【This time, Uchiha Sasuke looked at Orochimaru with a look of aggression and a strong desire to fight.】

【Last time, he fought with Orochimaru, but he failed to kill this guy.】

【Now, his strength has become stronger, making him want to try......】

【The power of this curse and the surge of magic really make people feel obsessed.】

【Orochimaru is a genius, so he has already keenly noticed the meaning in Uchiha Sasuke's eyes.】

【This suits him just fine.】

"Four Six Zero" [He also wanted to experience the power of the immortal seal developed by Uzumaki Naruto from a closer distance.】

【Orochimaru thought to himself,"Maybe......After a battle, I was able to decipher it......"】

【"Hahahaha, the side-effect-free version of the magic spell, here I come!"】

【Uchiha Sasuke uses the power of the curse seal again and enters Sage Mode】

【Battle with Orochimaru】

【Uzumaki Naruto found a good place to watch the battle. Of course, he was also interested.���is too big】

【With Uchiha Sasuke's current strength, it is more than enough to beat Orochimaru.】

【As one of the three ninjas of Konoha, Orochimaru is famous.】

【It does have a strong fighting power.】

【However, his core is the various changes and strangeness of ninjutsu.】

【The combat capability is strong, but not that strong.】

【With the current strength of Uchiha Sasuke, it is more than enough to defeat Orochimaru. 】

The Fourth Raikage,"I found that Orochimaru in the parallel world really has no idea in his mind."

"Just think good things"

"With your current strength, you still want to beat Uchiha Sasuke?"

"I'm afraid that even I would have to be extremely cautious if I met him."

"If you are not careful, you may suffer from him."

Orochimaru,"Haha, you guys really think too low of me."

"Let's wait and see what happens."

"Although, Uchiha Sasuke in the parallel world is very powerful"

"But I want to say that I also have a certain level of strength, not as bad as you think."

Hashirama Senju,"To be honest, in this battle, I don't think Orochimaru is good at all."

"Although he is indeed very strong, he ran into Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, which was bad luck."

Senju Tobirama,"With the intelligence of Orochimaru in the parallel world, it is basically impossible for him to break Uzumaki Naruto's magic seal."

Uchiha Itachi,"That's right." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Uchiha Sasuke who enters Sage Mode has faster speed and strength.】

【This time, he chose to engage in close combat with Orochimaru.】

【Orochimaru also wanted to explore the secret of the magic seal on Uchiha Sasuke, and also chose close combat.....】

【The two of them started a wonderful fight in physical skills】

【Fighting is very beautiful, just like dancing.】

【As the two of them fought, Uchiha Sasuke seized an opportunity and punched hard.......】

【The next moment, Orochimaru's face was distorted and he was beaten out fiercely.】

【The power of the celestial art invaded Orochimaru's body at this moment.】

【Causes great damage in the body】

【Orochimaru even lay on the ground and could only stand up with difficulty, having lost his fighting ability.】

【Uchiha Sasuke no longer has the desire to continue fighting】

【At this moment, Orochimaru is just an ant to him.】

【Uchiha Sasuke also knows his own strength, and he probably knows where he is.】

【It can be said that, apart from the evildoer Uzumaki Naruto, he is already the ceiling of the ninja world.】[]

【However, Orochimaru, who was vomiting blood and spitting out 5.6 more, had an expression of pain and fanaticism on his face.】

【"This! Is the Immortal Art Curse Seal!"】

【"It could actually improve Uchiha Sasuke's strength so much?!"】

【"and......It seems there are no side effects at all!"】

【"That is the perfect combination of natural energy and one's own chakra!"】

【"Uzumaki Naruto is such a genius, he succeeded, how did he do it?!"】

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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