[Kurotsuchi: It turns out that the Uchiha clan still has such a fetish, no wonder they are discriminated against in Konoha. 】

[Deidara: Hmph, or we know the advanced freedom of the organization, Mian Majun told us that discrimination against same-sex affection, discrimination against transgender, transgender are very incorrect! ] 】

[Senjukuma: Ah this.] 】

[Senjuma: Where are so many strange terms? You guys are bored and suggest going to the field to farm. 】

[Thousand Hand Pillars: Don't say that, in short, it's always good not to discriminate.

If the Uchiha clan had not been discriminated against, perhaps they would not have rebelled and would not have been exterminated, alas. 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: First adult, you said this as if our Uchiha clan was exterminated because of same-sex love. 】

The screen continues.

Although Sasuke has experienced the line of life and death in the Cloud Thunder Gap, he has become proficient in using the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

What Amaterasu, plus the earth life, Susano.

It works.

The masked man if Sasuke needed to change into Itachi's eyes, and Sasuke directly refused.

The powerful pupil technique in his eyes made Sasuke Uchiha swell like never before.

The dog that swelled to the side of the road looked at him, and he was going to come to Amaterasu.

Sasuke learns that Thunder Kage has summoned Gokage to talk, so he prepares to go to Danzo to avenge Itachi.

After encountering the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow, Thunder Shadow, who thought that Kirabi had been killed by Sasuke, immediately launched an attack.

Shigego completely immortalized and ran away, but was still beaten by Thunder Shadow.

Shuiyue's decapitation knife was directly interrupted by Lei Ying's blow.

Sasuke, who has Susano, is not worthy, and immediately uses Thunder Shadow Chidori on Thunder Shadow, successfully helping Thunder Shadow remove a blackhead.

Thunder Kage hugged Sasuke with his backhand and roared "Come Duck Neck".

Thunder's blast slammed Sasuke to the ground.

Even if Sasuke turned on Susanoo in time, he was not a small injury.

However, Sasuke believes that after turning on the divine power of Susanoo and Uchiha, he will be invincible.

Sasuke released Amaterasu and covered Susano's skeleton with the Amaterasu flame with the Topo Earth Command, and looked at Thunder Shadow coldly: "I will not show mercy to my subordinates anymore." "

Thunder Shadow was originally a violent temper, and he couldn't help it when he saw Sasuke, the enemy, pretending to be forced.

"Don't underestimate Lei Ying!!"

Lei Kage rushed forward and directly hit Susano's skeleton with a hand knife.

Susano's spine shattered directly, and Sasuke was knocked out, spitting out a mouthful of blood in the air.

Of course, Lei Ying's hand was also burned by Amaterasu's immortal flame.

Just as Thunder Shadow jumped into the air and prepared to die with Sasuke, the sand of Aira blocked the blow.

Saved two lives.

Thunder Shadow very decisively cut off Amaterasu's burning arm.

Sasuke, on the other hand, recovered from Kakoto's treatment and continued to the location of the Five Kage talks.

As soon as he appeared, he was liberated by Nagajuro with a ninja knife salted fish and a move of flounder, and flew out with Susano.

Immediately, the road was closed by the Zhaomei dissolution, and the boiling acid mist corroded Susano.

Sasuke stood up with difficulty, and without waiting for him to react, Tsuchikage Onoki stepped forward directly and raised his hands to cast dust.

Sasuke simply didn't have time to dodge.

"The Dust Escape Realm Stripping Technique!"

Everything turned into nothingness.


The masked man held Sasuke, who had lost consciousness, and appeared in front of everyone. - He saved Sasuke's life with space-time ninjutsu.


Sasuke's eyes were nearly blind.

Replaced with the kaleidoscope of the weasel, he successfully advanced to the Eternal Eye.

[Senjukuma: Powerful, Uchiha ever, kaleidoscope chakra eye from opening to blind the fastest person, you should be called Ninja World God Speed. ] 】

[Dried persimmon ghost mackerel: Mr. Itachi, this younger brother of yours really doesn't know how to cherish ah, your eyes have been used for almost ten years, has his eyes been used for a month? ] 】

[Senjujukuma: This kid is really blinded by power (CCAA). 】

[Matkay: Fortunately, Sasuke is Kakashi's disciple, and he doesn't understand self-restraint at all, if he learns the eight doors of dunjia, I am afraid that he will directly open the door of death if he encounters a little setback. ] 】

[Onoki: Thunder Kage, you are still too anxious, with your strength, as long as you fight a war of attrition, you can completely consume Uchiha Sasuke to death. ]

As a result, you have one arm, and you are injured on the opposite side, and even if you are injured, he also has a teammate with a special physique, and he recovered directly. 】

[Fourth generation of Lei Ying: I don't know that Wang Baegg's not dead in the video, I must have lost my mind. ] 】

[Senjukuma: Junma, in other words, didn't Sasuke go to seek revenge on that disciple of yours Danzo? Why is there no picture of him fighting against Tuanzo? 】

[Senjuma: Do you still need to think about this? It must have been the pig of Tuanzang who was defeated by this junior of the Uchiha clan. 】

[Senjukuma: That's really... Heh, it's still a bit of a picture. 】

Indeed, because the theme of the video is "pretending to be beaten"

Sasuke's duel with Danzo is not among them.

But after all, it is also one of Sasuke's core experiences, and like the previous experience, the specific cause will not be explained, but some intercepts of the core elements will be played.

The first element.

Danzo picks up Kuno and angrily stabs Sasuke's Susano.

The second element.

Danzo ripped off the bandage, cast Izanagi with the chakra eye on his arm, and encountered Sasuke's kunai and hidden, and used Izanagi after being directly hit.

Alive used a forbidden technique as a stand-in technique.

Third element.

Danzo, who fell into the wind, hijacked Koto, and Sasuke pierced the two together with a chidori sharp gun.

Fourth element.

Tuan Zang tore off his clothes and cast the seal of the four elephants.

The masked man left with Sasuke.

Tuanzo successfully sealed half of the bridge.

[Senjukuma: ... I kind of understand why Tuanzo and his battle are not counted, Tuanzo is really a stupid pig! 】

[Onoki: I thought it would be outrageous enough to blow up Susanoo with a detonation charm, but I didn't expect that there would be a kunai. 】

[Terumi: When you feel stupid, don't forget that Shimura Danzo once used to stab Susanoo with a kunai. 】

[Thousand Hands Pillar: Your Soul Chicken Soup has been updated again. 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: When you think you're stupid, don't forget that Danzo used Izanagi as a stand-in. 】

[Senju Pillar: Updated twice.] 】

[Ghost Lamp Mizuki: When you think you're stupid, don't forget that Shimura Danzo kidnapped Kabu, but didn't bite her to recover, and threatened Uchiha Sasuke there. 】

[Thousand Hand Pillars: It seems that Tuanzo is really an idiot, and it was updated three times at once. ] 】

[Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai: When you think that the three generations of old men are idiotic to seal a pair of hands with their lives, don't forget that Tuanzo sacrificed his life to seal half of the bridge. 】

[Between the Thousand Hands Pillar: Four times! ] Tuan Zang is amazing! 】。

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