[Ninja World Comparison Video - A Righteous Partner Who Gets His Immortal Wishes and Fights with the World - Coming Soon! ] 】

[Terumi: I almost forgot, there is a second video.] 】

[Ape Flying Sun Chopper: Wait a minute, no matter how bad that black is doing, it can't be a "righteous partner", right? ] 】

[Senju Kaguya: It is known that the only goal of Kuroki is to resurrect Kaguya Otsuki, and to resurrect Kaguya Otsuki Kaguya is to gather Chakra of the Ninja Realm.

The collection of Chakra in the ninja world means that the entire ninja world will be destroyed.

So we are destined to be irreconcilable enemies with Hei.

What the hell is going on here...]

[Thousand Hand Pillars: You can't even think of the reason, and we don't even know. 】

[Fourth Generation Thunder Shadow: I do have a conjecture. 】

[Onoki: Oh? Lei Ying, can you even think of the reason? 】

[The fourth generation of Lei Ying: You should have also discovered that every time the forbidden one has a swirling surface numb, and the intersection point where the two videos are different each time is also him...]

[Nara Shikahisa: Lei Kage, do you mean that the whirlpool surface hemp changed the black abstinence just like the previous change in the flying segment and the big snake pill? I don't think it's possible. 】

[Senju: Hmph, do you think we haven't thought about it? No matter how clever Uzumaki was, there was no way for him to change the most basic conflict between the two sides.

The contradiction between us and Kuro and Kaguya is like a wolf and a sheep, irreconcilable. 】

[Shidai Thunder Shadow: My guess is that Uzumaki Meima did help Kurojue, but not to solve the contradiction, but to help him deceive us, just like he deceived Uchiha. 】

[Thousand hands: It seems to make a little sense, but it's actually a piece of shit.

Why did he do it? What about his reason?

Help Hei Jue resurrect Datuki Kaguya, then wouldn't he himself also sink forever in the Infinite Moon Reading? 】

[Senjukuma: I also think it's impossible, that child is like a second kuma, although there is more rationality than sensibility, but in essence he is still a kind child who thinks about everyone. 】

[Deidara: That's it, you said that Mian Ma will help Kuro Jue resurrect Kaguya, I might as well believe that the kid of the Nine-Tailed Man Zhuli used another heavenly mouth to persuade Kuro Jue to become a Hokage, huh! ] 】

[Kurotsuchi: Don't say anything about Dedarra, as soon as you say this, I think of all kinds of forgiveness of that kid, it's outrageous. ] 】

[Fourth generation of Thunder Shadow: Haha, if at the end of the video just now, Kaguya Otsuki came to say "Actually, I also want to be a fire ~ shadow", wouldn't it be necessary to be sealed? ] 】

[Bofeng Shuimen: This, no, right? Naruto is not an idiot again. 】

[Onoki: It's hard to say. 】

[Tsunade: Have you forgotten how prosperous the village looks in the future in the previous video?

In this video that shows that there is Uzumaki noodles, Kuro also fails, and the ninja world still exists. 】

[Senju Kasuma: This is true, but if the ending is to smash the conspiracy of Kuroki and prevent him from resurrecting Kaguya Otsuki, then there is no difference between the two videos. ] 】

[Orochimaru: Then read on, I'm really curious about what Mian Ma-kun will do. 】

The sky screen starts playing.

Yuyin Village.

"Big Snake Pill, then this department is also handed over to you, I hope there will be some useful news."

Swirl Mahjong threw a scroll to Orochimaru, who was experimenting.

After that, he left.

"Help me call them out."

After the swirling noodles left, Orochimaru said to the assistant medicine master behind him.

It didn't take a while.

The medicine master took the three of them to the laboratory of the big snake pill.

"Lord Orochimaru."

The three greeted cautiously.

[Ghost Lantern Water Moon: Huh? Isn't that me? So I'm also a member of the Xiao organization? 】

[Deidara: Who are you?] We know that not all cats and dogs can enter, judging by your appearance under the big snake pill, at most a non-staff person, a temporary worker, well! 】

[Kasana: I, I'm also a subordinate of Orochimaru? 】

The ones who were called by the big snake pill were Shuiyue, Xiangphos, and Shigego.

"The task given to you by Majun on the table, I hope you will not disappoint him."

Orochimaru pointed to the scroll left by the swirling surface hemp just now.

"So it's just a mission?"

The three breathed a sigh of relief.


After opening the scroll and reading the contents inside, the faces of the three changed a lot.

"That, Lord Orochimaru, isn't this a little bad?"

Ghost Lantern Water Moon was full of tangled expressions.

"Look at the last line after the scroll."

The big snake pill did not answer directly.

"This is about the future and peace of the ninja world, and your cause is all just."

Ghost Lantern Shuiyue pulled open the scroll, read out the last line, and then the corners of his mouth twitched: "This is a good thing to say." "

"By the way, the map of the Land of Wind asks the scorpion, and you can also ask him for a little special ninja by the way."

The big snake pill's movements stopped for a moment, and then he turned his head to look at the three people, and a ray of glow emanated from the snake's pupils,

"What are you doing here?"

"Let's go!"

The three of them trembled, grabbed the scroll and hurriedly fled the Great Snake Pill Laboratory.

[Senjukuma: What about Kurojue? As the protagonist of the video, why hasn't it appeared yet? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Terumi: Don't say it's black, even the whirlpool hemp only appeared for a while... Speaking of that scroll, shouldn't that be the key? 】

[Ghost Lantern Water Moon: How is it possible? If it's really critical, it's impossible to throw a few of us to do it. 】

[Xiangphos: So, what kind of task did we take on in the video? Why are we so reluctant? Is the task difficult and dangerous? 】

[Deidara: I still need to ask Big Brother Scorpion for a map, shouldn't it be for you three to invade Shayin Village? ] 】

[Kankuro: Huh? 】

[I Ai Luo: This should be impossible, in the previous video, our Shayin Village has already cooperated with your Xiao Organization to form an alliance, right? ] 】

Deidara: Oh yes, I remember, Ichigo Shouzuru also ate. 】

[Moritsuru: Bastard! Don't mention it again!!! 】


Ghost Lantern Mizuki, Kakashi, and Shigego form a team.

After obtaining some supply items from the scorpion, he headed to the Land of Wind.

In the harsh environment of yellow sand, Xiangphos relies on the excellent perception ability of the whirlpool family to discern the direction and look for the mission target winter.

Shigego's role is to act as a thug, solving most of the desert beasts and some natural disasters.


The three of them found their mission... One.

After sealing the mission objective into the storage scroll, start continuing your search.

[Chiyo Mother-in-law: Are they here?! ] 】

[Senju Karuma: Remember, it seems that I mentioned once in the previous video, what to do in the Land of the Wind... Archaeology? Is this it? 】。

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