Akimichi Chouji,"Wait, I just want to ask, why am I included in the options?"

"This must be a distraction, so let's eliminate it first!"

Nara Shikamaru,"In my opinion, this is a free point question."

"There are five options in total, three of which are female and two are male. Akimichi Chouji can be eliminated first. In this way, who is the most special can be seen at a glance."

"Therefore, Uzumaki Naruto would choose to send Uchiha Sasuke home!"

Yamanaka Ino,"You are really a genius in logic!"

"Your judgment is totally unreasonable."

"Need I say more? I'm so cute and pretty, so you must send me home"

"Didn't you notice?"

"The way Naruto-kun looks at me is obviously different from the way he looks at others!"

"Besides, I was the first one to invite him to dinner!"

Haruno Sakura,"What are you thinking about? What you just said is all your fantasy."

"Definitely send me home!"

Hyuga Hinata,"Can I say something quietly? Why���What about me?"

"I think my chances are pretty high."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Don't argue, based on what I know about myself, I will definitely send Sasuke home."

"If it really doesn't work, let's go out for dinner tonight and I'll send you all home to fulfill your dreams, okay?"

Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura,"Uzumaki Naruto, what beautiful thing are you thinking about?"

"You are not the you in the parallel world!"

"Still want to send us home?"

Uzumaki Kushina,"What is there to argue about?"

"I've decided, let Naruto send you off one by one, hahahaha."

Terumi Mei,"Huh? Why is there no option for me, add me in as well."

Undoubtedly, the Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world is very popular.

Let's have some fun. I

'm looking forward to the next scene.

【After school, Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura, Hyuga Hinata, and some friends set out in a mighty group.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen was also very pleased with Uzumaki Naruto's initiative to unite his classmates.】

【"Integrate into the school, and soon you will feel the radiance of the will of fire, and burn yourself for Konoha."】

【Iruka's expression was a little complicated, but he also felt that this was a good thing.】

【Although his parents died during the Nine-Tails Rebellion. Before that, he hated Naruto, whom he had never met, but after listening to his remarks today and feeling his personality charm, he could no longer hate him.】

【In a small restaurant, eating three-color meatballs, Naruto quoted from classics, told jokes, and talked about history, making the atmosphere very harmonious.】

【Originally, Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura, Hyuga Hinata and others liked Uzumaki Naruto because of his strength and appearance.】

【Now, I am even more impressed by his inner qualities. This is a man who is perfect in every aspect, from the inside out.】

【At first, Akimichi Chouji, Nara Shikamaru and the others were not impressed by Uzumaki Naruto's arrogance.】

【After a chat, I changed my mind.】

【Akimichi Choji,"Have you noticed one thing, Naruto and the Fourth Hokage look a bit alike?"】

【"They both have blond hair and are both very handsome. They are also extremely talented."】

【Nara Shikamaru,"Yeah, I didn't think so before, but now that you put it that way, it is indeed the case."】

【"Naruto, to be honest, I feel that you have leadership qualities. Maybe in the near future, you will be the next Hokage."】

【Hinata Hyuga, Ino Yamanaka, and Sakura Haruno immediately thought to themselves,"We must work hard to improve our abilities and cultivate ourselves. Who knows, we may become the wives of Hokage in the future, and that means we are in a high position!""】

【He does not mean that】

【Naruto had some thoughts in his mind, but he just smiled calmly,"Everyone has a bright future."】

【"Let's work together to change our destiny"】

【When he was reading a book before, he saw the portrait of the Fourth Hokage.】

【At that time, he also felt that this man with golden hair, a kind and handsome face, was somewhat similar to himself. But he did not think too much about it.】

【Speaking of this at this time, he had some associations】

【"The death of the Fourth Hokage, the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the red chakra in my body, and the fact that I am called a demon fox, are there any connections between these?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto feels that he is getting closer and closer to the truth of his origins】...

Uzumaki Kushina,"Congratulations, Naruto is finally getting closer to the truth and discovering his life experience. He is no longer deceived by the old confused Third Generation."

"However, I also hope that he can discover this later. Naruto still needs more time to accumulate his strength."

"I'm afraid he really found out that he was hurt so badly by that old guy of the Third Hokage. Don't be unable to resist and go looking for revenge on the other party, that would be bad."

Uzumaki Kushina began to worry again.

Namikaze Minato,"Don't worry, our Naruto is so outstanding, he will definitely not be reckless."

Uzumaki Naruto in this world looked at what his parents said above and felt jealous

"Hey, hey, hey, your children in this world are also excellent, okay?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was helpless.

He kept calling him an old thing.

Do you think it's great?

Uchiha Madara,"If Uzumaki Naruto became the Hokage of the village I founded, I could accept it."

"His vision is obviously much bigger than that of the eagle-like Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"Maybe if he takes the throne, our Uchiha clan can really live in harmony in the village."

Uchiha Fugaku,"Yes, Uchiha���The clan rebelled because they were forced into rebellion by the old man from the third generation."

"If there is a way to survive, would we choose the path of death?"......

【After finishing the meal, the group decided to leave.】

【Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura, and Hyuga Hinata all look forward to having some time alone with Naruto, but it seems like they have no excuses.】

【Haruno Sakura, Ino and the others walked towards their home with some regret】

【Uzumaki Naruto and Hyuga Hinata walk the same path】

【The two people live in the same direction】

【Hearing that Uzumaki Naruto wanted to walk alone with her, Hyuga Hinata's fair face instantly turned red again.】

【I feel a little weak all over.......】

This immediately caused dissatisfaction among Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura.

"Hey, don’t ask such tricky questions!"

"How could it be Hyuga Hinata? This is too perfunctory, okay?"

"If two people walk together for a while, does that count as sending her home?"

Hinata Hyuga,"Is it possible that at first it was just a side trip, and then Naruto really sent me home?"

Haruno Sakura,"???"

Yamanaka Ino,"???"

"It’s not fair, this is not fair, why isn’t my home in the same direction as Naruto-kun?"

"This is totally unfair competition, Hinata Hyuga is playing dirty tricks!"

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