【Uchiha Itachi has always been a peace-seeking person. In his opinion, peace is the most important thing.】

【However, he felt that what Naruto said made sense.】

【Uchiha Itachi began to recall that the Uchiha clan did have a conflict with Konoha.】

【There are even some voices in the family who want to resist and it is not harmonious.】

【Before hearing what Naruto said, Uchiha Itachi didn't take the voices he heard seriously, thinking that they were just people complaining.】

【But now, he feels differently】

【Uchiha Itachi clenched his fists and said,"No matter what, I must protect the hard-earned peace and protect my brother."】

Orochimaru,"The scene is getting more and more interesting."

"I wonder if what Naruto said today will have an impact on Uchiha Itachi and make him choose another path in the future."

"It's not about exterminating the clan, but about finding a way to kill that old bastard Sarutobi Hiruzen."

Ohnoki, I figured it out."

"It seems that the reason why the ninja world is in such a mess is all because of that old coin Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"Without him, everything would be harmonious."

Orochimaru,"Yes, I can also concentrate on my scientific research."

Kisame,"I think Orochimaru is right."

"Orochimaru, please join the Akatsuki organization. We have the same ideals."

"If you want world peace, the prerequisite is to kill all those who should be killed."

Uchiha Madara,"Interesting, it's getting more and more interesting." Senju Hashirama

,"Why do I feel that the village I founded is about to be destroyed?"

"Not sure, let's wait and see"...

【"It's my brother."】

【Uchiha Sasuke discovered Uchiha Itachi emerging from the woods】

【He has always admired and been close to this brother.】

【Sasuke immediately wanted to share the shock Naruto had just brought him with his brother.】

【Uchiha Itachi patted Uchiha Sasuke's head lovingly and said,"I heard what you said just now."】

【"It is hard for me to say what the future development will be like, but one thing is absolutely correct, that is to work hard to improve your own strength."】

【"I want to believe that the village will always be peaceful, but if something bad really happens, with strong power, at least I can save my life."】

【At this time, Uchiha Itachi was still kind-hearted. Although he believed that the peace in the village would continue, he would also work hard to improve his own strength, increase his voice, and prevent things from developing into a tragic situation.】

【But if that day really comes, then the growth of my brother's strength will be very important.】

【Uchiha Sasuke nodded heavily. Progress is always a good thing.】

【Uchiha Itachi looked at Naruto. His attitude towards Uzumaki Naruto was also different from that of most villagers.】

【Uchiha Itachi knew the truth about the Nine-Tails Rebellion】

【I also know that Naruto, the human pillar, actually lives a miserable life.】

【From the perspective of the village, Uchiha Itachi also hopes that Naruto will become stronger, because the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki becomes stronger, which means that the nuclear weapons of this village are very strong.】

【In this way, there is the power to deter other villages.】

【This can also achieve the purpose of protecting the village】

【What he wants is peace.】

【From the perspective of loving his brother, Naruto and Sasuke already have a lot of ties at this moment.】

【After Naruto becomes stronger, he will be able to better protect his brother】

【So, Uchiha Itachi showed up at this moment, actually preparing to teach Naruto his best shuriken technique.】

【Uchiha Itachi's ability to use shuriken is the strongest in the entire world. 】

Uzumaki Kushina,"This is a good thing, my son will become stronger!" Akimichi Choji

,"As expected, geniuses tend to attract each other." Yamanaka Ino

,"I dare say that Naruto will learn shuriken very quickly. It will definitely surprise us!"

【Uzumaki Naruto was also very happy when he heard that this genius ninja from the Anbu wanted to teach him something.】

【Although Naruto taught himself shuriken throwing, he is a genius and can learn many things by himself.】

【However, if someone teaches you, the speed will be greatly improved.】

【Uchiha Itachi,"Use Shuriken to attack me"】

【Teaching starts immediately】

【Uzumaki Naruto's face was full of seriousness. He knew that this man was very strong, which also made Uzumaki Naruto have a strong fighting spirit and a strong desire to win.】

【He was very cautious and decided to show his best strength.】

【Bang! Bang! Bang!】

【"Shadow Clone Technique"】

【Naruto used his ultimate move, and the next moment, there were two hundred more figures in the dense forest.】

【They united as one and shot the shuriken in their hands towards Uchiha Itachi.】

【The sword rain-like shuriken instantly covered Uchiha Itachi】

【Uchiha Itachi,"......"】

【At this moment, he also felt a little tingling on his scalp......】

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