The Six Dao Immortals pass Chakra and distribute the power to others.

The Shinobi sect was founded and gave birth to offspring.

Among them, the eldest son, Indra, was gifted and intelligent, and borrowed Chakra to invent the concept of ninjutsu, which facilitated people's daily work.

Hei definitely did not have a trace of strength, and naturally did not dare to approach the Ninja Sect.

It can only try to reach other ordinary people first.

After contact, Hei Jue experienced despair again.

——It can't practice ninjutsu at all!

[Senjujukuma: I'll go, this is too inspirational, right? ] There is no way to practice ninjutsu, but the enemy is an existence like the Six Dao Immortals, how can this be played? 】

[Matkay: If you can't practice ninjutsu, then cultivate physical skills to the extreme, this is youth! ] 】

[Kiki Kakashi: Kai, do you think that black mess, can it cultivate physical arts? 】

As Kakashi said.

Hei Jue was also unable to cultivate physical arts.

Or rather, it doesn't have any way to enhance itself.

In other words, ordinary people are completely desperate at this time.

The mentality is almost there, may have been directly purple sand, remake reopened.

However, Hei Jue did not have the slightest idea of giving up and continued to lurk.

Since he has no strength, he can only use wisdom.

First of all, it is to wait for the enemy himself to show flaws.


A certain one, the Ninja Sect founded by the Six Dao Immortals is about to determine the descendants.

The eldest son, Indra, was powerful, paid attention to the prescribed law, was iron-faced and selfless, and had a leadership temperament.

And the second son, Asura, is enthusiastic and kind-hearted, does not like to practice ninjutsu, and often skips class to play with ordinary people, so his strength is average.

The Six Dao Immortals gave the two people a task each.

In the end, the Six Dao Immortals chose Asura who completed the task with the villagers, rather than Indra, who was powerful and completed the task alone.

Since then, various conflicts have arisen.

A member of the Ninja Clan stole public property.

Indra advocated punishment according to the law.

Asura said that the other party was sick because his mother was sick, so he had to forgive him.

The Six Dao Immortals reprimanded Indra, telling him to trust in everyone's power.

[Fourth Generation Thunder Shadow: It's over, these six immortals are also fools. 】

[Onoki: Thunder Shadow, watch out for words. But you're right, what are these six immortals thinking?

When the eldest son Indra not only did not make a mistake, but also developed ninjutsu and formulated various merits in the law, he was abolished because of his different ideas? 】

[Thousand Hands: Waste the long and young, the way to chaos. 】

[Hinata Hiashi: Yes, this eldest son Indra must be strong and powerful, and if the heir of the Hyuga clan is also like this, why should I... Alas. 】

[Dried persimmon ghost mackerel: I didn't expect that the six immortals were also hot-blooded idiots. 】

[Deidara: The word hot-blooded idiot is used well, isn't it normal to be caught stealing? ] How can a reason be forgiven? 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: But I think Asura is right? That person stole for his mother, and he had a hard time. 】

[Senju: Tsunade, I give you a suggestion, no matter what the strength of this kid of the nine-tailed man Zhuli is in the future, what level he has grown, let him be a dark captain and a thug, don't let him be a Hokage! ] 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Huh? Why! Second generation Uncle Yan Yan, Hokage is my dream! 】

[Senju Karuma: Are you going to destroy Konoha for the sake of your dreams? 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: No, no, I will swear to protect Konoha to the death! ] 】

[Senju Kuma: Guarding is not just a matter of moving your mouth, it is enough for a hot-blooded idiot like Big Brother to have one, and the turmoil he brought to the ninja world by distributing tailed beasts is serious enough. ]

Another hot-blooded idiot who holds power and strength, sooner or later Konoha will be played out! 】

[Thousand Hand Pillars: (grievance)].

[Thousand hands: Big brother, you are wronged by a hammer! ] By the way, that Uzumaki noodle hemp is good, anyway, the Uzumaki clan has a good relationship with us Konoha for generations, it is better to train him to be a Hokage. 】

[Deidara: Hey, isn't it a bit too much to dig into the wall in front of you? 】

[Zhao Meiyu: Where does the Six Dao Immortals come from with the confidence that his own views are absolutely correct? ] 】

[Fourth generation of Thunder Shadow: Aren't all hot-blooded idiots like this? ] In other words, the mother of the Six Dao Immortals would not have been sealed for this reason, right? 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: So he stole something for his mother, what went wrong?] 】

[Uzumaki Shinna: Naruto, you stupid, stealing things is not forgiven for a reason, there are many people suffering in this world, and you can't extend your evil hand to others because of your own suffering, understand? ] 】

[Bofeng Shuimen: Your mother is right, in fact, that person's mother is sick, he can go directly to the person of the Ninja Sect, or directly find the Six Dao Immortals, with their personalities will definitely help. ]

But he chose to steal, so he had to be punished. 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Well, I seem to understand.] 】

The screen continues.

Finally, under the stupid operation of the six immortals, Indra had a flaw with Asura and Ninja.

Hei Jue took advantage of the void, turned on the arch fire mode, and carried out "goodwill" persuasion.

Finally, Indra stabbed two friends, opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye, and prepared to seize power by force.

It stands to reason that no matter what Asura talent is, if he doesn't practice all day, he can't beat Indra, and now that Indra's strength has increased significantly, he definitely can't beat it.

But the Six Dao Immortals were not human, and in order to prove that his own ideas were correct, he gave all his power to Asuras.

Asura gets his own father and completely defeats Indra.

When it was over, the six immortals also said to the two - look, this is the power of believing in companions.

Indra could not stand this faceless operation, and completely broke in anger.

Thus, Indra founded the Uchiha clan, and Asura founded the Senju clan.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)


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