[This comparison video - the mastermind behind the millennium plan that failed and was the enemy of the world VS the righteous partner who got his wish and fought with the whole world - play over! ] 】

[Ninja Q&A is in the process of settlement...]

[Q: What is the ultimate purpose of the mastermind behind the millennium? 】

[Correct Answer: C. Return to Mother's Arms]

[Ninja Q&A Correct: Naruto Uzumaki.] 】

[Ninja Q&A Bonus Tag: Unknown]

【Ninja Q&A bonus item: Special on-demand number *1】

[Silence compensation is now issued...]

[Forbidden Man Vortex Face Ma Acquisition - Vortex Family ~ Sealing Technique. ] 】

[Terumi: Huh? Why did it end suddenly, and the picture of Kuro saving Kaguya-? 】

[Jiraiya: Do you still use graphics?] The final ending of that movie is the ending, and I should feel that there is no need for us to watch it again. 】

[Onoki: It's a pity, otherwise I would at least know some information about the Otsuki family. 】

[Tsunade: But I still have to sigh again, this whirlpool is too terrifying, even a guy like Kuro Jue can become a ninja hero in his hands. ]

Jiraiya, do you still think that Naruto is the child of prophecy who changed the ninja world? 】

[Jiraiya: Huh? Tsunade, what do you say? I'm thinking about who to star in the adaptation of Paradise into a movie. 】

[Tsunade: You give me a !! 】

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: This Q&A was blinded by Konoha again, damn it. ] 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: On-demand, what do you mean?] 】

[Bofeng Shuimen: It should mean this on-demand to this sky screen, right? ]

This can not only see through the future, but even know the existence of different destinies, Naruto, you can make good use. 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Huh? So what should I watch on demand? 】

[Uzumaki Shinna: Naruto you decide for yourself, this is not a pressure money, what do you ask us to do? ] 】

[Ghost Lantern Water Moon: Uh, do you have to hand in the money for the New Year? ] This is also all too true. 】

[Sarutobi Hinata: Naruto, why don't you help check the intelligence of the Otsuki clan...]

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: Old stuff you give me a roll! ] Naruto's reward is his own decision, if you want to know what information, you have the ability to answer the questions yourself! 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Then I want to be Hokage. 】

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai:......]

[Wave Feng Shuimen: Naruto, this is on-demand, not a wish, and it is not the dragon in the Dragon Ball manga in the video just now. ] 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Then I want to watch the Super Shinobi and Dragon Ball in the video just now...]

[Iruka Umino: Naruto are you an idiot! ] Such a precious opportunity, you told me you want to read comics?!!! 】

[Kiki Kakashi: Look what you have done to Iruka, a Naka Shinobi will not hesitate to spend Chakra to scold you. 】

[Momochi no more chop: Oh, so to speak, Kakashi must have a lot of your chakra. 】

[Momochi no more: What about the Kakashis?] 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Kakashi-sensei said he didn't want to waste Chakra back to you. 】

[Momochi no more: Can Nima still say it?] Kakashi you trash! 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Oops, I can't think of it, my only dream is to become Hokage.

But just now, my father said that becoming a Hokage is not a lip service, you have to learn a lot of things, you have to learn whirlpool noodles... That's right! 】

[Sakura Haruno: Huh? What did Naruto come to mind? 】

【Ninja World Comparison Open】

【Theme of this comparison——】

[Since the respondent Naruto Uzumaki chose to use a special on-demand number, this comparison will be broadcast at 8:00 the day after tomorrow.] 】

[Tomorrow at 8:00 a.m., Naruto Uzumaki will be broadcast on-demand.] 】

[Jiraiya: Huh? Naruto, what did you order? 】

[Fourth generation of Lei Ying: I go, this kid broadcasts a little, and actually squeezes the comparison video that was originally broadcast tomorrow to the day after tomorrow. ] 】

[Uzumaki Shinna: Naruto, what did you order, why don't you even have a title, shouldn't you really be ready to read the manga? ] 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Of course not! ] 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Didn't Dad say let me learn Uzumaki noodles. 】

[Deidara: Face numbness is face numbness, also face numbness, overlapping words, disgusting. Well! 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Well, anyway, I said to that screen, I want to see what I would do if the face numb replaced me, and I just learned it. 】

[Bofeng Shuimen: Huh? Naruto, you're smart, it's a good idea. 】

[Thousand Hands Pick: Fools have fools, and this method is indeed very suitable for fools like big brothers. 】

[Senjukuma: Huh? 】

[Onoki: I think that Mima replaced Naruto, and it is very likely that one day the third generation of Hokage will suddenly be guillotined. 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: No, it's not that scary, is it?] 】

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: Can there be such a good thing? That's great! Looking forward to it! 】

[Ape Flying Sun Chopper: ......]

[Onoki: With Uzumaki Nomena's meticulous observation and intelligence, I am afraid that I can find out that I am the son of a hero very early, and then find out that he is treated like that by the third generation of Hokage, I don't say that he destroyed Konoha to give you face. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Deidara: Old man, when you say that, I'm a little looking forward to it, it's better to give Konoha an artistic explosion, huh! ] 】

[Kurotsuchi: Then wait until eight o'clock tomorrow morning, wow cool wow! ] 】

[Deidara: I'll go, Kurotsuchi your boss is a person, and it's not disgusting to sell cute, you don't think that in this way, the old brother of Mian Ma will take a fancy to you, right? ] 】

[Kurotsuchi: Grandpa, I think Dedara may really need your dust escape to help treat constipation. 】

[Deidara: Stop! Other! 】

This comparison was over, and everyone had a good night's sleep.

Originally, after the first video of Kuro Jue ended, the entire ninja world fell into a state of nervous tension.

Millennium conspiracy, world destruction.

Who can sleep here?

As a result, as soon as the second video came out, everything became a cloud of the past.

It's nice to have swirling hemp present.


Eight o'clock in the morning.

Everyone washed up and looked at the sky.

[Naruto Uzumaki on-demand content starts playing.] 】

【Naruto Uzumaki VS Uzumaki Noodle Mah】

[Jiraiya: Huh? Even on-demand comes in the form of contrast? 】

[Tsunade: But this time the title is different from before, and there is no specific content, which is a bit strange. 】

[Fourth generation of thunder shadow: I didn't expect that this kind of "if" on-demand can appear pictures, this sky screen is really terrifying. ] 】

[Kirabi: If I get the opportunity, if the big brother is a bitch, it must be very interesting, stupid, bastard~]

[Fourth generation of Lei Ying: Contact the medical department and help you do sex reassignment surgery. ] 】

[Kirabi: Oh no! Six].

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