Kushina Uzumaki, who was watching the live broadcast, immediately had red eyes.

She wanted to kill those residents who bullied her child!

The moment Uzumaki Naruto appeared, Kushina was already very sure that this was her own biological child.

"Is this the village we have protected with our lives? Why are they treating my child like this?"

As the fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze's eyes were equally cold.

"Fox demon?"

"What exactly happened and why was his identity leaked?"

""Teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen, do you know?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's brows were furious. He certainly knew the real reason.

Because it was this old coin who ordered people to leak the news.

In his opinion,

Uzumaki Naruto, the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, is a power that must not be mastered by others.

It must be held tightly in his own hands.

The more Uzumaki Naruto is hated by other villagers, Sarutobi Hiruzen only needs to care for Naruto regularly.

He can easily get Naruto's favor....

It can be easily grasped in the hand.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, with a guilty look on his face

"I'm sorry, this is indeed the teacher's fault."

"It's too late to stop it"

"I can only give him more care later......."

Orochimaru,"Hahaha, that's ridiculous."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, you have become even more hypocritical."

"What a poor excuse. Do you think everyone here is a fool?"

"What you are thinking is clear to others."

"Naruto, you have betrayed that old bastard Sarutobi Hiruzen, but you have not yet gone astray."

Uzumaki Naruto,"What? What are they talking about?""

"besides......Are those my parents?"......

The screen is still playing

【Uzumaki Naruto's home】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen consoled Naruto for a few words, then left Naruto alone, saying he was busy with work.】

【In his opinion, such care is enough】

【Well, Naruto was used to the sadness and loneliness. He then opened the refrigerator, took out instant noodles and a box of expired milk, and started eating.】

【He just lived a boring life in the midst of abuse, and had no idea where his tomorrow would come from.】

【Uzumaki Naruto doesn't feel valued, and doesn't have a sense of existence】

【So, slowly he started to act naughty, hoping that he could be noticed by others.......】

【Poor thing, the son of the Fourth Hokage, just like a poor clown, living in Konoha Village. 】

Hashirama Senju,"Sarutobi Hiruzen, your handling is indeed inappropriate." Tobirama Senju,

"Hruzen, you idiot, you actually let him be bullied. As a Jinchūriki, aren't you afraid that he will be bewitched by the Nine-Tails and go berserk?"

Orochimaru smiled sinisterly again.

Mocking,"Is this what Hiruzen teacher said, that he will give you more care in the future to compensate?"

"It can be seen that you are being perfunctory to the point of being unable to be perfunctory any more."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Orochimaru, don't try to sow discord!"

"What do you mean by perfunctory? You took all the care I should have."

Terumi Mei,"Alas, I have to say that every Jinchūriki in the village is tragic, as if it is their destiny."

Ohnoki,"Yes, I hope this child can walk on the right path in the future." Haruno

Sakura,"Naruto, were you so miserable when you were a child? I will never beat you again and will be gentle to you."

Naruto tried hard to hold back the tears of grievance.............

The screen dimmed with a white border.

The screen with a black border lit up.

Uzumaki Kushina,"Come and see how my child is doing in this world......."

Orochimaru,"If it were someone else, they would have been unable to bear such treatment and would have defected from the village."

Naruto is even more looking forward to himself in this world.

"I hope that in this world, I can have a better and happier childhood."

【Four-year-old Naruto walked down the street and was also cursed by others.】

【However, the Naruto in this world obviously looks much more mature.】

【"Why do they call me a fox?......"】

【There was no fear or anxiety in Naruto's eyes, only calmness on his young face.】

【He doesn't seek approval from anyone, nor does he feel like he's made a mistake.】

【Naruto was not oppressed by these people, but fled in panic.】

【Instead, he frowned and walked step by step to the man who scolded him the most fiercely.】

【Come and tell me why you called me a fox demon】

【If I was really a demon fox, why didn't the Third Generation Master expel me and let me out on the street?】

【Also, I warn you, you'd better be polite. Otherwise, aren't you afraid that I will turn into a fox demon and eat you at night?】

【Naruto's eyes were sharp, cold, and serious, as if what he said was the truth.】

【Suddenly he smiled, looking very innocent, his fangs looked very white under the sunlight. But it made those adults who scolded him shiver all over.......】


【No one told Naruto what the truth was.】

【Naruto lost interest and went back to his home.】

【"A demon fox? It seems that my life story is not simple. I must find a chance to ask my third-generation grandfather......."】

【Naruto thought with a serious face, how should this matter be resolved?"Everyone is very hostile to me, it seems that I am in trouble."】

【"So, to keep myself out of trouble, I should keep my fists hard"】

【"Also, I should read more books, maybe I can find some clues"】

【Standing in front of the window of the cabin, Naruto thought a lot.】


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