[Uchiha Fugaku: This, how could this be...]

[Senju Kusuma: You probably were thinking at that time, if you controlled the Nine Tails with a kaleidoscope chakra eye, even if you saved the village, you wouldn't be able to tell, right?

With the character of Monkey and Danzo, it is indeed certain to doubt you.

But you just forget that once you make a move, the eternal sister will not die, and he will also accept your life-saving grace.

No matter what the public opinion in the village is, he will help you speak!

Not to mention the character that Yong brought his sister before, you saved this time, as long as you don't betray the village, any request can be estimated. 】

[Sarutobi Sun Chopper: Watergate's personality is indeed very good, and I didn't know that Patriarch Fugaku already had a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

Otherwise, they would not have let the Uchiha clan protect the villagers like this, alas, all blame the old man. 】

[Onoki: Come on, the three generations of Hokage, you are a little genius after the fact. ]

Now you know, pretend to regret -.

If you knew at that time, I guess you wanted to pick people's eyes, right? 】

[Fourth generation of Lei Ying: Haha, Tuying, don't talk nonsense, it's Tuan Zang who picks his eyes. ] 】

[Terumi: This video seems to be about the cause of the night of Uchiha's extermination, so the protagonist of the video should be someone related to the night of extermination, right? ] 】

[Deidara: That's not a weasel. 】

[Red Sand Scorpion: No, there is still a survivor on Uchiha's Night of Extermination. 】

[Kiki Kakashi: You mean Sasuke?! ] 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Wouldn't you? Sasuke didn't get beaten up much?

It was beaten by Bu Bu and Bai, then beaten by Xiao Li, beaten by the big snake pill, and beaten by My Ai Luo......]

[Deidara: You call this a beating?] Now it is clear that the protagonist must be Weasel's younger brother! Well! 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Impossible! ] The title says that it is a rebel, and Sasuke is not a traitor, his brother Itachi is! 】

The video continues.

Uchiha, a double-faced agent, eventually chose to betray the family and told the Konoha hierarchy about the impending rebellion of his father and the clan.

Konoha F4 began to discuss.

Three of the generations insisted on resolving the Uchiha coup by peaceful negotiations.

The remaining three chose to settle the matter by force.

[Onoki: Old man Sarutobi's white face is also too bad, so he doesn't stick to it. ] 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Huh? What white face? 】

[Kurotsuchi: Wouldn't there be anyone who can't see that the three generations of Hokage are pretending? If you really want peace talks, why should you go early? 】


Danzo finds Uchiha Itachi and demands that Itachi destroy the entire clan and keep it a secret from Sasuke on the condition of the life of Itachi's younger brother Sasuke.

Itachi, on the other hand, acts as a traitor to gather intelligence against Konoha.

The Third Hokage's side also quickly got the news, but did not stop it, acquiescing to Danzo's behavior.

[Fourth generation of Thunder Shadow: I have to say that the third generation of Hokage and Tuanzo actually have some means, admire and admire. ] 】

[Senjuma: They have the means? Also admired?! 】

[Four generations of Thunder Shadow: Why don't you admire? ] The three pairs of kaleidoscopic chakra eyes of the Uchiha clan, if there is really a rebellion, at that time, Konoha will fly the two combat forces of the old man and the group, can they resist?

As a result, these three kaleidoscopic writing wheel eyes, two were brainwashed into mutiny, and one was also wavering.

Anyway, as a result, Konoha lost the combat power of three kaleidoscopic chakra eyes.

With such a peerless little genius in charge of Konoha, why worry that Konoha will not die?

I already knew that our Yunnin Village also took the Zhongnin Exam, and we were able to save him when Orochimaru attacked the third generation of Hokage.

Alas, what a pity. 】

[Ape Flying Sun Slash: Thunder Shadow, you! ] You!? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Onoki: Haha, it's really outrageous to say so, three kaleidoscopes, equivalent to three shadow-level powerhouses, it's gone, or Konoha can play. ] 】

[Kurotsuchi: That's it, but the Uchiha family is also stupid, if the three kaleidoscopes can be used, let alone what five generations, you can be the original generation. ] 】

[Senjukuma: Nima monkey, look at yourself! ] You've been so fooled that the ninjas in other villages can't bear your death!! 】

[Sasuke Uchiha: How is it possible?] How could that bastard have accepted the mission of the village..."

[Kiki Kakashi: Sasuke, calm down! ] 】

[Senjukuma: That child of the Uchiha clan, you are wrong, Tuanzo he can't represent the village! ] 】

[Sasuke Uchiha: Danzo can't represent him, what about the three generations? 】

Ask for flowers 0

[Thousand Hand Pillars: He can't represent it, even me, can't represent it. Only the collective will of everyone can represent the will of the village. 】

[Terumi: Yes, loving the village does not mean loving the rulers of the village and loving their dirty policies.

Now Wuyin Village has also ended the blood mist policy left by the water shadow of the past and has become a sea that embraces all things under the sun! 】

[Sasuke Uchiha: Loving the village does not mean loving the ruler of the village...]

[Terumi: But if I were to say, Uchiha is not a hero either, and just by watching the video, you can see that his prejudice against his own people has overflowed the screen.

On the contrary, no matter what Konoha's high-ranking people said or did, he unconditionally trusted them and believed that they were right.

I don't think he's protecting the peace of Konoha, but protecting the rule of the three generations of Hokage and Danzo! 】

[Uchiha Izumi: That's right! Even if those clansmen are guilty of rebellion, are those innocent old people and children, those who have not participated in a single dispute from beginning to end, guilty?

Uchiha Itachi! I'm still ridiculous, before I was killed by that masked man, I was stupidly thinking about whether you would come to save me! You executioner! 】

[Sasuke Uchiha: Sister Izumi, you..."

[Senjukuma: Alas, this kid is right, although he said that it was for the peace of the village, he had put the cart before the horse.

Wielding a butcher's knife at an innocent man, he is really just trying to maintain the monkeys' rule. 】

[Senju Kasuma: Uchiha was originally a sharp knife in Konoha, and a few of you wastes were scared when they saw this knife, and they had to destroy the knife, and it was stupid not to let go of the scabbard and handle that were not threatening.

Even if you really want to exterminate the clan, you can leave the Uchiha clan who are not ready to participate in the rebellion and take it into your own hands, and guide them to become truly Konoha, even if you only owe your own Uchiha clan.

Anyway, that Uchiha weasel has already attracted hatred, and it won't be blamed on you.

As a result, you have to be completely destroyed, it is really hopelessly stupid! 】

[Onoki: The means of the second generation Hokage are still superb, this can think of a remedy, but unfortunately, your disciple is already out of the blue haha. ] a].

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