[Tenzo: It's really sad that Kakashi-senpai really doesn't cherish me either. 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: Sure enough, in Kakashi-sensei's heart, he doesn't value the three of us either, so it's no wonder that he used such excessive techniques on me during the assessment. 】

[Jiraiya: Kakashi, how can I say that I am also the author of your favorite novel Intimate Heaven, don't you cherish me? 】

[Kiki Kakashi: ...]

[Wave Feng Shuimen: Haha, Kakashi, it seems that after we leave, you still have a lot of cherished companions. 】

[Senju Kasuma: Is this Uchiha Sasuke really rebellious, just talking to his own guidance Shinobi?

It seems that the defection in the title is not some language art, hum. 】

[Tsunade: No wonder he appeared in the video of Orochimaru before, it turned out that he really defected to Orochimaru. 】

[Four Generations of Thunder Shadow: Who told you Konoha to be so decayed that it can't accommodate others?

In the end, you still have to thank Orochimaru, if it weren't for Orochimaru killing the three generations of Hokage, you Konoha would probably have decayed all the way to death.

Real fallen leaves to their roots. 】

[Jiraiya: Does Orochimaru's phrase that killing the old man to create new wind and pushing Konoha's windmill turn refers to this point? ] Big Snake Pill...]

[Orochimaru: Jiraiya, don't misunderstand 22, I have no feelings for Konoha, and I am not prepared to carry any darkness, I just like new things and moving things. 】

[Kurotsuchi: Konoha's men are all angry with Ri. 】

The screen continues.

After Kakashi taught Sasuke the technique of using the Sharingan, the time came for the Chūnin exam.

Before going to the examination room, Sasuke was stopped by Xiao Li, who was dressed in a green tights.

Xiao Li challenges Sasuke to prove that a hard-working genius can also surpass a gifted genius.

Sasuke went through Kakashi's training and gained confidence at this point.

With a "Oh Mosi Roy", Sasuke interrupted Sakura, who was trying to care for him.

"Hmph, interesting, solve you in five minutes, and then go to the examination room."

Sasuke rushed towards Xiao Li.

And then......

He was kicked in the face by Xiao Li and kicked out.

After feeling that the other party's strength was not ordinary, Sasuke still did not worry.

After Sasuke got up from the ground, he instead turned on the pretend mode:

"Hmph, a little strength, since that's the case, it's a good opportunity for me to use that skillfully, then I'll accompany you to have fun."

Speaking of which, he directly opened the chakra eye.

"In front of these eyes, whether it is physical or ninjutsu, it is just a trick, I can see through it!"

The two fought again.

Next second.

Sasuke was kicked in the jaw again.

It is true that his eyes can see clearly, but his body cannot keep up with the speed.

After being beaten mercilessly, Xiao Li was stopped by the appearance of Matkai.


Kakashi taught Sasuke Chidori.

After going through the Chūnin exam and Konoha's collapse plan, Sasuke meets Itachi in the village.

Sasuke used Chidori without saying a word, his expression fierce and angry: "Itachi, I haven't forgotten what you said, kill you sinner, I live for this!! "

Sasuke pressed Chidori against the wall of the corridor of the hotel, and sparks rushed all the way towards Itachi.

And then......

Grabbed by the weasel's wrist, twisted, broken.


Sasuke screamed, then was kicked in the abdomen again, grabbed his neck and pressed against the wall.

The battle is over.


After this battle, Sasuke's thirst for strength reached the extreme.

Especially in the battle of Konoha's collapse, seeing the strength of Naruto, who used to be the tail of the crane, Sasuke decided to defect to the side of Orochimaru, who was also a Shinobi.

After killing Orochimaru, Sasuke's self-confidence swelled again as never before, and he decided to go to Itachi for revenge.

"Now all my eyes can see is weasel, the way you were killed by me!"

As soon as Sasuke finished speaking, he was kicked out by the weasel and hung in the wall pit.


Sasuke was just about to fight back with Chidori when Itachi had already appeared in front of him and punched Sasuke in the stomach, then held down his hand that was ready to use Chidori.

Fortunately, Sasuke was not completely unprepared.

Under some operation, Sasuke used the S-class ninjutsu he had prepared for killing Itachi: "Fade with the thunder, Riding Rin!! "

Itachi turned on Susanoo after this blow.

Although he was not injured, due to the excessive use of the kaleidoscope chakra eye, his eyes were close to blindness, and his body was a little unable to bear it, and he vomited blood.

Sasuke looked at Susanoo with a look of shock and panic.

Because he has no hole cards.

Facing Susano, Sasuke opened the small backpack he carried, took out a kunai with a detonation charm hanging from it, threw it at Itachi, and set off a firework for Itachi.

[Senju Kusuma: When you feel that you have lost hope in life and you are too stupid, you can think that someone once used a detonation charm to blow up Susanoo. 】

[Deidara: His uncle, when the ferret invited me into the organization, he had seven seals per second and one seal for seven seconds for his brother. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

What strokes Amaterasu, finally burned to the point of quickly extinguished, for fear of burning his brother to death.

This release is too serious, right? 】

[Between the Thousand Hand Pillars: The three-hook jade writing wheel eye actually does not have much increase in strength, and the pupil power of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye can be said to be a world of difference. ]

Sangoyu can defeat the kaleidoscope, it can only be said that the child named Sasuke, your brother loves you deeply. 】

After the death of the ferret.

The Mask Man appears and tells Sasuke the truth about the night of the extinction.

After learning the truth, Sasuke cried bitterly, and finally opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye.

Then, the invited masked man joins the Xiao organization and receives the first mission - to capture Yao.

Sasuke leads the members of his Eagle Squad—Shigego, Mizuki, and Kakashi, to the Yunyin Village of Yunlei Gap.

Shuiyue took the lead and rushed forward with a decapitation knife that had never been beheaded again.

As a result, in less than a second, he was taken by Kirabi.

Chirabi also hung a large knife around his neck and spun it around as a toy.

Seeing this, Shigego immediately immortalized his arm and rushed forward, wanting to reclaim his teammate's weapon.

As a result, he was directly beaten by Chirabi.

"Stop it."

Sasuke snorted coldly and slowly stepped forward to stop the battle,

"This guy handed it over to me."

Sasuke pulled out his Kusanagi sword, flashed his chakra eyes, and looked at Kirabi with pride on his face: "As long as I whim, it will kill you in 010!" "

And then......

Fighting knives, the whole body that was stabbed by Kirabi's eight knives is a transparent hole.

Quickly take a bite of this blood pack of fragrant phosphorus to save your life.

With illusion, the perfect human pillar force directly ignores illusion.

After being illucinated, Chirabi simply lay on the ground and rested for a while.

When Sasuke thought he had solved it, he directly got up and took a thunder hot knife.

Sasuke's entire body was shot out, and all his internal organs were shattered into powder.

Fortunately, there are Shigego and Kakashi, one makes human organs, and the other is responsible for recovery.

Sasuke was finally rescued again.

Seeing this scene, everyone fell silent.

[Ghost Lamp Mizuki: Let me explain first, I don't want to team up with Sasuke in the future. 】

[Xiangphos: I don't want to, I don't want to be bitten all the time.] 】

[Shigego: I should be with Junmaro, why did I team up with Sasuke Uchiha?] 】

[Uchiha Senna: That one called Sasuke, I beg you not to pretend! ]

What else can kill you on a whim, you can clearly be beaten one by one on a whim, it is too humiliating for the face of our Uchiha clan! 】

[Senjukuma: Didn't you find that he looked like you? Both of you like to pretend, and you will be beaten after pretending. 】

[Uchiha Senna: Who do you say was beaten badly?] 】

[Senjukuma: You, you were all beaten to death by me! ] 】

[Uchiha Senna: What are you special about! ] 】

[4th generation of Thunder Kage: Damn Uchiha Sasuke, dare to fight the idea, Konoha, you give an explanation!!] 】。

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