Uzumaki Kushina,"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter"

"I knew this old dog wouldn't have a good ending."

"He also thought others were fools. It was only at this time that he realized to come and surrender."

"It's already late"

"Shimura Danzo should just accept his fate calmly."

"Thinking about anything else is useless."

Uchiha Madara,"Uchiha Sasuke did a good job in this matter. People of the Uchiha clan should kill decisively."

"Only such a person is worthy of being the head of the Uchiha clan."

"In the future, I will be able to lead the entire family to regain its glory!"

"Even, create a more powerful Uchiha"

"At least for now, this idea is not a dream, it will definitely come true."

Senju Tobirama,"It is indeed the evil Uchiha clan, young and full of murderous intent, it can't be hidden at all"

"The people in this family are too extreme. They are definitely a big threat to the security of the village."

"I hope that the Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world can realize this sooner."

"Don't give Uchiha Sasuke too much power, and restrain him from the beginning"

"Otherwise, in the future, even if Uzumaki Naruto established a great foundation, it would be destroyed by Uchiha Sasuke......."

Uchiha Madara,"Senju Tobirama! You are mentally ill."

Senju Hashirama,"Okay, okay, you two stop arguing. What's the point of arguing?......"

【Suddenly, Shimura Danzo appeared again, and the fact that he had just died became an illusion.】

【The Sharingan on his arm is forever closed.】

【He activated Izanagi and resurrected himself】

【This also reminded Shimura Danzo of the last time he was killed by a mysterious man during a night meeting with Orochimaru.】

【Shimura Danzo gritted his teeth, full of anger】

【"It seems that it was this guy Uchiha Sasuke who took action at that time!"】


【Even though Shimura Danzo was about to explode with anger, it was of no use.】

【What if he knew the truth at that time?】


【Shimura Danzo was about to say something when he heard a cold voice coming from upstairs.】

【"If you don't want to die again, get out now."】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Uchiha Sasuke said calmly】

【Although he was full of disgust for Shimura Danzo and wanted to kill him completely】

【But I also know that now is not the time】

【Killing Shimura Danzo silently like this is too easy for him. 】

0Please give me flowers[]

【Uchiha Sasuke knew that no matter what, Shimura Danzo would not be able to escape.】

【With this strong self-confidence, let him live a few more days.】

【When the day comes when the most people are present, his crimes will be fully exposed. This period of time will be his punishment.】

【During this period, Shimura Danzo will live in fear.】

【However, he could only endure this torment.......】

【This is the best punishment for him.】

【Just like Uchiha Sasuke, the torment of genocide accompanied him growing up.】

【He knows how painful it is to suffer psychologically.......】

【Shimura Danzo was filled with fear, but he could do nothing about it.】

【Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke's attitudes have been made very clear】

【Shimura Danzo knew that no matter what he said, it would be useless.】

【He could only turn around and leave with a gloomy look.】

【What happened here was naturally known to Sarutobi Hiruzen.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen was sitting at his desk in the Hokage Building, crushing the cup in his hand.】

【His voice exuded a chill, and his eyes were filled with worry and fatigue.】

【"These two guys have become so arrogant, are they done pretending?"】

【"......"Ten thousand】.

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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