uchiha: When I didn't say. 】


Jousinnai continued to perform.

The scorpion manipulated the Chakra thread and pulled out the psychedelic poison needle that had just been secretly stabbed on Naruto.

Everyone immediately understood why Naruto had become so delirious .

"Naruto, don't be angry, Mima-kun has already killed Sasuke, I don't want you either..."

The main line of Jiu Xinnai's finally return, covering his face and choking.

"Sass gives? What happened to Sass ?! "

Naruto suddenly shouted.


"Uzumaki Noodles" opened a box with Sasuke's head inside.

"Aaaaa!!a Sass give!! "

Naruto's eyes were red, and a huge amount of scarlet tailed beast Chakra instantly gushed out of his body.

Seeing this scene, Kushina and Sakura first breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at each other.

"So is Sasuke so important in Naruto's heart?"

Although Sakura didn't like Naruto, she didn't know why, she was compared by a man, and she was still a little unwilling.

[Uchiha Mikoto: Nawa of Kona's family, honestly, are you secretly in love with our family Sasuke? 】

[Uzumaki Shinna: Mikoto, don't talk nonsense, Naruto is a boy, how can he like boys? 】

[Deidara: Eh, wait a minute, I'm going to criticize you! Lady Hokage of the fourth generation. 】

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: Criticize me? Why? 】

[Deidara: As Lady Naruto, you should be inclusive of everything, including non-binary genders like Orochimaru, as well as homosexuals like your son, and you should not discriminate against them! Well! 】

[Uzumaki Shinna: I didn't discriminate against Naruto... Bah! Naruto is not gay! And where did you get this crooked reasoning? 】

[Deidara: This is what the wisdom brother said, and he also said that the gender of the big brother scorpion can be switched at any time in the future, what kind of gunship can be today, tomorrow is up to or something. ] 】

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: What did he teach you?] Where are so many strange sexes!! 】

[Jiraiya: Actually, Jiu Xinnai, I also think it's possible.

You see, Naruto was only slightly shocked that the girl he claimed to like was going to marry someone else.

Your own mother is pregnant, and Naruto is just trembling and angry.

As a result, as soon as Sasuke came out, he broke out directly.

You can see at a glance which is more important than the other. 】

[Big Snake Pill: Self-proclaimed word is used well. 】

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: Bastard Jiraiya, for the old disrespect! ] The old lady also said that you have a leg with the big snake pill!! 】

[Sarutobi Sun Chopper: Jiu Xinnai, this is your vexatiousness. 】

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: Roll! ] Three generations of old men, I haven't asked you to settle Naruto's account!

Tuanzang that guy made so many trips, and assassinated you, you punished him, don't say kill, even without punishment, are you also secretly in love with Tuanzang? 】

[Onoki: Hey, is Konoha so filthy? The old man will not dare to go to Konoha in the future. 】

[Deidara: Because you have hemorrhoids, are you afraid of being punctured? 】

[Onoki: Don't mention hemorrhoids!!! 】

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