Everyone had been expecting the enemy for a long time, not some Kaguya's clan alien.

It's just a bomb created by a nobody, controlled by elementary school students, under the guise of Tuan Zang.


So disappointing.

Especially when he saw that Naruto couldn't even figure out such a small monster, he was even more disappointed with the future of the first video.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

After the class leader Kasa incident, this group of elementary school students is about to graduate and become an invincible Konoha Shinobu.

Before graduating, they went to Wuyin Village to prepare for a study trip.

At this time, the Misty Hidden Village was no longer the village of blood mist and smoke in the past.

Under the careful management of Zhaomei for more than ten years, Wuyin Village has become a sea water capital and tourist resort.

Ninja Alora, Naruto Natsuki.

In short, "197" was prosperous.

[Zhao Meiyu: In the future, if Wuyin Village develops like this, I can be regarded as not working in vain. ] 】

[Jiraiya: Tourist attractions, beach beauty bikini, so looking forward to it! ] 】

[Tsunade: You are looking forward to a hammer, when the Mist Hidden Village develops, you are all seventy and eighty, do you still have the ability to see beautiful women? ] Hum. 】

[Nagajuro: It's great, the future of Kirihide Village is bright! ] 】

As soon as he finished saying this, the next picture was mercilessly slapped in the face.

Wuyin Village has indeed escaped the closure and bloodshed of the past.

But there are always people with bad brains who like to miss the past.

As the so-called world all misses my Daqing.

The "rebel organization" formed by several middle and lower ninja formed the New Shinobi Seven.

Their ultimate goal is to kill the current Mizukage Chojuro and the previous Mizukage Terumi, seize power, and make the village of Mist Hidden Village once again become the powerful Blood Mist Zone.

[Onoki: Laughing to death, a few Naka Shinobu want to assassinate two shadows, do you really think you are Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha? ] 】

[Kurotsuchi: What if they are the Six Dao Immortals who secretly derailed and left their descendants when they were on the sea? ] 】

[Terumi: I didn't expect that Chojuro would be a sixth-generation water shadow, but it is also reasonable, the talent of the Mist Hidden Village is too withered, and you are the only one who can have the strength to take over. ] 】

[Nagajuro: Master Terumi, rest assured, I will definitely protect the future village. 】

[Qing: A few subordinate forbearances, there is no need to worry at all, only need to send a few dark departments...]

Just when everyone thought it was just a small episode, a shocking scene appeared.

In the face of several espionage organizations formed by the Shinobi.

Rokudai Mei Mizukage Nagaro chose - to appear in person!


Could it be that Lord Mizukage was preparing to kill the chickens and monkeys in order to deter the little ones, crushing the rebels with absolute strength and giving everyone a warning?

It's not just the audience who thinks so.

Even the few children with ninja knives were a little scared.

It's like you're making trouble at school and you end up bringing out the principal.

"Everyone be careful, the sixth generation of Mizukage Nagajuro is the former ninja sword, and he has made great contributions in the fourth ninja world war, and his strength is extraordinary."

"Ah, it's terrible!"

One of the ninja knife little girls was directly frightened and threw out the ninja knife stitch.

"Idiot, don't attack rashly, how can you attack like this at all..."

When the companion saw this scene, he anxiously reprimanded.

Yet the next second.

Chojuro was given stitches through his shoulder.

Blood flowed.

Everyone was stunned.

"He's trapped, let's go together!"

When one of the ninja knives saw this scene, he rushed straight up. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Idiot! Come back quickly, that must be a water body!! "

The teammate shouted in horror again.



Nagajuro was hit hard.

However, he also took this opportunity to take away the opponent's ninja knife and opened a counterattack.

In the end, Chojuro fought bloodily, successfully defeated everyone, and then began to talk about the great truth: "Listen, the so-called ninja, without the consciousness of injury, it is impossible to defeat the opponent!" "

[Terumi: Nagajuro, come to me and get the rope. 】

[Nagajuro: What are you doing with the rope, Terumi-sama. 】

[Terumi: Hang yourself.] 】

[Onoki: Nima, the old man is drunk! ]

Tang Ying, hit a few lower patience, so that he was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

He also said with a cool look - there is no way to defeat the opponent without the consciousness of injury.

You're very proud that you hit a few Naka-ninja Shinobu and get hurt, right? 】

[Deidara: Laugh at me, just those guys, I can make their home directly open a table with eight ducks, is the future water shadow so watery? ] 】

[Ao: I suspect that Nagajuro was influenced by Naruto Uzumaki in the future, and likes to play the didactic set..]

[Fourth Generation Thunder Shadow: Don't doubt it, I suggest that the Five Great Ninja Villages expel the Fog Hidden Village, and from now on the Fog Hidden Village is no longer allowed to be called Water Shadow. ] 】

[Terumi: What do you mean by Lei Ying? Now I'm the water shadow! And can you guarantee that the next generation of Thunder Shadow in your Yunyin Village will be recognized by everyone? 】

[Fourth Generation Thunder Shadow: I really can't guarantee the strength of the next generation of Thunder Shadow, but I really can't think of which other shadow in the world can be beaten to death by several middle and lower Shinobi! ] 】

[Terumi: ......]

[Onoki: Haha, indeed, originally I was worried about whether Kurotsuchi would lose the face of our Iwahide Village in the future, but if you think about it, no matter how garbage there is a water shadow pocket, I am not afraid. ] 】

[Terumi: Nagajiro, it's really better for you to hang yourself early. 】

[Nagajuro: Woooo 】

[Orochimaru: What is the future strength of Mizukage, and what does it have to do with Sasuke? Why does this video seem to deliberately tell us the strength of Water Shadow? 】

[Uchiha Senna: Wouldn't you? Don't tell me, he will be defeated by this dish forced by Water Shadow! 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: Impossible, absolutely impossible! ] Even if Sasuke fell again, he with a kaleidoscope chakra eye and a reincarnation eye, even if it was a lower limit of 4.6, it would be enough to kill that water shadow in seconds.

Not to mention that in the video, Sasuke has been wandering outside.

What does this mean?

Sasuke didn't enjoy the peaceful tranquility at all like Naruto Uzumaki.

He did not fall!

Even if he didn't experience a big war, Sasuke's strength would definitely be maintained! 】

[Senju: Patriarch of Uchiha, you really have confidence in your son. 】

[Uchiha Fugaku: Of course, Sasuke is my pride. 】


The picture changes again.

This time, it is finally the "withdrawal link" of human egg pain.

The perspective travels beyond Earth.

Three pale-skinned figures levitated in extraterrestrial orbit, overlooking the earth.

The big tube wood family, Yu Lin.

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