[Fragrant phosphorus: You are a witty hammer! ] 】

[Mikoto Uchiha: Oh, why is Sasuke's video all black history, and his image is ruined. 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: It's not that much, although Sasuke keeps getting beaten, he is also constantly growing, isn't it?

It is already good to be able to reach this kind of strength at a young age. 】

The video continues.

Solved the regimental collection.

Sasuke was once again confident and ready to take revenge on Konoha.

The Fourth Shinobi War begins.

Dream Master Medicine Master reincarnated a large number of ninjas.

Among them is the dead Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi once set a condition for the other god who stopped the water with a transcription seal, and then placed the crow with the other god into Naruto Uzumaki.

As long as someone uses the kaleidoscope "Five Zero Three" Sharingan of Itachi's eyes on Naruto, then Betenjin will launch an ultimate illusion called "Guardian Konoha".

Because Sasuke must transplant the Itachi's eye, normally only Sasuke can trigger this condition.

But the rebirth of filthy soil breaks this one.

Itachi was rewritten by the other gods he set up and got rid of the control of the rebirth of the dirt.

In the process of searching for the medicine man's pocket, the two brothers meet.

The two fight together, and in the end, Yakushi falls into Izanami and is defeated.

The rebirth of the soil is lifted.

The ferret is about to ascend to heaven.

"I tried to use lies and magic to rewrite street signs and lead you to a straight road with no forks in the road, but I failed.

In the end, you will leave the village and become a sinner.

What to do is up to you. "

Itachi uses illusion on Sasuke and tells Sasuke everything about the past.

This time he didn't make up lies again, nor did he persuade Sasuke to give up revenge.

"I always lie to you, push you far away, and say forgive me, next time."

Now that I think about it, you may have the power to change your parents and change Uchiha.

This time, I told all the truth, never hid it again, and it doesn't matter if you never forgive me.

But remember, no matter what choices you make or what you become, I've always loved you. "

Itachi and Sasuke met and looked at each other affectionately, slowly ascending to the sky.

Next, there is the scene of Sasuke resurrecting Orochimaru, which appeared in the video of Orochimaru before.

[Jiraiya: It was at this moment that Orochimaru and Itachi both understood the truth of trusting the power of others. 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: Maybe three, that medicine master will wake up from Izanami forever if he does not wake up and recognize himself. 】

[Senjujukuma: It's a pity, this child of the Uchiha clan died until death, no, he was reborn after death, and then before death, he really woke up to his mistake. 】

[Senju: That's why I said that the Uchiha family is inherently evil beings, and their feelings and emotions are too extreme, and the slightest carelessness will have a great impact. 】

[Uchiha Iron Fire: Damn Uchiha Itachi, he didn't have a trace of remorse for killing his clansmen until he died, he only cared about his waste brother! ] 】

[Senju: Haha, in his eyes, you rebellious Uchiha should be considered guilty, as for those old and young women and children, he probably chose to forget.

This is also the characteristic of the Uchiha family, because too much emphasis on feelings leads to feelings will all be concentrated in a single or a few people, thus ignoring the most basic emotions for others.

There is no difference between the Uchiha and the original Uchiha spot, which is why the Uchiha family cannot give birth to the essence of the Hokage.

The thoughts of the Uchiha clan are not suitable for being Hokage at all. 】

Senju just finished saying this.

The picture in the video starts to change.

Sasuke resurrected Orochimaru in order to reincarnate Orochimaru into the Hokage of the Ages, seeking an answer.

Orochimaru used the mask of death to crack the ghoul seal, and the dirt was reborn into Konoha F4.

In the face of Sasuke's questioning, Sarutobi was first surprised, and then lowered his head: "Yes, Itachi is a seven-year-old child who can think from the perspective of Hokage. "

[Thousand Hand Pillars: Zhengma, do you want to fight with the monkey first? ] 】

[Onoki: Being able to think in terms of Hokage at the age of seven, in other words, does that mean that Hokage in Konoha can only think in terms of a seven-year-old child?]

No wonder the three generations of Hokage were able to make Konoha look like this, and this time solved the case. 】

[Terumi: As we all know, the ape flying sun chop was a fire shadow at that time, thinking from the perspective of the fire shadow is equivalent to thinking from the perspective of the ape flying sun chop, to put it bluntly, it is not to maintain the decaying rule....]

[Senjukuma: Hmph, it is worthy of being the new water shadow who broke the name of the village of blood mist, and he is still keen in this regard. ] 】

[Terumi: This is the difference between Mist Hidden Village and Konoha, our destruction of decay is the joint efforts of the entire village, but you Konoha can only be completed by relying on the rebellion of Orochimaru. 】

[Onoki: Indeed, if the village of Mist Hidden under the rule of the second-generation Water Shadow, the third generation, and the fourth generation of Water Shadow is a blood mist, then Konoha under the rule of Sarutobi should be called Immortal Wood and Immortal Leaf. 】


Senjuju began to tell about his past love and hatred with Madara.


Sasuke has his own decision, no more revenge but...

"I'm going to be Hokage."

Immediately, he rushed to the battlefield with the previous Hokage.

Next, there is the situation in the previous black video.

Uchiha took the soil to Naruto's successful farewell to the Heavenly Mouth, and was about to use the reincarnation innate art to resurrect the ninja who died in battle.

Kuro directly forcibly logged in to Uchiha Obito's account, modified the goal of the reincarnation innate art, and revived Madara.

The resurrected spot reincarnation eye disappears. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Sasuke experienced the previous battle and his confidence swelled again.

A Uchiha who has no eyes, wouldn't he be allowed to ravage?

"Relics of the old times, less shameful!

Your resurrection instead creates a chance for us to kill 3.7 to you completely!

Lift the stupidity of soil rebirth and regret it on the Huangquan Road! "

Laugh at.

Sasuke was stabbed by Madara and his heart flew.

A mouthful of donated blood vomited out and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, at this time, the eagle squad appeared with the medicine master pocket that had broken away from Izanami.

Began to help Sasuke hang his life.

[Ghost Lamp Mizuki: Sasuke, I beg you not to pretend, woo-woo. 】

[Xiangphos: Why are we again, every time he is beaten up, it is us who are the assistants who suffer. 】

[Terumi: I'll go, what is that medicine man injecting into Sasuke?] The tube sticking out of the stomach was still grumbling, a little disgusting. 】

[Thousand Hands: Others are first to improve their strength and then fight, just him, fight first... No, get beaten first, and then improve your strength. 】。

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